egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
Qboid was kicked from #!/bin/sh by *status [You have been disconnected from the IRC server]
Qboid has joined #!/bin/sh
handicraftsman has joined #!/bin/sh
ProtonBot has joined #!/bin/sh
egg|zzz|egg is now known as egg|nomz|egg
<handicraftsman> \at #bottorture \ping
<handicraftsman> \at #bottorture \as UmbralRaptor \ping
<handicraftsman> \at #bottorture \echo UmbralRaptor, does this look weird?
<handicraftsman> \at #bottorture \echo ???
<handicraftsman> \at #bottorture \echo Yes, i am teh bot
<handicraftsman> \at #bottorture \echo Of course
<handicraftsman> \at #bottorture \echo I am just random AI, u human
handicraftsman has quit [Quit: Курите маны и читайте доки]
egg|nomz|egg is now known as egg