UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf
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title: Xsux-IME/ at 815b49e87c172645ece40bd60cbc4dd90b5f16d0 · eggrobin/Xsux-IME · GitHub
in too much pain to read
hey egg|laptop|egg how does principa do n-body and time warp
what do you mean
like wouldnt the math kinda fall apart / lead to weird results if you just increased the delta t
we do not increase the time step (indeed that would break symplecticity, which is only a thing for fixed-step methods)
but there is no requirement for the time step of the integration to be related to the time step of the game
ao you just run more calcs on the backend which arent shown to the user?
(except as an averaged motion?)
in fact the time step of the celestial bodies in RSS is 10 min
yeah, or fewer (and we have interpolation/approximation methods to evaluate at arbitrary points)
at timewarp below 30 000 we do less than one celestial body step per game step
me and ZLSA are discussing what a better KSP might look like (and how it would need a custom engine and what not)
(the vessel steps are 10 s, so that threshold is 500, not that this threshold is very meaningful; it’s not like anything relies on it, you just have a thing that computes points and constructs interpolation, and on the other side a thing that evaluates a continuous trajectory)
person in another channel
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one sec
there he is
he had initially asked have n number would be a good one to do and i said 3 for earth orbit (Earth Moon Sun)
oh nice, the smart people channel!
and then we got into how do you do n body and timewarp
as has previously been discussed on the fora and elsewhere, the n-body gravitation part has never been the difficult bit
the initial context is: there's a scale between KSP (2-body keplerian) and reality; where would you expect a game to fall on that scale?
(arguably the extended-body stuff is hard to implement, but that is a different matter)
AIUI, n-body is mathematically nearly trivial, but making it efficient and usable is the big burden
wait, wrong terminology
that is a completely well-understood problem and it was done in a day
the difficulty, and the reason why we have been at this madness for five years, is to provide the player with the tools to make sense of this new environment
i do wonder if you just calculated a mass/distance ratio for all bodies and just grabbed the top 3/4 to actually run the gravitational potential off of how close you would be to reality
(and that is also where you do end up with some more interesting performance issues: predicting the trajectory as you burn requires a fairly fast computation, although you can afford to be less precise and use a nonsymplectic adaptive method)
> i do wonder if you just calculated a mass/distance ratio for all bodies and just grabbed the top 3/4 to actually run the gravitational potential off of how close you would be to reality
WeylandsWings: that's exactly the shortcut I planned on. In fact I would expect principia does that already
you are trying to solve a problem that is not here, in a way that does not help
the costly thing is computing the distance
i would think that would be trivial because it is just vector math to the datum of the overall system
vector addition ^
whereas the full force requires multiplication
WeylandsWings: but it needs to be done a ridiculous amount of times though, and I don't expect KSP has this info nicely laid out in memory
yeah i have no idea how ksp stores stuff
OK no, I’m sorry, you are both completely missing the forest for the trees here
1. Computing the evolution of the solar system on the timescales we care about is fast enough that it is irrelevant, because other things are much slower
2. Those other things are spacecraft, because those can do fast things (and you still have to give them a constant timestep, because you want symplecticity so they don’t drift in energy)
oh, principia does true n-body with all spacecraft?
3. The costly thing (as in, the thing that limits timewarp rate) is therefore computing the trajectory of your spacecraft (with a 10 s timestep) in your *precomputed* solar system
WeylandsWings: note that what KSP has in memory is completely irrelevant; we have our own data structures and our own opinon of where everything is, which is authoritative; we dictate to KSP where it puts things
was the symplecticity issue the cause of craft spinning up/ out of control after warp in earlier versions of principa?
nono that is a recent effort about persistent rotation
okay i think that makes sense
we have always had symplecticity because I knew from university that it was what you wanted for this kind of application
so now, when you compute the trajectory of your spacecraft in a precomputed ephemeris, fetching the polynomial for your planet from memory and evaluating it is costly
we have *very heavily* optimized the evaluation of those polynomials
because that is the thing that matters
title: Change Log · mockingbirdnest/Principia Wiki · GitHub
what order are the polynomials?
We use X. X. Newhall’s method for approximating ephemerides, I think we go to degree 9? I forget
typically lower, but if you are looking at Io or Phobos or whatever you will hit high degrees
* X
is used.
X: not you, you you Newhall :-p
* X
doubles upon himself in the new hall.
egg|laptop|egg: would it be correct to say that the fact you are displaying the results in KSP is completely irrelevant from a principa standpoint and that the computational issue would persist even if you were to be doing it for a totally different game?
yeah, KSP is just a graphics/UI front-end for us :-p
also thank you for making me have to go look at the Чебышёв polynomials again
(also it deals with local physics/collisions etc., though now we deal with rigid body rotation of the whole)
there is a reason i didnt do a pure math or physics degree dammit
(physics engines typically do not know how to do rigid body rotation)
you know it's scary when the names are Cyrillic
Chebyshev ZLSA
honestly I'm amazed that KSP has gotten this far
it being romanized doesnt make it much better
Tschebyschoff if you are German
at least this isnt another Euler method
I'm not formally trained, so fancy names scare me until I understand the principle
admittedly doing rigid body rotation right (by solving Euler’s equation formally) took us a year, starting with implementing state-of-the-art elliptic integrals, so I understand why most people don’t go there
well, the most complex physics simulation I've ever made was 2D and it didn't work right, so I'm going to have to do a ton of research now lol
and most people dont go there because video games dont NEED that level of fidelity
I still remember ferram's quasi-rants on KSP's aerodynamics
well, most don’t but if you have a game involving freely-rotating bodies in a vacuum it starts getting relevant
(see the Principia users suddenly realizing that they built their spacecraft in such a way that their intended spin-stabilization axis is unstable)
as in the T bar spinning is space unstable?
egg|laptop|egg: you are now making me wonder how STK or Freeflyer do it as those are higher fidelity
> as in the T bar spinning is space unstable? << yes
that is a thing that you can compute formally using elliptic integrals; so when you have this kind of setup in KSP+Principia and timewarp, it will keep flipping forever without drift
i forget the name of that phenomenon
rotation inversion/improper rotation. there are like a half dozen synonyms for it
title: про эффект Джанибекова -- (ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО загляните в описание под видео !!) - YouTube
now i am wondering what happens if you start spinning it around the axis of the intermediate rotation
WeylandsWings: just get yourself into space and try it
hey i am moving one step closer
IIRC Unity's physics engine does properly handle that, but obviously that's not a proper analytical solution
no it does not
we wasted a lot of time to find that out, but it does not even try
you can sort of recover it if you have multi-part vessels, because if you have lots of point masses bolted together that approximates a rigid body, and then Euler integrating that Euler integrates the Euler equation, but if you have a single book-shaped part it does not do anything interesting
title: Spin-up on reentry under physics warp with FAR · Issue #2519 · mockingbirdnest/Principia · GitHub
oh ouch, that sucks.
WeylandsWings: mind you this is not relevant for most practical spacecraft purposes, because if it is spin-stabilized the engineer will have put the spin axis in the right place, and if it is not there is an ACS
this mostly matters IRL for an out-of-control spacecraft
well it also matters for recovery
so, say, if Салют 7 had been spinning around a different axis, things would have been a right mess
trying to figure out if your directional antenna is going to be pointing at you long enough to try to reestablish contact and control
be that docking or remote control
but granted that is why you put small omni anntennas on 2-4 surfaces
or on corners on the craft
yeah, but that won’t help you in the outer solar system
spacecraft engineers are absolute wizards
ZLSA: have you hear of gravity gradient stabilization?
WeylandsWings: yes
I think I first read about it in the Ars story about Columbia's potential rescue
yeah that is a pretty crazy idea
although doesnt help with the roll around the nadir-zenith axis
radial was the word i was looking for
roll around the radial axis
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egg|laptop|egg: so crazy idea i kinda want to run the numbers on... how much dV and mass would you have to move from the asteroid belt to to give Mars a moon like Luna (same mass/distance ratio). probably best to start by boosting phobos and making it combine with diemos
All of it and then some?
really just get enough mass into a concentrated location in mars orbit to maybe start rewarming the core from tidal pull and maybe (hopefully) increase mar's magnetic field to slow/reverse atmo loss
raptop: i mean yeah it is probably some crazy amount
WeylandsWings: it's probably easier to nuke mars, even from a public approval standpoint
Can we just steal one of Saturn's moons instead?
or make and keep a 1-2 T artificial mag field at the Mars-Sun L2 point
raptop: that is why i said steal the mass from the asteroid belt... then you dont have to fight with Saturn's gravitational well
plus you can have the asteroid mining companies rejected asteroids/tailings
because you dont want to tuck away 16 psyche and all its sweet sweet precious metals
BOTE, you need two asteroid belts?
Unfortunately, the Jupiter Trojans are estimated at 1/5 the mass of the main belt
* raptop
wonders if it's easier to build a better human (and/or keep a meter of rock between the meat creatures and the sky
BOTE: Back Of The Envelope
TIL there is a sign 𒄙𒄒 with the reading DURAN
But do they sing about the quality of copper ingots?
!wpn -add:wpn durian
Added wpn 'durian'
!wpn -add:wpn pomegranat
Added wpn 'pomegranat'
!wpn -add:wpn ingot
Added wpn 'ingot'
raptop: damn i thought the asteriod belt was more massive
[WIKIPEDIA] List of Solar System objects by size | "This is a partial list of Solar System objects by size, arranged in descending order of mean volumetric radius, and divided into several size classes. These lists can also be sorted according to an object's mass and, for the largest objects, volume, density and surface gravity, insofar as these values..."
hrm so Haumea and makemake combined would be about the right mass
but bringing them in from the kuiper belt would be quite a chore