egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf | Logs:
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* UmbralRaptor 🔪 the sky
<UmbralRaptor> hey, it worked
raptop has joined #kspacademia
_whitelogger has joined #kspacademia
<raptop> !8 Is the correct way to celebrate earth day by blowing up an earth?
<galois> raptop: no
<raptop> astronomers naming things:
<galois> title: [2202.01220] Tracing stars in Milky Way satellites with A-SLOTH
<raptop> !wpn
* galois gives raptop a Roche monopole
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<raptop> !wpn
* galois gives raptop a plasma RU Rodan
<SnoopJ> a RUdan?
<raptop> Yes
<raptop> ##physics always like this?
<SnoopJ> ye
<SnoopJ> (on Libera)
<raptop> blarg
<raptop> Anyway, at least exoplanet land seems to be rather short on cranks at the moment
* raptop does not press F to pay respects to Peter van de Kamp
<SnoopJ> oh?
<raptop> Well, maybe a *bit* strong, but there were some 20th century claims about planets found by astrometry that, uh, weren't real
<SnoopJ> broke: the Higgs boson is a xenon atom; woke: the Higgs boson is an exoplanet
<raptop> aaaaaaaaa
<raptop> (...don't give gabor feket any ideas?)
* SnoopJ can't recall if he's still around
<SnoopJ> I have a vague recollection that he'd died but finding information about that is proving to be hard
<raptop> hrm
<SnoopJ> I may have him confused with another Gabor Fekete >_>
<raptop> o_O
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