[CKAN] Ruedii commented on issue #2243: LZMA is not proprietary.... https://git.io/vxKhK
[CKAN] Ruedii commented on issue #2243: LZMA is not proprietary.... https://git.io/vxKhK
[CKAN] Ruedii commented on issue #2243: LZMA is not proprietary.... https://git.io/vxKhK
[CKAN] Ruedii commented on issue #2243: LZMA is not proprietary.... https://git.io/vxKhK
[CKAN] Ruedii commented on issue #2297: This is causing serious problems on Ubuntu. You need to use some sort of case on this line so it only enables it on platforms that need it. https://git.io/vx6el
[CKAN] Ruedii commented on issue #2297: This is causing serious problems on Ubuntu. You need to use some sort of case on this line so it only enables it on platforms that need it. ... https://git.io/vx6el
[CKAN] Ruedii commented on issue #2297: This is causing serious problems on Ubuntu. You need to use some sort of case on this line so it only enables it on platforms that need it. ... https://git.io/vx6el
[CKAN] Ruedii commented on issue #2297: This is causing serious problems on Ubuntu. You need to use some sort of case on this line so it only enables it on platforms that need it. ... https://git.io/vx6el
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[CKAN] HebaruSan commented on issue #2243: @Ruedii, CKAN uses `ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip`, not .NET's built-in library. https://git.io/vx6Ut
[CKAN] HebaruSan commented on issue #2297: @Ruedii, the way to report problems is to create an issue, not post random vague comments on old closed pull requests. https://git.io/vx6UO
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Sarbian the .version file states 1.2.2 as ksp_version_min, only thing I can think off right of the bat. I don't recall at this moment in which order netkan parses things
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why isn't AVP on CKAN yet, while scatterer is
1.4.2 ckan*
what is avp even?
Astronomer's Visual Pack
oh wait, it's because damn LoadingScreenManager isn't marked as compatible with 1.4.2
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... github hasn't fixed my damn account yet
Sarbian based on this, very old, PR it seems AVC data is processed after the jenkins data but I'm not sure if that means anything... https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/pull/1218
[#1218] title: Netkan Refactoring | This is a mondo refactoring of NetKAN. Viewing the diff is a pretty useless way to review this, I'd recommend just stepping through the code in sequence. This refactoring does a few different things:... | https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues/1218
zengei just might now though :o
can LoadingScreenManager get an x_netkan_override too
does it work in 1.4.2?
only problem is well, KSP-avc throwing a hissy fit
by that i mean it just complains
AVC version data is merged with version data in the .netkan file itself to be as expansive as possible
oh LoadingScreenManager is a LinuxGuruGamer mod, s/he will update it once it's released for 1.4.2 I'm sure since they normally update very quickly. Seems weird that it's a dependency though
but yeah LSM works on 1.4.2
the only change for the 1.4.1 version was a recompile
n70 you're aware that you can tell CKAN to accept 1.4.1 mods? I've done so for my 1.4.2 install and it shows AVP as installable
oh ok
actually forgot
seems better than overwriting LGGs mods with ish working verisons
zengei damn you and your splendid documentation!