aradapilot has quit [Ping timeout: 182 seconds]
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Lartza has joined #spacedock
NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AFK
Endlessy_ has joined #spacedock
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tehbeard has quit [Ping timeout: 207 seconds]
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Shuudoushi has quit [Quit: Speak softly and carry a big stick.]
Shuudoushi has joined #spacedock
NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell
NathanKell is now known as NathanKell|AFK
Dazzyp has joined #spacedock
Daz has quit [Ping timeout: 186 seconds]
Shuudoushi has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell