UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
<kmath> <howie_hua> I made a calc meme.
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* egg|laptop|egg meows at whitequark
<egg|laptop|egg> !u 𒄈
<galois> 𒄈: U+12108 CUNEIFORM SIGN GIR2
<whitequark> hi egg
<whitequark> chuuniform sign
<raptop> Accurate usage description
<egg|laptop|egg> I made an akkadian transcription IME
<egg|laptop|egg> (for windows)
<whitequark> nice
* egg|laptop|egg wonders how to transcribe whitequark,maybe 𒉿𒀉𒅗𒉿𒅈𒅗 wa-it-ka-wa-ar-ka?
<whitequark> hm, my terminal butchers it
<egg|laptop|egg> !u 𒅈
<galois> 𒅈: U+12148 CUNEIFORM SIGN IGI RI
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<whitequark> egg|laptop|egg: i need an adult
<kmath> <cooljeanius> @_jaculus @whitequark 𒀀𒀁𒀂𒀃𒀄𒀅𒀆𒀇𒀈𒀉𒀊𒀋𒀌𒀍𒀎𒀏𒀐𒀑𒀒𒀓𒀔𒀕𒀖𒀗𒀘𒀙𒀚𒀛𒀜𒀝𒀞𒀟𒀠𒀡𒀢𒀣𒀤𒀥𒀦𒀧𒀨𒀩𒀪𒀫𒀬𒀭𒀮𒀯𒀱𒀲𒀳𒀴𒀵𒀶𒀷𒀸𒀹𒀺𒀻𒀼𒀽𒀾𒀿𒁀𒁁𒁂𒁃𒁄𒁅𒁆𒁇𒁈𒁉𒁊𒁋𒁌𒁍𒁎𒁏𒁐𒁑𒁒𒁓𒁔𒁕𒁖𒁗𒁘𒁙𒁚𒁛𒁜𒁝…
<egg|laptop|egg> uh
<egg|laptop|egg> !u 𒀀𒀁𒀂𒀃𒀄𒀅𒀆𒀇𒀈𒀉
<galois> 𒀀: U+12000 CUNEIFORM SIGN A
<galois> 𒀁: U+12001 CUNEIFORM SIGN A TIMES A
<galois> 𒀂: U+12002 CUNEIFORM SIGN A TIMES BAD
<galois> 𒀄: U+12004 CUNEIFORM SIGN A TIMES HA
<galois> 𒀅: U+12005 CUNEIFORM SIGN A TIMES IGI
<galois> 𒀈: U+12008 CUNEIFORM SIGN A TIMES SAG
<galois> 𒀉: U+12009 CUNEIFORM SIGN A2
<egg|laptop|egg> whitequark: sadly this does not say anything
<egg|laptop|egg> and it is not even in any classic assyriological order
<egg|laptop|egg> (code point order is alphabetic order of the primary reading, and then some ordering of ligatures that are classified as such)
<egg|laptop|egg> !u 𒀱
<egg|laptop|egg> dalḫamun4
<egg|laptop|egg> there are a bunch of homophones for dalḫamun
<egg|laptop|egg> 𒉎𒋖
<egg|laptop|egg> 𒂛
<egg|laptop|egg> 𒂛𒅐
<egg|laptop|egg> 𒀱
<egg|laptop|egg> 𒀰
<egg|laptop|egg> 𒅐
<egg|laptop|egg> 𒉃
<mofh> Hih, I was not aware of the first of those
<mofh> Huh*
<whitequark> egg|laptop|egg: ah
<egg|laptop|egg> this really is a script that is unusable without an IME
<egg|laptop|egg> (a bit like CJK, but probably worse: there are things that are commonly referred to as one sign, but encoded as two)
<egg|laptop|egg> meš 𒈨𒌍 is not encoded on its own, so you need to write it me.eš, but since it is commonly ligatured (some fonts—well one that I know of—will have a ligature entry for that) it is really understood as one sign
<egg|laptop|egg> This can be hard to predict, e.g., LUGAL 𒈗 (which arose as GAL.LÚ 𒃲𒇽 and looks like it in old Babylonian) is encoded separately (probably because in neo-Assyrian it really doesn’t look like GAL.LÚ anymore
<egg|laptop|egg> and eac sign can have many phonetic values, see
<mofh> OH so that's how LUGAL arose? that explains some weirdness about it
<egg|laptop|egg> mofh: well
<egg|laptop|egg> mofh: also it is a pictogram kinda iirc
<egg|laptop|egg> !u 𒀝𒅗𒁕𒀀𒄿𒉌𒅅𒁉
<galois> 𒀝: U+1201d CUNEIFORM SIGN AK
<galois> 𒅗: U+12157 CUNEIFORM SIGN KA
<galois> 𒁕: U+12055 CUNEIFORM SIGN DA
<galois> 𒀀: U+12000 CUNEIFORM SIGN A
<galois> 𒄿: U+1213f CUNEIFORM SIGN I
<galois> 𒉌: U+1224c CUNEIFORM SIGN NI
<galois> 𒅅: U+12145 CUNEIFORM SIGN IG
<galois> 𒁉: U+12049 CUNEIFORM SIGN BI
<egg|laptop|egg> !u 𒀝𒅗𒁕𒀀𒄿𒈾𒂍𒌋𒋼𒋛𒄿𒉌𒅅𒁉
<galois> Whoa now, that's too many characters, hoss
<egg|laptop|egg> !u 𒀝𒅗𒁕𒀀𒄿𒈾𒂍𒌋𒋼𒋛
<galois> 𒀝: U+1201d CUNEIFORM SIGN AK
<galois> 𒅗: U+12157 CUNEIFORM SIGN KA
<galois> 𒁕: U+12055 CUNEIFORM SIGN DA
<galois> 𒀀: U+12000 CUNEIFORM SIGN A
<galois> 𒄿: U+1213f CUNEIFORM SIGN I
<galois> 𒈾: U+1223e CUNEIFORM SIGN NA
<galois> 𒂍: U+1208d CUNEIFORM SIGN E2
<galois> 𒌋: U+1230b CUNEIFORM SIGN U
<galois> 𒋼: U+122fc CUNEIFORM SIGN TE
<galois> 𒋛: U+122db CUNEIFORM SIGN SI
<egg|laptop|egg> !u 𒄿𒉌𒅅𒁉
<galois> 𒄿: U+1213f CUNEIFORM SIGN I
<galois> 𒉌: U+1224c CUNEIFORM SIGN NI
<galois> 𒅅: U+12145 CUNEIFORM SIGN IG
<galois> 𒁉: U+12049 CUNEIFORM SIGN BI
<SnoopJeDi> I'll bump the character limit for galois if you'd like
<SnoopJeDi> I chose whatever it is for the sake of keeping the bot reasonably polite but this channel is all edge :P
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<SnoopJeDi> WELL
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<egg|laptop|egg> SnoopJeDi: well it is good to have a limit not so much because of manners but because of accidents
<SnoopJeDi> do you want I should just increase it?
<egg|laptop|egg> whitequark: shitposting with Mark Davis, clearly a good use of an Akkadian IME
<kmath> <eggleroy> @mark_e_davis @FakeUnicode @hhpapazian @ken_lunde @unicode 𒀝𒅗𒁕𒀀𒄿𒈾𒂍𒌋𒋼𒋛𒄿𒉌𒅅𒁉
<SnoopJeDi> it's set to 10 now apparently, what a silly constant
<egg|laptop|egg> hm
<egg|laptop|egg> let’s see how many signs a line of cuneiform contains in a typical text
<egg|laptop|egg> !c len('does this work?')
<galois> egg|laptop|egg: <class ''>: Ast.Node 'Call' not implemented.
<egg|laptop|egg> okay not really
<SnoopJeDi> !py len("yes")
<galois> SnoopJeDi: 3
<egg|laptop|egg> ah
<egg|laptop|egg> oh wait but
<egg|laptop|egg> !py len('𒀀')
<galois> egg|laptop|egg: 4
<egg|laptop|egg> right
<SnoopJeDi> The !c is for Sopel's silly calculator thing which actually defines its own grammar ugh
<egg|laptop|egg> that bot is Python 2 right
<SnoopJeDi> it calls py2 for that I think, it runs on py3 though
<egg|laptop|egg> !py len('𒀀'.decode('utf-8'))
<galois> egg|laptop|egg: 1
<egg|laptop|egg> okay good.
<SnoopJeDi> It doesn't execute !py locally, it's some API that it comes with out of the box
<egg|laptop|egg> !py len('𒋳𒈠𒆠𒄠𒄿𒊭𒀠𒅗𒌝𒈠𒋗𒌑𒈠'.decode('utf-8'))
<galois> egg|laptop|egg: 13
<egg|laptop|egg> !py len('𒄿𒈾𒈠𒄭𒅕𒑏𒐊𒋡𒉌𒋚𒑏𒉌𒄑'.decode('utf-8'))
<galois> egg|laptop|egg: 13
<egg|laptop|egg> !py len('𒅆𒉌𒅁𒈠𒄭𒅕𒈾𒄭𒅎𒅇𒌌𒇻𒌝𒉿𒀜𒊒𒌝𒈠𒄭𒅕𒌌𒇷𒅎𒐋𒊺𒆬𒌓𒌌𒇷𒅎'.decode('utf-8'))
<galois> egg|laptop|egg: 30
<egg|laptop|egg> wow that is a long line
<SnoopJeDi> or as I call it a liiiiiiiine
<egg|laptop|egg> !py len('𒉿𒀜𒊑𒅎𒁹𒂅𒆬𒌓𒈾𒅆𒀀𒆪'.decode('utf-8'))
<galois> egg|laptop|egg: 12
<SnoopJeDi> Animal Crossing's puns are infecting my brain
<egg|laptop|egg> !py len('𒉌𒄑𒅇𒉌𒂄𒊭𒈠𒄠𒀜𒋫𒄿𒈾𒂊𒁉𒅆𒅗'.decode('utf-8'))
<galois> egg|laptop|egg: 16
<SnoopJeDi> this system doesn't have ancient-fonts so the tofu are doubling as a histogram heheh
<egg|laptop|egg> !py len('𒄿𒄀𒌋𒐊𒁍𒌅𒌨𒈠𒐼𒄿𒇷'.decode('utf-8'))
<galois> egg|laptop|egg: 11
<SnoopJeDi> or I guess a sideways rugplot
<egg|laptop|egg> s/not/note/
<galois> egg|laptop|egg meant to say: (note, this is this tablet
<SnoopJeDi> seems like 16 would be a sane bump
<egg|laptop|egg> yeah
<SnoopJeDi> done
<egg|laptop|egg> !u 𒀝𒅗𒁕𒀀𒄿𒈾𒂍𒌋𒋼𒋛𒄿𒉌𒅅𒁉
<galois> 𒀝: U+1201d CUNEIFORM SIGN AK
<galois> 𒅗: U+12157 CUNEIFORM SIGN KA
<galois> 𒁕: U+12055 CUNEIFORM SIGN DA
<galois> 𒀀: U+12000 CUNEIFORM SIGN A
<galois> 𒄿: U+1213f CUNEIFORM SIGN I
<galois> 𒈾: U+1223e CUNEIFORM SIGN NA
<galois> 𒂍: U+1208d CUNEIFORM SIGN E2
<galois> 𒌋: U+1230b CUNEIFORM SIGN U
<galois> 𒋼: U+122fc CUNEIFORM SIGN TE
<galois> 𒋛: U+122db CUNEIFORM SIGN SI
<galois> 𒄿: U+1213f CUNEIFORM SIGN I
<galois> 𒉌: U+1224c CUNEIFORM SIGN NI
<galois> 𒅅: U+12145 CUNEIFORM SIGN IG
<galois> 𒁉: U+12049 CUNEIFORM SIGN BI
<egg|laptop|egg> (ak-ka-da-a i-na ^{É}U.TE.SE i ni-iq-bi)
<egg|laptop|egg> (we should speak Akkadian in the UTC)
<egg|laptop|egg> (where I put the determinative for building or temple before my transliteration of UTC, close enough)
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<_whitenotifier-d13c> [Principia] eggrobin opened issue #2528: Crash when pushing a trivial manœuvre beyond the end of a trivial flight plan -
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<kmath> <LeaksPh> realistic problems are almost never isotropic
<_whitenotifier-d13c> [Principia] eggrobin labeled pull request #2527: Avoid exceptions on very long flight plans -
<_whitenotifier-d13c> [Principia] pleroy closed pull request #2527: Avoid exceptions on very long flight plans -
<_whitenotifier-d13c> [Principia] pleroy pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-d13c> [Principia] pleroy bc5d7e1 - Avoid exceptions on very long flight plans.
<_whitenotifier-d13c> [Principia] pleroy 9067d8c - Merge pull request #2527 from pleroy/LongFlightPlan Avoid exceptions on very long flight plans
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* egg|laptop|egg meows at whitequark
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