egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf | Logs:
[WIKIPEDIA] Устройство дифференциального тока | "Устройство дифференциального тока (УДТ), (англ. residual current device, RCD) - контактное коммутационное устройство, предназначено для того, чтобы включать, проводить и отключать электрические токи при нормальны
<> "УЗО" is a pure RCD, "диффавтомат" is an RCD combined with an overcurrent breaker
<> never heard "УДТ" used in real life
<> but it might be different if you're doing it formally
<> yes, it seems like УДТ is how the ГОСТ calls it
<> i understand that the former is undefined and the latter is ok
I am confused as to what the types of things are here
curr is a value<Bits>?
but then that reinterpret_cast shouldn’t even compile if curr isn’t a pointer, also it would really be a const_cast??!
s/really/really just/
egg|anbo|egg_ meant to say: but then that reinterpret_cast shouldn’t even compile if curr isn’t a pointer, also it would really just be a const_cast??!
whitequark I don’t understand how to map that to your original question about going back from a member to the structrue
<> egg|anbo|egg_: curr is a chunk_t
<> and it's originally retrieved from a value<Bits>
<> it's for C interop
title: Flight sim employee arrested for attempting to smuggle jet fighter manuals - Polygon
apparently on the FR side they went with a different approach, razbam (the makers of the Mirage 2000C plugin) have a contract with the french air force
I wonder how they do it for the RU planes, since the developers are from there
egg|anbo|egg_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
egg|anbo|egg_ has joined #kspacademia
whitequark: raptop: also it appears that the arrested DCS developer was released and went back to work, so just like publishing classified documents is not bannable, smuggling F-16 docs is not fireable'un_d%C3%A9veloppeur
[WIKIPEDIA] Eagle Dynamics#Arrestation d'un développeur | "Eagle Dynamics est un studio de développement de jeux vidéo et de logiciels professionnels spécialisé dans la simulation de vol militaire. Ses employés travaillent en étroite collaboration avec les membres de la Fighter Collection. Bien que la société soit domiciliée en Suisse, ses équipes de développement..."
(the english wikipedia article on Eagle Dynamics is oddly short)