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<egg|zzz|egg> !example alias
<egg|zzz|egg> !help alias
<Qboid> alias: Creates an alias command for another command (sequence)
<Qboid> parameters: -create (Creates an alias with the given name), -remove (Removes the alias with the given name), -structure (Defines the structure for a new alias), -escape (Escapes the params before passing them to the alias command.), -description (Sets the description for an alias), -level (Sets the access level for an alias), -example (Adds a proper example for the alias)
<Qboid> example: !alias -create:roll30 -structure:^[0-9]+$ !roll {0}d30
<egg|zzz|egg> !commands
<egg|zzz|egg> !help
<Qboid> egg|zzz|egg: I sent you a private message with information about all my commands!