egg|principia|egg changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspmooders | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point | <SilverFox> "little" doesn't seem like a real word to me right now
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<Majiir> D: Windows is doing voodoo magics
<Qboid> Majiir: egg|zzz|egg left a message for you in #kspacademia [11.04.2017 18:43:24]: ""
<Majiir> egg|zzz|egg, I saw :D
<Majiir> Great runtime performance if you can excuse the longer compile times
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<kmath> YouTube - #ILovePBS
<Greys> I think John Green might be exactly too deep
<SilverFox> that name sounds familiar
<Greys> your face sounds familiar
<SilverFox> Majiir, when would you compromise runtime performance for compile times?
<Greys> very small infrequently run code
<Majiir> During development
<SilverFox> fair enough, anything else?
<Greys> bullshit scriptz
<SilverFox> oh Majiir you're gonna love this
<Greys> never
<Majiir> If compilation is done online or just-in-time then you might care about compile times
<Majiir> Even for production builds, compile times can be a pain
<SilverFox> online compilation?
<Greys> jeeves?
<Majiir> Compiling on-the-fly
<Greys> php?
<Majiir> Nah, that's interpreted
<Majiir> Soozee eval is an example of online compilation
<Greys> remind me someday to be sane and healthy so I can learn new things
<Greys> why is it that in speed of light thought experiments, the vehicle is almost always a retrofuture 1960s rocket ship; or a train
<Greys> it's like 40% rocket, 55% train, 4% elevator, .9% "a room"
<Greys> I once saw it be a dude running, only once
<Majiir> because relativity makes perfect sense right up until it doesn't, which is usually around where you get to the grandfather paradox
<Greys> and grandfathers drove trains?
<Majiir> No wait, not that one
<SilverFox> Majiir, look what I got in the mail
<Majiir> Twin paradox
<Greys> nice shitty case
<Majiir> shitty shitty case
<SilverFox> Choa best choa
<Greys> I hope you won't be too sad when half of it cracks off because the table looked at it mean when you were taking a piss
<SilverFox> didnt cost that much so not particularly worried
<SilverFox> and if it does break and I have to replace it, I'll just buy the sticker version
<Greys> you probably could have gotten a custom printed decal case for less
<SilverFox> you dont even know the price
<Majiir> Well, you could afford it, so that puts a bound on it
<SilverFox> well yes, it wasn'ta 100$ case
<SilverFox> aint spending 100$ on a fuckin choa case
<SilverFox> unless it's signed
<Majiir> pft
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<Majiir> you can go give her a high five for $100
<SilverFox> with my personality I could high five her for free
<SilverFox> 2ez
<Majiir> doubt that
<Majiir> You'll be one of those paralyzed motherfuckers shyly trying to whip out your Korean with a whimper
<Majiir> Source: sat next to four of those when Choa showed up and we were eating lunch
<SilverFox> i forget, do you only use 씨 particle with men?
<Majiir> no
<SilverFox> or is that a gender-neutral one?
<Majiir> I need a rackmount case
<SilverFox> just duct tape your phone to a rack then
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<Majiir> Fun fact: My company offers Blackberry PIN messaging through our service, but Blackberry doesn't expose an API and doesn't allow Blackberry messages from anything except another Blackberry
<SilverFox> oh boy
<SilverFox> please tell me you duct tape a blackberry to a server rack
<Majiir> So in one of our datacenters, we have a rack tray full of Blackberry handsets plugged into chargers
<Majiir> No like a dozen of them
<SilverFox> YESSSS
<Majiir> Occasionally the battery in one dies and that's a problem because we can't get any more of the kind that we use to send messages
<SilverFox> so basically it's a legacy feature. since you can't replace them?
<Majiir> Well yeah. Blackberry in general is legacy.
<SilverFox> do you even make money off the feature?
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<Majiir> All our revenue is from enterprise contracts, so it's not easy to work out revenue on a feature level
<SilverFox> ahh
<Majiir> It's more like: if we turned off feature X, then we'd lose $Y money because these 6 clients would leave us
<Majiir> even if only a small portion of their usage was on that feature
<SilverFox> interesting
<Majiir> My main project these days is building the payment system so customers can sign up on their own without a contract
<Majiir> I already built the part that tracks their usage and charges for it
<Majiir> Well, "charges" against an internal record
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<SilverFox> This news reporter got hit in the face with a stop sign in the middle of her segment
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<SilverFox> "Yo nigga if you get yer leg cut off, where you feel the pain?"
<Supernovy> It would be extremely painful
<SilverFox> "In yo leg" "Nigga how you feel pain in yo leg if ya leg cut off?"
<TheKosmonaut> Supernovy: you're a big guy
<Supernovy> For you.
<SilverFox> oh TheKosmonaut, you're here
<SilverFox> what are some good tips for learning Japanese?
<SilverFox> the lange de nippon
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: don't learn from anime
<TheKosmonaut> Rather, practice comprehension with anime. But do *not* learn from anime
<SilverFox> uhm okay
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<TheKosmonaut> It sounds elitist but most people can pick out those that learn from anime mostly because their vocabulary is weird in the real world
<SilverFox> well I mean, anime uses weird words
<TheKosmonaut> As for learning Japanese, are you focusing on spoken or written ?
<SilverFox> uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<TheKosmonaut> Or both
<SilverFox> well Japan is close to Korea, so that'll be where I vacation
<SilverFox> but I prefer to learn at least some shit about the language of the country I go to
<TheKosmonaut> Well, written form is easy enough to learn the phonetics.
<SilverFox> because im not a *that* bitch
<TheKosmonaut> You can learn hiragana and katakana in a day or two
<TheKosmonaut> As for kanji, that will take a while.
<TheKosmonaut> But spoken is easy enough especially of you’re coming from Korean.
<SilverFox> are the phonetics similar to korean's?
<SilverFox> oh god, how many of those damn piuep phonetic situations does japanese have, where it's a sound halfway between two english sounds and it's going to be a pain in the ass to get right?
<Supernovy> moshi moshi shillferfucks desu
<SilverFox> oh sweet jesus christ
<GlassYuri> SilverFox, I only struggle with the r
<GlassYuri> ironically
<SilverFox> is it a mix between r and l?
<GlassYuri> yeah
<SilverFox> because if so, that shit's easy
<SilverFox> I've been working on that for korean
<GlassYuri> for fucking everyone except me
<SilverFox> from what I've been hearing, it's close to how the chinese do it, but I haven't been hearing it a lot, so I can't say for sure
<GlassYuri> maybe if you are used to pronouncing the vowels the ayyy-merican way you'll have trouble with them
<SilverFox> there's a thing ya do with ye mouf
<GlassYuri> speaking of the united states, do you motherfuckers there seriously classify your drills with some fucking arbitrary number instead of stating the diameter like a sane person would
<GlassYuri> I mean I know you classify your wires by how often you had to pull them through a progressively smaller hole to reduce the diameter in the past
<GlassYuri> but I highly doubt drills are made with that technique
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<SilverFox> Why is it not called "skinny dipping" if it's in ye own bathtub?
<SilverFox> it's the same shit
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<GlassYuri> wait, so are donnie and xi actually preparing to kick kim in the groin?
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<TheKosmonaut> GlassYuri: I doubt it
<TheKosmonaut> That report of 150k Chinese troops on the border was by a S Korean news outlet apparent’y
<TheKosmonaut> And south Korea is really pumping out propaganda too
<TheKosmonaut> Take whatever they say with a grain of salt
<TheKosmonaut> As for whats happening now, I doubt anything is really going to come of it
<TheKosmonaut> And if there is, tokyo will be one of the first hits so its not like we will know anyway
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<GlassYuri> wow man, fighter jet right over my house
<TheKosmonaut> GlassYuri: when I lived in Singapore, I would see like 6 f-16s every day
<TheKosmonaut> I kind of miss it
<TheKosmonaut> 16s, and 15s
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<darklight> TheKosmonaut was that to enforce the chewing gum ban? :P
<TheKosmonaut> To keep the gays out
<TheKosmonaut> Fun fact, it’s illegal to be gay in Singapore, it’s not illegal to be a lesbian.
<darklight> Descrimination against men smh tbh fam
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<darklight> "Hitler did nothing wrong" ~sean spicer, probably
<kmath> <CNN> Sean Spicer: Hitler "was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing"…
<darklight> I kid :P
<GlassYuri> darklight, it gets better, he even implied the jews fully deserved it
<kmath> <thegarance> Full Spicer Hitler quote is even worse than the topline. So Jews weren't Hitler's "own people" or "innocent"?…
<darklight> I watch them but haven't watched todays
<darklight> I'll get the context there
<darklight> Sarin is different to gas chambers / zyklon b, but 6? million is different to 1600
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<darklight> le me charges new samsung galaxy s5
<darklight> Checks voltage, 4.35v
<darklight> errrrrr
<darklight> I hope this is a lihv battery
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<TheKosmonaut> Lmao
<TheKosmonaut> I legit am thinking about starting a weeb bait site actually
<darklight> start a korea one
<darklight> Show sf
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<darklight> Also make sure you mention cool japanese cartoons like sword art online
<GlassYuri> darklight, SAO is best anime ever
<GlassYuri> it's like trash but people don't realize it
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<darklight> GlassYuri: Even with greys's explaination I still don't understand why the fans think that everyone else hates them :P
<darklight> Maybe I should watch it :P
<RandomJeb> it's a trap
<darklight> At least bronies *know* that they are abnoxious
<RandomJeb> what are we talking about?
<darklight> SAO
<darklight> Apparently part of the reason 2 bombs wern't enough
<RandomJeb> pfffft
<RandomJeb> SAO is pretty weak
<darklight> I understand that part
<darklight> But I don't understand the victim complex of the sao fan :P
<RandomJeb> I could come up with way better mangas as a reason for just two bombs being insufficient
<RandomJeb> well I suppose they are embarassed
<darklight> As I know different people like different things and so what, you know?
<RandomJeb> because they know this is basically on the level of those housewife porn novels that some basement dweller shits out two a week of
<darklight> Yeah clop is featured on fimfiction 24/7....
<RandomJeb> I've watched clips from MLP that were longer than 30 seconds and I feel that's sufficient to say even MLP is deeper than sao
<RandomJeb> but that's okay and people shouldn't be ashamed of liking simple things
<RandomJeb> they can be nice
<darklight> Since the existence of mcflurry and not-sunset shimmer I kinda stopped caring, I will watch it though
<TheKosmonaut> Omfg
<TheKosmonaut> This asshole.
<GlassYuri> I usually nod in their general direction
<darklight> I know the perfect response
<darklight> Even though I don't understand moon runes
<GlassYuri> TheKosmonaut, wanna hear my funny prank idea
<GlassYuri> take some document from wikileaks that hasn't made news headlines, print it out, lose it at a train station
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<GlassYuri> there is no outcome of that which can be considered good
<GlassYuri> the dumbest would be that none of the passengers, cleaning staff, lost and found office staff, and eventually garbage disposal staff knows enough english to know what it is
<GlassYuri> better would be a passenger seeing it and losing their shit as they realize they're on a hit list now for having looked at the wrong piece of paper
<GlassYuri> the best worst case would be the rail company and police throwing a shit and actually closing the line until the CIA comes
<RandomJeb> what's your favourite wikileaks leak?
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<TheKosmonaut> darklight: lol
<darklight> The alien one
<darklight> Is my favourite leak :P
<darklight> It was just a spam email that they didn't catch
<GlassYuri> RandomJeb, tbh I never spent much time actually browsing the leaks
<RandomJeb> from that astronaut?
<RandomJeb> GlassYuri: you should, there are some dank ones
<darklight> I'll try to find it
<RandomJeb> my favorite is the secret norwegian great internet wall
<RandomJeb> mainly it was just questionable porn sites that probably was carrying child porn or stolen material
<RandomJeb> but some of those sites didn't quite match that description
<darklight> I may be a kekistani but I am not a meme farmer
<darklight> Just a peasant
<RandomJeb> and since I'm norwegian I could test the truthiness of the wikileaks leak just by copypastaing URLs
<darklight> Heh
<darklight> In australia, we have blocked the pirate bay
<RandomJeb> and every time I got a friendly notice from the norwegian police that this site was blocked by order of parliament and my activity was logged
<RandomJeb> good times
<darklight> Except I didn't realise because I run my own
<darklight> *dns server
<darklight> And it is pointed at the root servers
<darklight> It was a dns block bahahaha
<RandomJeb> lol nice
<darklight> Even unblocks it
<RandomJeb> lulz
<RandomJeb> (a corruption of lol)
<darklight> I don't really care about wikileaks atm
<darklight> Although that being said, a trump leak would be great
<RandomJeb> REALLY caring about wikileaks is only prudent if you work there or have some similar connection to it
<darklight> See if he has any (((influences))) promoting ww3
<darklight> (I have to fill in for dalek)
<RandomJeb> I assume he does have those influences
<darklight> Bannon needs to bitchslap donnie tinyhands
<RandomJeb> but I also assume it's not so much smoky backrooms as it is lies told with a straight face
<GlassYuri> trump doesn't need leaks because he has twitter
<darklight> His son on law is in full support of it correct?
<GlassYuri> I think getting some hefty batch from russia or china would be way more interesting
<darklight> *in law
<RandomJeb> also yeah trump will tweet out everything, apart from this one influence vector there is no point in leaking on him
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<RandomJeb> before wikileaks could verify the thing he'd have tweeted it already anyway
<GlassYuri> also I do find the intelligence leaks way more interesting than that e-mail bullshit
<darklight> So whats the bet, bannon leaves before or after ww3?
<GlassYuri> during
<GlassYuri> also isn't the war gonna start with us+china vs noko
<darklight> Trump wants china to answer the north korean question
<GlassYuri> china did
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<GlassYuri> they ordered all coal imports from noko to be shipped back and now import from the US instead
<darklight> You're fucking kidding
<GlassYuri> no
<darklight> This pleases me somehow
<GlassYuri> it's real, was on twitter today
<RandomJeb> looooooool
<RandomJeb> china is playing 8d chess now
<GlassYuri> they'd get it from straya but can't right now or so
<darklight> Maybe he is a 4d chess player?
<RandomJeb> with putin playing 29d chess
<RandomJeb> trump's 4d chess is just not going to cut it in today's world
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<GlassYuri> to me it kinda seems that trump, puting and xi aren't even trying to work against each other
<GlassYuri> inb4 new new world order
<RandomJeb> well
<RandomJeb> the world powers never REALLY work against each other
<RandomJeb> that's not good for business
<darklight> I would prefer people to get along.
<RandomJeb> limited proxy wars against each other are fine, those are good for a lot of industries - especially weapons and oil
<RandomJeb> like syria
<darklight> Also who is going to kick indonesian butt?
<GlassYuri> RandomJeb, yeah but the entire us govt being on a moscow paycheck plus china and US deciding to smash kim jong un in the head just for the fun of it is an unusual low amount of mutual rivalry
<RandomJeb> eh
<darklight> Or are we forgetting about that because convinent
<GlassYuri> what did indonesia do
<RandomJeb> I take the whole US media thing about russian control of the US government with a huge helping of salt
<RandomJeb> so far there has been zero evidence presented
<RandomJeb> I do not count secret statements from anonymous individuals that can't be verified as 'evidence'
<darklight> Mr "Hitler did nothin wrong" is following in his footsteps
<RandomJeb> duterte is going to be an issue that we will likely just ignore until it goes away
<GlassYuri> you mean philippines
<darklight> Oh god dammit
<darklight> India needs to just annex that entire area to make it easier on me
<GlassYuri> duterte is in bed with china and behaves like trump so he should be fine
<RandomJeb> chaina
<darklight> Chiyyyyyna
<GlassYuri> can't someone put like the complete drawing collection of a fucking aircraft carrier or so on wikileaks
<GlassYuri> that would be fun
<RandomJeb> that'd be great
<RandomJeb> not sure if they'd publish it though
<GlassYuri> why not
<RandomJeb> I suspect it would get filtered out on relevancy or applicability
<RandomJeb> either considered politically irrelevant or considered to be intellectual property theft rather than a leak
<darklight> The only other world issue that is interesting is pepe le pen, wether it be the end of the meme war, or we cannot get off mr bones's wild ride
<RandomJeb> once pepandora's box was opened...
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<darklight> Inb4 big man tyrones announcement brings about kekistans actual existence
<darklight> When will the meme jihad end? :P
<GlassYuri> that one's 1/80 scale not 1/87
<GlassYuri> to be fair, kato can be blamed for mislabeling the box
<kmath> <thecampaignbook> #ALONETOGETHER NOW LIVE at
<darklight> Oh ffs
* darklight has probably been tricksed
<darklight> FAKE TWEETS :P
<darklight> Verified account?
<darklight> So how long do you give it before shia kills and eats the other two?
<RandomJeb> it's live
<RandomJeb> I'm watching it right now
<RandomJeb> also three days
<RandomJeb> no sound and bad live subtitles
<GlassYuri> why the heck is hosted in korea but in china
<darklight> Great firewall
<darklight> I dunno
<RandomJeb> chinese train fans were quicker on the draw than korean train fans?
<RandomJeb> some dude just showed up on the stream with a scrolling message on his phone
<RandomJeb> "MIA U ARE MY SOUL"
<GlassYuri> "If you do not agree to this Agreement or any terms of this Agreement after you read it, you’d better stop registration immediately. "
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<darklight> What are those messages?
<darklight> "Do you like rainbow hair guys?" "His favourite animal is a frog"
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<GlassYuri> RandomJeb, taobao is chinese ebay
<GlassYuri> so they seemed to have their foreign stuff hosted in korea for some reason
<GlassYuri> except not really
<GlassYuri> whatever
<GlassYuri> I think the whole fucking site just broke
<GlassYuri> so I have registered an account, which is of limited use because the login doesn't work
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<GlassYuri> nevermind, firefox was auto-filling the wrong data into the login field
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<GlassYuri> 3rd pic wtf is with that hand
<Greys> they had a thumb amputation
<Greys> also they're like five
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<GlassYuri> Greys, honestly it looks like fingers on a foot
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<SilverFox> which DEFCON is the threat of nuclear war at?
<darklight> Red scare all day every day
<SilverFox> my kbs drama stream site isnt working
<SilverFox> this is a major problem that needs to be fixed immediately
<SilverFox> or I will release the power of the tendies
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<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: DEFCONs aren’t neccessarily publicly known till after the fact.
<SilverFox> okay but still
<TheKosmonaut> the lower the number the worse it is
<SilverFox> either it's defcon 5 or 1 that's the worst, and I keep forgetting
<SilverFox> that sounds back asswards
<TheKosmonaut> DEFCON 1 AKA COCKED PISTOL is imminent nuclear apocalypse.
<TheKosmonaut> I think it is “cocked pistol”
<SilverFox> what is 2?
<SilverFox> I like these names so far
<TheKosmonaut> FAST PACE
<SilverFox> give me all the names
<TheKosmonaut> all military assets are ready to deploy and engage in less than six hours,
<SilverFox> 주세요
<TheKosmonaut> Cocked Pistol, Fast Pace, Round house, Double Take, and Fade Out
<TheKosmonaut> I think the US has been at 4 for a very long time
<SilverFox> these sound like episode titles
<TheKosmonaut> That would be a cool series yeah
<SilverFox> also I think Round house should be one word unless it's talking about a circular house
<TheKosmonaut> Sort of like a military political drama mini series
<SilverFox> yeah
<TheKosmonaut> The last time we went to 3 was probably 9/11
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: ever heard of Operation Paul Bunyan?
<SilverFox> nope
<SilverFox> dont keep up with american war stuff
<TheKosmonaut> That was Korean peninsula
<SilverFox> oh well still no
<TheKosmonaut> But like in the 70s.
<SilverFox> wasn't the 70's about nam time?
<TheKosmonaut> So apparently two American officers went to cut down a tree that was obstructing the UN observers view
<TheKosmonaut> They were killed brutally by north korean soldiers
<SilverFox> yeah sounds about right
<TheKosmonaut> So the US and ROK military launched a military show of force. Just to cut down the tree.
<TheKosmonaut> And DEFCON was at 3 at the time
<TheKosmonaut> They mobilized the ROK military, the US military, and had the USAF ready to deploy and engage in 15 minutes or less
<TheKosmonaut> Just to cut down a tree
<SilverFox> yup
<SilverFox> I want to say that sounds par for the course for NK soldiers
<TheKosmonaut> The Axe Murder incident IIRC
<TheKosmonaut> In Panmunjom
<SilverFox> I kinda want to see how they compare to WWII japanese soldiers
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: compare in what sense
<SilverFox> 판문좀?
<SilverFox> like how brutal and vicious they were
<TheKosmonaut> I mean, if you’re talking about current NK military to WWII japanese military then-- oh no japan was much worse
<TheKosmonaut> Japan did some evil shit
<SilverFox> overkill for days, torture that was probably illegal then and most definitely is now
<SilverFox> decapitations, severances
<SilverFox> I know Japan was up there for being the worst in the war for that shit
<SilverFox> this one sounds familiar
<SilverFox> also excluding military experiments from this too, because that was the government's doing, not the soldiers
<SilverFox> aha was relevant to the link
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<SilverFox> yeah torture and biomedical programs are par for many corrupt countries during war, it's about what the soldiers did while fighting that makes the military brutal or not
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<Greys> SilverFox; QWOP but you play an NPC's face in a bioware style conversation wheel minigame
<SilverFox> Soooo mass effect andromeda?
<Greys> but the player plays the face
<Greys> use some basic and faulty proceedural emotion recognition and trust analysis concepts to have the face the player performs impact the PC's choices in the decision tree
<SilverFox> naw
<Greys> and then at the beginning of the conversation give the player a goal, either a certaion character they're supposed to represent or a result they're supposed to steer the PC to
<Greys> the main game will be procedural 'missions', but also there'll be an encounter designer and packs of 'missions' emulating memorable dialogs from gaming history
<darklight> Silverfox leave mass effect alone, they had budget cuts and outsourced to the qwop people because of the economic downturn
<SilverFox> >"budget cuts"
<SilverFox> >40 million dollars
<Greys> 35 of which went to reimplimenting everything that had previously existed in mass effect games, in a new engine
<Greys> so, mass effect 3, the last one they made on the previous one and therefore the one that required the least framework development, cost 40 million dollars
<SilverFox> this porn film is usng the same music KSP does in the VAB
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<Greys> that means for ME:A, they had to make entirely new and 'better' assets, while also doing 100% of the development from scratch, plus new development
<Greys> for the same budget as the last game
<Greys> which could dedicate most of it's budget to making new assets and improving old assets
<SilverFox> which is formula for disaster
<SilverFox> and such happened
<Greys> yeeeeeeeef
<Greys> it's like somebody looked at how much new york spends on building new structures every year, then blew up new york and gave them as much money as they spent last year, to build the whole thing again
<Greys> I wonder if they intended this to look like her boob was hanging out when you see it from the corner of your eye,77,657,492_UX614_UY460._SY230_SX307_AL_.jpg
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> would've moved her elbow in more
<Greys> have you seen the movie S1m0ne?
<SilverFox> no
<kmath> YouTube - Simone (2002) Official Trailer - Al Pacino, Winona Ryder Sci-Fi Movie HD
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<darklight> SF, as I know you watch ave, that trick is indeed skookum as frig, except I can't beleive it didn't pop off the outer shield. I don't play with blind hole bearings though, I would have tried drilling and whacking from the other side :P
<SilverFox> wat
<SilverFox> I lose context for situations older than my screen buffer
<darklight> There was no context
<darklight> Just mind blow
<SilverFox> are you saying you just markov'd AvE?
<Greys> I bet AvE would appreciate the humor of an AvE markovinator
<Greys> especially if it runs on an arduino
<darklight> No
<darklight> The grease/rag/bearing trick
<darklight> I have done a blind bearing before but it was fucking massive, so you just make something that'll work
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<SilverFox> so if you add a tasteless alcohol to a stir fry, does it add anything to the dish?
<darklight> Tasteless?
<darklight> Also keep in mind its low boiling point
<SilverFox> yeah, like alcohol with no added tastes
<SilverFox> just alcohol taste
<darklight> It is not tasteless
<darklight> "i want to add something to my coffee but it needs to be odorless and it cannot change the flavor of the coffee, is there anything out there"
<darklight> None of these people recommended an AA meeting...
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<SilverFox> "If you not cheating on me it means other women dont want you.. so I don't want you either"
<SilverFox> oh shit, EXID is performing at toronto's kpop con
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<Raath> guys, what defines if a part allows crew to be transferred through it?
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<SilverFox> iirc it was a crew hatch
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<SilverFox> Raath, ^
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<SilverFox> you can store liquid propane in a coke bottle, neat
<kmath> YouTube - Here Is Why I'm Struggling With English(OneEar)
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<Qboid> SilverFox: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Raath> SilverFox: lol. What I mean is that I welded 3 mk1 structural fuselages together and the stock part kerbals can be transfered but with the welded part they can't
<SilverFox> im not a part person
<SilverFox> go to #kspmodding
<Raath> is there not a configurable item to turn crew transfer on and off?
<Raath> in the part .cfg file?
<SilverFox> go to #kspmodding
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