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handicraftsman has joined #!/bin/sh
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<handicraftsman> What the
<handicraftsman> No, this is fuking inpossible
<Iskierka> Hi :D
<handicraftsman> Iskierka, are you owner of that bot?
<handicraftsman> Of gk_1wm_su
<Iskierka> Not me
<handicraftsman> Iskierka, who?
<handicraftsman> This bot is overannoying on 3 IRC networks while it does not break rules
<Iskierka> I've not idea. Didn't look closely, figured it was probably you joining this channel and being annoyed that such a silly name works
UmbralRaptor has joined #!/bin/sh
<handicraftsman> Iskierka, lol
<handicraftsman> It was not me
<handicraftsman> On rusnet it's known as Pyatibrat_Glubinnaya_Kniga
<handicraftsman> On freenode##lazy-valoran i found it in banlist as $x:**
<Iskierka> interesting mystery bot. whowas says it only connected about 40 mins before that
<Thomas> netops already klined some of the ips used by that bot iirc
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