egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf | Logs:
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<WeylandsWings> raptop: got a DC/Balitmore question for ya
<WeylandsWings> Family has a memorial for our grandfather in the Rockville/Aspen Hill area and is trying to find flights. Which airport is best? IAD or BWI?
<WeylandsWings> And you f someone needs to fly DCA what is the best metro way?
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<raptop> WeylandsWings: unsure for rockvill/aspen hill, but since you'll be renting a car for that, I'm not sure it matters too much. For the DCA one, I assume this is picking up/dropping off someone?
<WeylandsWings> Someone leaving earlier than most.
<WeylandsWings> But yeah.
<WeylandsWings> To me the IAD/BWI decision really comes down to how bad the traffic on the beltway will be.
<SnoopJ> "usually bad"
<raptop> The fact that traffic can get down to stop and go around DCA is probably a decent reason to take the metro in that case
<raptop> Also, I feel silly for forgetting about the Rockville metro stop
<raptop> I don't have a useful opinion on the best spot to transfer, but red line -> Gallery Place, and then yellow line to DCA would I think be the easiest?
<raptop> More importantly, I recommend buying a metrocard at one of the vending machines due to seeing people regularly have problems with the app(s)
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<raptop> astronomers naming things:
<galois> [arXiv] “The OASES Project: Exploring the Outer Solar System through Stellar Occultation with Amateur-Class Telescopes” Ko Arimatsu — «The exploration of kilometre-sized trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) is one of the ultimate goals in the search for the origin and evolution of the Solar System. However, such exploration is challenging because these small bodies are too faint to be directly detected. One potential avenue for…»
<raptop> astronomers naming things (also, yay, UV space telescope):
<galois> [arXiv] “MAUVE: An Ultraviolet Astrophysics Probe Mission Concept” Mayura Balakrishnan, Rory Bowens, Fernando Cruz Aguirre et al. — «We present the mission concept "Mission to Analyze the UltraViolet universE" (MAUVE), a wide-field spectrometer and imager conceived during the inaugural NASA Astrophysics Mission Design School. MAUVE responds to the 2023 Announcement of Opportunity for Probe-class missions, with a budget cap of \$1…»
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