UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ:; The current version is Εὔδοξος. We currently target 1.3.1, and 1.4.x/1.5.1. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
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<Lucas> Hello?
<Lucas> Anyone on?
<UmbralRaptor> no
<Lucas> Haha very funny
* UmbralRaptor assumes that there is a question or comment, but cannot read minds
<Lucas> So I'm a principia newb and I'm having some troubles with my install. Principia seems to work, but I don't have the option to target another vessel or to display manuvers on a navball
<Lucas> Is this a known bug or problem?
<UmbralRaptor> I want to say that it's related to having to use Principia's UI for maneuvers
* UmbralRaptor pokes egg
<Lucas> Sorry, am back
<Lucas> Probably
<Lucas> Oh wait, I'm dumb
<Lucas> I'm on KSP 1.6
<Lucas> that just might have something to do with it
<UmbralRaptor> hrm
<Lucas> or 1.6.1 or whatever
<UmbralRaptor> Uh, it looks like the latest release supports 1.6.1
<Lucas> really?
<Lucas> Nice, at least we got the easy solution ruled out
<UmbralRaptor> Assuming that you're using Εὐκλείδης
<Lucas> I downloaded from the github site, and took the latest release, is that it?
UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ:; The current version is Εὔδοξος. We currently target 1.3.1, 1.4.x, 1.5.1,and 1.6.1. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
<Lucas> Yea I went for the one it says is for 1.6.1
<Lucas> It must be the astronomers visual pack I'm using against version recomendations
<UmbralRaptor> worth trying
<Lucas> Eh, I might as well go for the whole RO install, now that I know how to do n-body stuff
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GregroxMun has joined #principia
<GregroxMun> hello
<GregroxMun> I come bearing gifts!
<GregroxMun> And by gifts I mean bug reports!
<GregroxMun> and I just realized why it doesn't work
<GregroxMun> literally as I pasted this I realized what the problem is
<GregroxMun> egg, you haven't put Unique Body Identifiers from Kopernicus into Principia yet, have you?
<GregroxMun> there's an explanation of UBIs in this post about how they fit into the Interstellar Consortium thing
<GregroxMun> basically, Kopernicus now lets users give bodies identifiers, so that the various Suns and Kerbins from different mods don't get confused when installed together. And then you can set the parent body to be that identifier instead of the body's true name, and it will always go around the correct body even if your Kerbin has a different internal true
<GregroxMun> name.
<GregroxMun> so Whirligig World, which in its development version uses Unique Body Identifiers for parent bodies, is telling principia effectively gibberish when trying to tell it what a body should orbit.
<GregroxMun> here is a prerelease of Whirligig World that includes UBIs, if you want to test it
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<GregroxMun> umbralRaptop are you there?
<GregroxMun> egg?
<GregroxMun> egg|work|egg
<GregroxMun> ?
<GregroxMun> egg, if you saw this, please DM me on discord, I'm going to go now.
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