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icefire has joined #bottorture
icefire: You attempt to be clever with Oxford commas. You soon realize putting Elon Musk in charge of the mission was a /very/ bad idea.
icefire: You ate all the asparagus and are now wondering how to separate all your boosters. Jeb is grounded and assigned to a desk job.
icefire: You upgrade Mission Control. Icefire is amazed at how much you (ab)use a joke feature of his bot.
;outcome del Icefire is amazed at how much you (ab)use a joke feature of his bot.
icefire: Deleted 904 "Icefire is amazed at how much you (ab)use a joke feature of his bot."
icefire: You perform an Aichelburg–Sexl ultraboost. Probe is hailed.
icefire: You attempt to mutate some neutrinos. You instead throw up on Bill after taking a sip of Jeb's Homebrew 75% Ginger Ale. (with zero asbestos!)
icefire: You design a series of planetary probes around the paradigm of exchanging reaction mass for ablative lithobraking equipment. The Chemical Safety Board produces a video of your exploits as a warning to others.
icefire: You attempt to construct a colony in Jool. And you would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for conservation of energy.