UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
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whitequark, do you know why powerbanks dont do pass-through charging? like they cant charge and discharge at the same time?
SnoopJeDi: belatedly: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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title: [1912.04903] Early-type Host Galaxies of Type Ia Supernovae. II. Evidence for Luminosity Evolution in Supernova Cosmology
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why did it respond with ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ before
mlbaker: the anticommutator
(of endomorphisms of V)
(where V∧V = 𝔰𝔬(V) ⊆ End(V))
mlbaker: it's interesting that {I, _} is tr I in 2d, and I∧I the determinant; I wonder whether there's a way to generalize the former to multivectors beyond bivectors to also get the trace on pseudoscalars
(in higher dimensions that is)
i'm pretty sure this is just some familiar operation in disguise
but it's eluding me at the moment
some kind of tensor contraction
mlbaker: re. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, I think SnoopJeDi fixed a bug in galois
hm. so {I, _} maps v∧w to Iv∧w + v∧Iw (used the symmetry of I here)
so that points towards the generalization; but what *is* this operation...
I think in index notation that's (I^k_i + I^k_j)?
hm that doesn't make sense
yeah no ignore my index notation nonsense
i asked a friend whose math power level is way above mine and he said he'd have to think about it more and "maybe it's some sort of super lie algebra representation"
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SilverFox: "it's more effort than not doing it"
there's no reason they can't, they just choose not to
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mapping v∧w to Iv∧w + v∧Iw is puzzling, it doesn't seem to require I to be symmetric? whereas {I, _} only works if I is symmetric
(Does it actually map v∧w to Iv∧w + v∧Iw?)
mlbaker, egg|work|egg the shrug reaction was because apparently lxml.html does not support documents in a unicode (str, in Py3) object with an XML encoding declared. I wrote a little check that re-encodes before passing if needs be, which is probably fragile, but it works!
"Mathematicians often work with a decategorified version of Schur: its Grothendieck group, also known as the ring of symmetric functions."
i think there must be something going on here
mlbaker: wait how is it related to enumerative combinatorics
well we know /\^n is det, and your thing is kinda similar but it's giving the trace
vol 2 of enumerative combinatorics is all about symmetric functions
the thing though is your thing doesn't appear to be functorial
im also not entirely convinced it's well-defined?
mlbaker: how so
v tensor w maps to Iv∧w + v∧Iw... so v tensor w - w tensor v maps to Iv∧w + v∧Iw - Iw∧v - w∧Iv = Iv∧w + v∧Iw + v∧Iw + Iv∧w = 2(Iv∧w + v∧Iw)
and... why is this zero?
(am trying to check that this map ∧^2 -> ∧^2 does indeed exist by first defining a bilinear map from V tensor V, checking it's antisymmetric, and invoking universal property of the exterior power)
it does seem to be alternating (v∧v |-> Iv∧v + v∧Iv = Iv∧v - Iv∧v = 0), so I'm assuming I made a silly mistake somewhere
er, that v∧v should've been v tensor v
I'm mildly confused as to why you're starting from tensor products here
but v∧w *plus* w∧v does map to 0
!wpn -add:wpn sign
Added wpn 'sign'
right that's what i need to quotient by lol
symmetric, antisymmetric, same thing :-p
the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between symmetric & antisymmetric maps" etc.
"invoking universal property of the exterior power" sounds far more magical than it is
so to what extent can we get away with this sort of thing
whitequark, how hard would it be to implement into a cracked open battery bank?
mlbaker: what do you mean
like, can we do one on every ∧^k where we just map v1∧...∧vk to \sum_{i<j} v1∧...∧Ivi∧...∧Ivj∧...∧vk, say?
mlbaker: I think you would have to sum over all subsets of cardinality n of {1 .. k}
in order for the quotient set to remain happy
in particular when n = k you would get your determinanty functor back?
this doesn't seem to be obviously alternating
suppose v1=v2, then if i=1 and j=2 the summand is dead, and if i,j are both larger than 2 the summand is dead
but if i=1 and j=3 say...
there's something disturbing to doing that sum over the i<j, you rely on the ordering of the basis which feels evil
wait no nevermind
oh wait
the i=1, j=3 term would cancel with the i=2, j=3 one...
maybe this actually does work? o_O
what about the subset thing?
isn't that what i did?
sum is over all cardinality 2 subsets
oh right
I misread that as applying I to v_i through v_j
which seemed very fishy
yeah I think it works summing over all cardinality n subsets
this probably comes down to
setting x=-1 in (1+x) = \sum_k \binom{n}{k} x^k
... which means that if you do that on the pseudoscalars, you have a sequence of things that go from the trace to the determinant; what would those be?
the treterminant
they would be tr( /\^k T ), of course
up to sign the coefficients of the char poly of T
it's a bit strange though because your thing is still acting on the top exterior power, yet gives multiplication by the trace
actually this is a thing
do you remember the proof of why the lie algebra of SL is the traceless things
you take a curve gamma(t) in SL with gamma(0)=I, and let X := gamma'(0)
then you note gamma(t)e_1 ∧ ... ∧ gamma(t)e_n = e_1 ∧ ... ∧ e_n for all t
differentiate at t=0 and you get \sum_i e_1 ∧ ... ∧ Xe_i ∧ ... ∧ e_n = tr(X) e_1 ∧ ... ∧ e_n = 0
I do not remember this proof (though I may have seen it), but yeah, that's our map
so of course it's not a functor, because composition is not what matters, the lie bracket is
hm, right
(in my application X would be symmetric rather than antisymmetric so it doesn't really live naturally in a Lie algebra but that's a different question)
mlbaker: and what about the higher maps, that do things to a subset of the v_i on each term?
!u ⋀
hmm oops
that Xv_i should be uh
this is weird
okay, so the statement that /\^k is a functor says that for every pair of v.s. V and W, you get an induced map Hom(V,W) -> Hom(/\^k V, /\^k W)
yeah our thing is really about endomorphisms
if we put V=W, this goes End(V) -> End(/\^k V), and it preserves the group of units
the group of units?
ie GL(V) -> GL(/\^k V)
the map End(V) -> End(/\^k V) is not an algebra morphism
because addition is doing god knows what
but it is multiplicative
now if G and H are Lie groups and you have a group homomorphism G->H
and I think the first map here (applying it to one of the factors in each term) is additive?
taking pushforward/differential at the identity yields a Lie algebra morphism g->h
and that's where your map comes from
and the intermediate maps, with subsets of the factors?
so somehow this thing is very closely related to the exterior power functors
as for the ones where you apply it on more than one factor
i'm not sure if those arise this way
also i should be careful here
my k should be dim(V)
in order to get your map
hm but then that only is the map that gives the trace, not the map on V∧V?
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for k < dim(V) idk what the differential is
the map on V∧V sends e_i∧e_j to Te_i∧e_j + e_i∧Te_j = (\sum_k T_{ki}e_k)∧e_j + e_i∧(\sum_k T_{kj}e_k)
which, like, what the heck is that
i think it's still the differential though
of the map /\^2(-) : GL(V) -> GL(/\^2 V)