politas has joined #spacedock
<Unknown601> morning o/
<Unknown601> VITAS, how early do you get up :p
<Unknown601> VITAS, 6:12 am to early then... back in a hour
<Unknown601> VITAS, ping
<Unknown601> VITAS, PING
<Lartza> Unknown601, What's so urgent you need to spam... It was 5:12 the first time you messaged not 6:12
<Unknown601> Lartza, I would not consider 1 message a hour spamming
<Lartza> But they'll get one just fine
<Lartza> It's not like it won't ping them
<Lartza> VITAS is usually here in the afternoon at earliest
<Unknown601> oh right XD i forgot everyone runs a bouncer now
<Lartza> Yes :P
<Lartza> Is it weird to sometimes imagine your IRC bouncer like as a real, person bouncer
<Unknown601> Yeah
<Unknown601> big dude in black in between you and everyone else
<Unknown601> lartza so where in the world are you from?
<Lartza> Finland
<Unknown601> nice!
<Unknown601> Australia here
<Unknown601> i know someone from finland, loves smoking meats
<Lartza> Cool :) It's all summery there right now right? :P
<Unknown601> goes by levatator
<Lartza> I like smoked meat but I have never smoked meat :P
<Lartza> I have smoked fish
<Unknown601> sm sm smoked fish O_O
<Unknown601> yummm!
<Lartza> haha yeah, not cold smoked though
<Unknown601> i love scottish smoked haddock
<Unknown601> most any smoked fish really :P
<Unknown601> haddock is the best so far though
<Lartza> Hmm seems really different to
<Lartza> It's usually cold-smoked salmon in here
<Unknown601> in thin slices?
<Lartza> yeah
<Lartza> haddock isn't a fish I'd even heard of, not really sold in here I guess :D
<Unknown601> it comes from scotland
<Lartza> scottish was a clear indicator of that :P
<Unknown601> so is very expensive and can only be found in good fish shops
<Unknown601> last time i got some i think it was around $38 KG
<Lartza> Finland isn't a huge fish country so, lot of import on that front
<Lartza> Or I mean, we just don't have the sea access
<Unknown601> yeah
<Lartza> rainbow trout is fairly common, then salmon but norweigian salmon is much cheaper :P
<Unknown601> you have rainbow trout there :D
<Unknown601> love catching those
<Lartza> Yeah? it's uhh mass produced, and planted if that's the right word
<Lartza> planted to waters to please fishermen that is
<Lartza> :P
<Unknown601> ah no... i only fish for real fish in mountain steams
<Lartza> Well I mean... real fish?
<Lartza> :D
<Unknown601> not in farmed ponds
<Unknown601> and feed crap
<Lartza> ahh no no
<Lartza> or well I mean, it is farmed sure, but you can fish it since it's planted to lakes etc in the spring
<Unknown601> not here, it was introduced a long time ago and took over
<Lartza> I don't think it survives here that well then :P not sure
<Lartza> Or maybe it just is fished so much
<Lartza> They add
<Unknown601> ah
<Unknown601> they have no fight in them though
<Lartza> And they do move since you can get them from rivers and rapids too
<Lartza> :D yeah not anything like a pike or something :P
<Unknown601> like dragging in a bit of weed
<Unknown601> best fighting fish i have got is a tarwin
<Unknown601> hmmm i might be spelling that wrong google is not finding the right fish :P
<Lartza> Yeah I can't find a fish either :P
<Unknown601> its like a big Seabream
<Unknown601> broke my rode :P
<Unknown601> i got it tgough
<Unknown601> though*
<Lartza> We've only got sea bass :)
<Lartza> and well regular bass but
<Lartza> okay except sea bass is different...
<Unknown601> lots of types of seabass got a photo?
<Lartza> actually it seems bass that lives here in the seas is just, bass still
<Lartza> I mean the same species as the lake one, just grows bigger there
<Unknown601> where in finland are you?
<Lartza> so not even bass although it's...
<Lartza> confusing
<Lartza> bass and perch are the same word in finnish :P
<Unknown601> we have them
<Unknown601> they are pest here
<Unknown601> you can't put them back
<Lartza> also "sea bass" here is that perch living in the sea, big
<Unknown601> how strange
<Lartza> and the proper sea bass is "Seabassi" not "meriahven" (meri meaning sea and ahven perch)
<Lartza> sorry, Meribassi not Seabassi
<Lartza> :P
<Unknown601> ah
<Lartza> Yeah seems it didn't go that great when people took perch there :P
<Lartza> It's our national fish and the most common fish here
<Unknown601> it kills all the natives here
<Lartza> I guess they can't grow so big here
<Lartza> pike eat them and they are fished a lot
<Unknown601> yeah your ecosystem is balanced
<Unknown601> :)
<Lartza> Well it's a native species
<Unknown601> yeah
<Lartza> We do have our own invasive species :P
<Lartza> like otters
<Unknown601> otters??
<Lartza> Yup
<Unknown601> there to cute XDD
<Lartza> :(
<Lartza> that's the species otters are destroying
<Unknown601> :(
<Lartza> Not related to the american mink
<Lartza> Which lives here after escaping from farms
<Lartza> But isn't really destroying anything iirc
<Lartza> okay actually seems it's american mink that destroyed the european mink mostly
<Lartza> but not alone
<Lartza> I mean, cats are cute too and are an invasive species worldwide :P
<Unknown601> sounds like rabbits here..
<Lartza> is it the same species...
<Unknown601> that was until myxoma virus,
<Lartza> yes, european rabbit
<Lartza> we have these things called city rabbits here yeah, they are a pest
<Lartza> :D
<Lartza> You can hunt them with bows even near inhabitation iirc ;)
<Unknown601> compound?
<Lartza> Something like that yeah
<Unknown601> good luck with that
<Unknown601> XD
<Lartza> Well... yeah
<Lartza> But can't use firearms because people
<Unknown601> i think i would almost take a .22 over a hunting arrow
<Unknown601> you seen them?
<Lartza> Yeah, it's kind of a weird limitation but possibly a legal loophole
<Lartza> And maybe a noise issue too, idk
<Lartza> Gun control in here is kind of strict, not sure of australia
<Unknown601> same here
<Lartza> Not as strict as UK or germany, we don't have pink airsoft guns for instance
<Lartza> Nor do we have to have orange tips in them
<Lartza> I doubt you need that head for a rabbit :P
<Unknown601> take the head of the rabbits?? XD
<Unknown601> off*
<Lartza> Aren't foxes hunted with just kind of like tips
<Lartza> and they are bigger than rabbits
<Unknown601> i don't know
<Lartza> Me neither
<Unknown601> you into music?
<Lartza> I listen to music all the time yeah :P
<Unknown601> excellent
<Unknown601> spotify?
<Lartza> I prefer the old school way of hoarding digital files
<Unknown601> ah
<Unknown601> i have 25k or so flac files but im to lazy to sort it XD
<Lartza> Oh god
<Lartza> I keep it all meticulously sorted, thank god for MusicBrainz
<Unknown601> so i use spotify most of the time
<Lartza> :D
<Unknown601> its on the to do list...
<Lartza> I stopped using flacs though, decided it wasn't worth the space over -V0 MP3's :S
<Unknown601> i have it in artist order so its not so bad
<Lartza> Especially if I stream it to my phone
<Lartza> etc
<Lartza> Just grab musicbrainz picard and autotag everything
<Unknown601> so MusicBrainz is good?
<Lartza> then use some organizer, I use the foobar2000 player to do it, to move it to wwhat path you want
<Unknown601> i use foobar to :D
<Lartza> Well it compares your music to their database and autotags it
<Lartza> I currently use Clementine but have foobar to move the files after musicbrainz
<Unknown601> Clementine?
* Unknown601 googles
<Lartza> yeah like the fruit
<Unknown601> interesting
<Unknown601> never seen it before
<Lartza> It's not really better than foobar
<Unknown601> do you use Linux?
<Lartza> Not sure why I switched in the end...
<Lartza> Nah Windows 10 :( Because games
<Unknown601> same :/
<Unknown601> dam you .exe
<Lartza> What I do like is clementine has a dynamic random playlist
<Unknown601> oh that sounds good
<Lartza> On foobar I always created a playlist of all my song and random sorted it four times
<Lartza> :D
<Unknown601> so what sort of music are you into?
<Lartza> Uhh pretty much every kind, I mostly listen to electronic music and metal
<Lartza> but also have like, chvrches in my library
<Unknown601> was just thinking that was a dumb question XD
<Lartza> Well maybe not for everyone
<Lartza> :P
<Lartza> I don't like growling metal, or rap/hiphop/rnb
<Unknown601> true some people are... "normal"
<Lartza> but other than that I can listen to pop or jazz or classical too :P
<Unknown601> sounds close to my taste
<Unknown601> no jazz though.. :P
<Lartza> Most modern pop is just crap imo but
<Unknown601> same!
<Lartza> jazz is... weird I don't like all jazz
<Unknown601> so me good jazz
<Unknown601> i might not have come across the good stuff?
<Lartza> Though I am quite picky of all music I listen to
<Lartza> like I prefer female metal vocals etc
<Lartza> :P
<Unknown601> i only like 1 or 2 songs from a artist most of the time
<Lartza> I tend to not have that issue luckily
<Lartza> Depends a bit on the artist though
<Lartza> I don't have any jazz in my current library :S
<Lartza> I lost a hard drive not too long ago
<Lartza> the flac one
<Unknown601> i have a paridy NAS for that
<Lartza> I wish I had money
<Lartza> :P
<Unknown601> i learned after 1 HDD death
<Lartza> :D
<Lartza> Now my mp3's are synced to my dedicated server via Nextcloud
<Unknown601> only cost me about $550
<Lartza> That's more than I get in a month
<Lartza> well to hand anyway
<Lartza> well no actually
<Lartza> depends if that is AUD or USD
<Lartza> :D
<Unknown601> AUD
<Lartza> Wow the conversion rate for AUD is really bad
<Lartza> :D
<Unknown601> i know :/
<Unknown601> i buy stuff in USA
<Lartza> I get like 725AUD a month
<Lartza> ugh can't do that in here
<Unknown601> and its so bad!!
<Lartza> 24% VAT
<Unknown601> VAT?
<Lartza> value added tax
<Lartza> customs slaps that on
<Lartza> I think it's same as GST
<Unknown601> ebay and online is not really taxed here... well you can declare anything you wont :P
<Unknown601> want*
<Lartza> well I mean, you can lie but...
<Lartza> wow you have 10% GST?
<Unknown601> yeah
<Lartza> How is everything so expensive there then :D
<Unknown601> and around 30-40% income tax
<Lartza> Our food VAT is 15%, 24% for everything else
<Unknown601> only any sizable income
<Lartza> our income tax is 7-30% iirc
<Lartza> progressive tax
<Lartza> well, earned income tax
<Lartza> indirect income tax is different, like stock profits etc
<Unknown601> lets just agree to hate tax and leave it there XD
<Lartza> or capital income tax... something like that
<Lartza> I don't hate tax!
<Lartza> It pays for welfare
<Unknown601> o_o
<Lartza> Finland is a true welfare state
<Lartza> We have free schools and public healthcare
<Lartza> Universities are free
<Lartza> Libraries are free
<Unknown601> wow
<Unknown601> free uni!
<Lartza> I currently live on income support and sickness benefit for instance :S
<Unknown601> 50-100k here for anything good
<Lartza> If not I'd live on income support and student welfare
<Lartza> I also get housing benefit
<Lartza> I think two unis here now take annual fees for international students but everyone finnish goes for free
<Lartza> I pay 116€ a year for student association membership and student healthcare
<Lartza> and the student association owns canteens all over for instance, it's a fully owned company of two student associations that runs some of the university canteens
<Lartza> the healthcare is a foundation
<Lartza> lunch is 2,6€ after the government funding the canteens get
<Lartza> taxes work if they are implemented properly
<Lartza> :)
<Lartza> We also don't really have to file taxes, not sure if australians do like in the US. I get a pre-filled tax thingy I check and only if there's anything to change or add I file it. Otherwise I get back if I overpaid or pay more if I underpaid taxes that year
<Unknown601> sounds much better then here
<Lartza> welfare state is too broad of a term imo :P
<Unknown601> lol
<Lartza> I guess that explains something
<Lartza> Not sure why US is so high...
<Lartza> Although their healthcare is the most expensive in the world but not the best etc so I guess that's why
<Unknown601> so Finland and France
<Lartza> also wth is that small island next to australia
<Lartza> new caledonia
<Lartza> ah the french
<Lartza> :D
<Lartza> same as french guiana in south america :S
<Unknown601> so your in your early 20's then?
<Lartza> Yeah, 23
<Lartza> an immature brat right? ;) or depends how old you are I guess how you look at other agegroups
<Unknown601> i was not think that
<Lartza> :P
<Unknown601> only near that age
<Unknown601> im near that age*
<Lartza> I think it's a good age to be born in :) At least it seems finnish people my age are doing well
<Lartza> Kind of unsure of the younger people but we'll see
<Unknown601> yeah
<Lartza> The young don't drink or some as much according to statistics but not sure if that skips over the age group I am thinking of, so something good too :)
<Unknown601> there growing up with a lot more tech to
<Lartza> Yeah but everyone seems so helpless :S And they spend their time finding problems that don't exist
<Lartza> Also blaming others for their own issues
<Lartza> Like I have issues but it's not anyone else's but my fault really :P
<Unknown601> society is on a downward spiral
<Lartza> I hope not overall but at least parts of it are
<Unknown601> yeah
<Unknown601> well i must be going, great talking to you
<VITAS> uhm im also sick right now so im getting even later
<Lartza> :D
<Lartza> Sad to hear that
<Unknown601> morning vitas
<Lartza> I should be going too but I'm feeling sleepy... Need to grab some groceries from Lidl
<Lartza> :P
<Unknown601> rest up
<Unknown601> ok see you again lartza o/
<VITAS> whats sad is that ive to go to the shops in order to fill up on everything you can use as a tissue
<Lartza> Unknown601, Cya :)
<VITAS> i used up one bag of toiletpaper
<Lartza> Call in a favor from someone? :P
<Unknown601> VITAS, :/ get well soon
<VITAS> Lartza, funfact: lidel is not only german but swabian (the southern region of germany im origanly from)
<VITAS> meh im a real german i will drive those invading viruses out of my body :P
<Lartza> Beer kills bacteria...... right?
<Lartza> :D
<Lartza> must kill viruses too
<Lartza> xd
<Unknown601> VITAS, gargle betadine
<VITAS> no its getting better but yesterday was funny. it was the first time i got a rollercoster effect that actualy made me sick from my ear clearing
<Lartza> Also, cool, don't really know the parts of germany that well :S and all I know of lidl ownership is german mystery man
<VITAS> Lartza, its simple: its left of bavaria
<Lartza> :D
<VITAS> and where the black forrest is located
<Lartza> Bavaria I actually know
<VITAS> (as known from the black forrest gateau)
<Lartza> oh
<Lartza> wait that's a cake!
<VITAS> and where hensel and gretel comes from
<VITAS> yes they do cake
<Lartza> :P
<VITAS> smoked ham and noodles
<VITAS> bavarians do bear, brezels and weißwurst
<Lartza> Unknown601, Oh wow you can actually get Betadine in here
<Lartza> A lot of weird american cold drugs aren't sold in the EU because... :S
<Lartza> like they have these day and night cold things... what are they called...
<Unknown601> its not a drug
* VITAS doesnt take drugs
<Unknown601> VITAS, its not a drug
<Lartza> dayquil and nyquil....
<Lartza> local antiseptic
<Lartza> :P
<Lartza> so, kind of a drug but yeah
<Lartza> not really
<VITAS> yes yes i know from all of those movies that us ameriocans always take drugs like we do tictacs
<Unknown601> XD
<Unknown601> yeah i don't take any of that cold and flu stuff
<VITAS> how else could they elect trump?
<VITAS> you must be hammered
<Lartza> I only have some strepsils in my pantry
<VITAS> i only take drugs if the doctor insists
<VITAS> i flush my nose with saltwater, eat bellpeppers and wait
<Lartza> :D
<Unknown601> bellpeppers? does that really work?
<Lartza> Well I mean if you get a high fever you kind of have to take a pill
<Lartza> or go to a hospital...
<Lartza> depends
<Lartza> :D
<VITAS> my mum says theyre rich in vitamin c
<Lartza> but...
<VITAS> in fact more than any other vegtable
<Unknown601> i normaly go to bed for 2 days and kill it in that time
<Lartza> Vitamin C doesn't do anything
<VITAS> for me it does
<Unknown601> well i must go
<Lartza> Eh
<Unknown601> o/
<Unknown601> see you guys arround
<Lartza> I mean not anything anything but
<VITAS> bye
<Lartza> It won't cure a cold
<VITAS> no it gives my white blood cells a kick in the pants
<Lartza> Only thing I've heard to help with colds is zinc
<Lartza> But it's highly debated and it only shortens it
<Lartza> Also the dosage is iffy
<VITAS> hmm i could my soldirs
<VITAS> wait wthat was tin
<VITAS> -w
<Lartza> yeah tin != zinc
<Lartza> :P
<VITAS> anyway im feeling better today and i hope it stays like that
<Lartza> I am also skeptical if zinc does really help, I used my uni access to read some of the papers and they weren't reall conclusive
<Lartza> It will!
<Lartza> :)
<VITAS> i still have mny employee pass from the department of cemistry of the university of hamburg
<Lartza> I mean placebos are so powerful I am not sure how you can study anything anymore if you aren't careful
<VITAS> so we can check
<Lartza> Well there are studies that show zinc shortens colds
<Lartza> vitamin c not so much
<Lartza> vitamins are actually overall kind of... yeah
<VITAS> vitamin c is more for the longrun and to prevent you from getting it i think
<VITAS> but meh i like bellpeppers so no problem there
<Lartza> it doesn't really even do that, at least it hasn't been shown comprehensibly
<Lartza> vitamins are really weird and there isn't really that much research on them
* VITAS trusts his mum
<VITAS> she has a degree in oecotrophology
<VITAS> so she must know something
<VITAS> and if not shes my mum :)
<Lartza> It's the same as drinking a lot of water a day etc
<Lartza> It's something that just gets told a lot but there's not much science
<Lartza> well there is more to vitamins but drinking but still
<Lartza> What even is oecotrophology
<VITAS> something you can get a diploma in
<Lartza> oh Ecotrophology
<Lartza> it's very german specific apparently
<VITAS> maybe
<VITAS> sutudied housewife
<Lartza> :P well no
<VITAS> but she gets mad if i say that
<Lartza> nutrition science but
<Lartza> So I guess kind of like a Nutritionist but not really...
<VITAS> i know she can fix washing machines, knows everything about food and can plan large kitchens
<Lartza> oh
<Lartza> what
<Lartza> :D
<VITAS> she planed kitchens for major companies in the 70s
<Lartza> I see
<Lartza> A really weird field o.o
<Lartza> large kitchens are planned by different people in here
<Lartza> :P
<VITAS> she sas when she started they didnt realy know what they could be used for
<VITAS> so they told them everything AND the kitchen sink
<VITAS> nowdays they semm to settle on "those who can teach Nutritionists how to be Nutritionists"
<Lartza> "Vitamin C or ascorbic acid has been proposed as an anticancer agent"
<Lartza> -.-
<Lartza> "no consistent clinical evidence" aww
<VITAS> btw theres a difference between atrificial vitamin c and natural
<VITAS> and yes that sounds strange
<Lartza> uhhhh
<VITAS> i mean the cancer and vitamin c thing
<Lartza> Yeah
<Lartza> And yeah it comes in two forms apparently
<VITAS> cancer or vitamin c?
<Lartza> no vitamin C
<Lartza> three forms actually
<Lartza> "D carries identical antioxidant properties but not the vitamin C content of L and is not used in any form of vitamin supplement"
<VITAS> that sound slike somewhere in the future theyre like "uhm ohm there are apperently n types of vitamin c"
<Lartza> "antioxidant"
<Lartza> most things I can find about this are
<Lartza> idiotic stuff like
<Lartza> "Avoid synthetics of any vitamin. These are made in labs using chemicals and processes far removed from the natural world."
<Lartza> ....
<Lartza> "Why choose Pukka Herbs’ Natural Vitamin C?"
<Lartza> :D
<VITAS> uhm
<Lartza> but yes there CAN be differences
<Lartza> :P
<VITAS> ill go shopping now. In fact ive a lidel here too :D
<Lartza> it seems
<Lartza> I've got three different stores in same building but
<Lartza> lidl wekkly sales just changed today
<VITAS> yes ive got penny, real, lidel, rewe
<Lartza> s-market, k-market, lidl :P
<Lartza> we don't really have other international storechains
<Lartza> we used to have Spar
<VITAS> l-market
<Lartza> Nope
<Lartza> m-market
<Lartza> :D
<Lartza> independent stores
<VITAS> yes i know spar theyve gotten rare here
<Lartza> that get kind of franchising support
<VITAS> yes weve got edeka
<Lartza> spar vanished from here like... maybe 12 years ago
<VITAS> thats like the frenchise elderly high price got everything store
<Lartza> :P
<Lartza> That's stockmann in here
<VITAS> yes spar funnily is a big thing in ireland
<Lartza> also wait no
<VITAS> they go there to ghet breakfast
<Lartza> M Market is like if you opened a store you could get their logos etc
<Lartza> but it'd be your store
<VITAS> (they have grills in there and alike)
<Lartza> I think there are a lot of spars in eastern europe too
<Lartza> the stores at least
<VITAS> i was surprised how expensive tesco is compared to aldi or lidl
<Lartza> :D
<Lartza> We get tesco products in our s-group stores now
<Lartza> they have a deal and import tesco stuff
<Lartza> started this year
<VITAS> you have funny store names
<Lartza> KKK Supermarket
<VITAS> what?!
<Lartza> :D
<VITAS> i know CCC clothes
<Lartza> They kind of stopped using that but
<Lartza> K comes from Kesko
<VITAS> kesko?
<Lartza> and they have like, market, supermarket and hypermarket
<VITAS> hyper?
<Lartza> So they used to be K Market, KKK Supermarket and KKKK hypermarket
<Lartza> aldi is a hypermarket
<Lartza> iirc
<VITAS> mega giga terramarket
<Lartza> stores bigger than lidls
<VITAS> aldi is a discounter
<VITAS> and thats it
<VITAS> hmm
<Lartza> Real is a hypermarket
<Lartza> and kaufland
<VITAS> ah yes we have kaufland
<Lartza> not aldi
<Lartza> yeah we don't
<Lartza> but I googled
<Lartza> also marktkauf
<Lartza> super big stores aka hypermarkets
<VITAS> hmm its a german word so you shouldnt
<VITAS> ok
<Lartza> In here we have K-Citymarket and Prisma
<Lartza> :P
<Lartza> no kauflands
<Lartza> just lidls
<VITAS> ims till giggeling over kkk market
<Lartza> Yeah they kind of stopped doing that
<Lartza> even though it was never an issue in here
<Lartza> they are just K-Market K-Supermarket K-Citymarket nowadays
<Lartza> which is weird because citymarkets are outside cities
<Lartza> because hypermarket
<Lartza> :P
<VITAS> ill just go to penny its easy and they have beautiful cashiers
<Lartza> Try not to die :S
<Lartza> To your cold or to snow
<Lartza> :D
<VITAS> we dont have snow yet
<Lartza> Awww
<Lartza> We do...
<VITAS> envy
<Lartza> :D but yeah, get well soon I'm gonna take a shower so I can get to store too
<VITAS> im in hamburg its more wet and coldish if any
<Lartza> ah
<Lartza> close to sea
<VITAS> yes
<VITAS> G20 summit town
<Lartza> baltic sea doesn't really do that
<Lartza> too small
<VITAS> thats all ive to say these days
<Lartza> :P
<Lartza> Don't know it was in hamburg
<Lartza> *Didn't
<VITAS> anyways off to the shops
<VITAS> i did know firsthand
<VITAS> wow they swaped my entire server for a new one because ryzen cpus have problems with proxmox/kvm kernels
aradapilot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
aradapilot has joined #spacedock
<VITAS> Fun times: My former employer now demands: The password to my private keepass file and the Password for the livesystem of ubuntu botting on my ex work pc from when i demonstraed that its fully functional