egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf | Logs:
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<raptop> astronomers naming things:
<galois> [arXiv] “The $\texttt{MSG}$ model for cloudy substellar atmospheres: A grid of self-consistent substellar atmosphere models with microphysical cloud formation” Beatriz Campos Estrada, David A. Lewis, Christiane Helling et al. — «State-of-the-art JWST observations are unveiling unprecedented views into the atmospheres of substellar objects in the infrared, further highlighting the importance of clouds. Current forward models…»
<raptop> astronomers naming things:
<galois> [arXiv] “Exoplanet Ephemerides Change Observations (ExoEcho). I. Transit Timing Analysis of Thirty-Seven Exoplanets using HST/WFC3 Data” Xinyue Ma, Wenqin Wang, Zixin Zhang et al. — «The ExoEcho project is designed to study the photodynamics of exoplanets by leveraging high-precision transit timing data from ground- and space-based telescopes. Some exoplanets are experiencing orbital decay, and transit timing variation (TTV) is…»
<raptop> astronomers naming things:
<galois> [arXiv] “BASSET: Bandpass-Adaptive Single-pulse SEarch Toolkit -- Optimized Sub-Band Pulse Search Strategies for Faint Narrow-Band FRBs” J. -H. Cao, P. Wang, D. Li et al. — «The existing single-pulse search algorithms for fast radio bursts (FRBs) do not adequately consider the frequency bandpass pattern of the pulse, rendering them incomplete for the relatively narrow-spectrum detection of pulses. We present a new search…»
<raptop> astronomers naming things:
<galois> [arXiv] “The Radiowave Hunt for Young Stellar Object Emission and Demographics (RADIOHEAD): A Radio Luminosity${-}$Spectral Type Dependence in Taurus${-}$Auriga YSOs” Ramisa Akther Rahman, Joshua Bennett Lovell, Eric W. Koch et al. — «We measure the radio continuum fluxes at the locations of all Gaia${-}$confirmed members of Taurus${-}$Auriga using Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array Sky Survey data (VLASS; 2${-}$4 GHz,…»
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