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<whattado> so just dump the mod files in the plugin folder?
<VITAS> so just context?
<whattado> downloaded mods some dont show up
<VITAS> please write whole sentences
<VITAS> any you might considder adding words like please, help, hello,....
<whattado> I downloaded a bunch of mods and dropped them in the maps but some dont show op
<VITAS> requests without such words cost $100 each :>
<VITAS> maps?
<whattado> folders*
<VITAS> thats very generic
<VITAS> usualy mopds have to be extracted into gamedata
<whattado> steam game kerbal folder
<VITAS> and reside in a folder named afert them
<whattado> yeah from zip to the game folder
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<VITAS> whatever/kspinstallfolder/Gamedata
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<whattado> jup that 1
<VITAS> you could ask on the forums in the thread for that specific mod thats not working
<VITAS> you either didnt do it right or missed some dependencies
<whattado> dropped everything in
<VITAS> another way is to use ckan (check the forums for it)
<VITAS> yes yes i know you did everythiung right and so on :>
<VITAS> -u
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