UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ:; The current version is Fano. We currently target 1.3.1, 1.4.x, 1.5.1, and 1.6.1. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
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<Gregrox> howdy
<UmbralRaptop> \o
<Gregrox> I haven't checked that Principia works with Whirligig World in a while!
<Gregrox> So I am gonna make sure it does
<Gregrox> and fix it if it doesn't
<Gregrox> and also maybe do axial tilts.
<Gregrox> whirligig world is uh
<Gregrox> this mess:
<Gregrox> the oblate boi is the homeworld
<Gregrox> oooh exciting!
<Gregrox> the game crashed
<Gregrox> egg or someone else who can help
<Gregrox> here are the logs
<Gregrox> it looks like it's missing something called fitting tolerance, so I copied that from the RSS configs.
<Gregrox> oh shit I gotta go
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<egg|zzz|egg> Gregrox: meow
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<Gregrox> I'm back
<Gregrox> ok, I'll read
<Gregrox> just had a very sudden sun observing session
<Gregrox> really cool sunspot feature
<Gregrox> are gravity models for all bodies necessary?
<Gregrox> so I have got it to load
<Gregrox> wouldya believe that not even one minute integrator step is good enough for WW? :P
<Gregrox> that's right, gotta go lower or poor Statmun gets tossed out
<Gregrox> damn this thing. It started as a perfect analogue of the Pluto/Charon system and now *this*
<Gregrox> it's even missing a moon
<Gregrox> speaking of missing a moon, another planet seems to have lost a perfectly stable moon due to integrator issues
<egg|zz|egg> Gregrox: tweaking the integrator settings only helps if your system is stable but is faster than we expect
<egg|zz|egg> if it's actually unstable, you will just simulate its breakdown better
<Gregrox> right
<Gregrox> but a few bodies I know ought to be astable
<Gregrox> Statmun around Mesbin for instance, should be stable according to some (modified, realistic) US2 sims, and Lowel and Ollym are a tight binary pair around a red dwarf. Both cases you have objects which should be in stable orbits but are very close and have short periods
<Gregrox> which as I understand it is the main cause for buggy breakdowns
<Gregrox> Once I get the definitely stable stuff definitely stable, then I'd like to talk to you about trying to fix the Mandrake/Rutherford system (which should be identical to Pluto/Charon, just at a different scale)
<Gregrox> even with a 30 second step size, Statmun likes to escape
<Gregrox> it orbits about 2 or 3 kerbin diameters away from an object with 75 kerbin masses, with a period of 1701 seconds.
<Gregrox> and statmun definitely should not immediately escape
<Gregrox> there's no flybys or anything that cause this
<Gregrox> it just starts wobbling back and forth and flies out into deep space
<Gregrox> Drastic problems caLL FOR DRASTIC MEASURES. :|
<Gregrox> is there perhaps a better default integrator to use?
<Gregrox> I see reference to uh
<egg|zz|egg> Gregrox even with a 30 second step size, Statmun likes to escape << that sounds like actual instability
<egg|zz|egg> oh yeah use a blanes SPRK, not the quinlan slms
<Gregrox> US2 should have produced that instability if it was actually unstable
<Gregrox> oh ok
<Gregrox> one of these? BLANES_MOAN_2002_SRKN_6B BLANES_MOAN_2002_SRKN_11B BLANES_MOAN_2002_SRKN_14A
<Gregrox> which one?
<egg|zzz|egg> BLANES_MOAN_2002_SRKN_14A
<Gregrox> ok
<Gregrox> that's the one I randomly chose so good
<Gregrox> I'm using 30 seconds with that
<Gregrox> for the moment
<Gregrox> so that was interestion
<Gregrox> so that was interesting
<Gregrox> within five minutes, statmun slows down to almost an orbital halt, falls into Mesbin's center, and gets flung out at a few dozen kilometers per second
<Gregrox> here btw is the whirligig world repository (outdated principia patch, obviously)
<egg|zzz|egg> what was that about the system being stable,
<Gregrox> it seems that the problem came from the gravity model which adds oblateness to Mesbin
<Gregrox> was that snark or was that a genuine question? :v
<egg|zzz|egg> (might have involved snark,)
<egg|zzz|egg> (exactly what J2 did you give it)
<Gregrox> 0.11
<Gregrox> I'm now finding a piece of what is probably genuine instability, but I want to make sure everything that definitely should be stable is definitely stable first.
<egg|zzz|egg> 0.11 sounds like an absurdly high J2
<Gregrox> well remember that Mesbin is an absurdly oblate body
<egg|zzz|egg> let me check
<Gregrox> here's what Lowel and Ollym looks like at first. The eccentricity is actually 0, I'm sure you understand why it appears eccentric.
<egg|zzz|egg> hm yeah 0.11 might still be OK given that shape
<egg|zzz|egg> Gregrox: the orbit plots don't mean much
<Gregrox> the inclination gets pumped up and I'm wondering if this really is an instability thing--Lowel and Ollym's binary orbit is over 60 degrees inclined to the orbit around their star, and it *is* a red dwarf.
<Gregrox> (and close to it)
<egg|zzz|egg> Gregrox: but be careful with "is actually 0", we use the initial elements under some interpretation, but they are very approximative to describe the true orbit esp. if J2 is significant
<egg|zzz|egg> (the true orbit is obviously not at all the plotted ellipse, but you are probably familiar with that by now)
<Gregrox> It's not exactly zero, sorry, what I meant is that it's not as eccentric as it appears, which we both understand by this point)
<Gregrox> damn it, it looks like Lowel and Ollym really *are* unstable.
<egg|zzz|egg> what are the perturbing bodies?
<Gregrox> Should just be Lowel, Ollym, and the star Gememma.
<Gregrox> I don't think any of the other gememma-orbiting planets should have any meaningful effect, but the only two that would are Gannovar and the combined mass of Mandrake/Rutherford.
<Gregrox> Lowel and Ollym have no defined J2 btw, to be cleare
<Gregrox> (Statmun is fine with the current integrator settings)
<Gregrox> Regarding the Mandrake/Rutherford/Moons problem, this is what it looks like during the first few moments of a game
<Gregrox> which is wrong, those moons should all be in nearly circular orbits
<Gregrox> hmm... maybe it is right, since it's the only body on the same side as Rutherford
<Gregrox> and thus the orbit prediction would be wrong
<Gregrox> need to put this in US2 where I can have orbit lines that mean something
<Gregrox> Beagrid (moon2) and Lozon (moon1) eventually have a close approach that knocks Lozon into a higher orbit. The whole thing is also scattered a bit out of the plane, so I'm thinking this is also a problem of the high axial tilt (which yes, Pluto does have, but Gememma exerts more tides than the Sun does by quite a lot). However, I believe this system
<Gregrox> was still unstable when it orbited Kaywell with no axial tilt, so I don't think that's all there is to it.
<Gregrox> God I'm really beating myself up about having waited this long to verify my system's stability.
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