I confess since my background is more or less Scots Presbyterian atheist (my mother more or less is a Scots Presbyterian atheist) I do think fasting is a bit like works salvation. But I'm joking. :-/
* UmbralRaptor
lacks sufficient context
(The person in the picture seems to be explicitly commenting on Ramadan)
I thought so, yes.
This is a gross oversimplification, but Catholics are keen on salvation through good works (helping the poor, etc); Protestants think that only through faith alone can you be saved. Hence all the Chick tracts where Bob the Saintly Healer cares for bunnies all his life but goes to hell, and Jack the Biker kicks puppies but embraces Jesus on his deathbed.
So likewise acts of self-flagellation are much more of a Catholic thing.
So, recruit from Jesuit schools for grad students