egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf | Logs:
_whitelogger has joined #kspacademia
!wpn raptop
* galois
gives raptop an eggscuse with a grimoire attachment
!8 Grimoire Weiss?
SnoopJ: no
I'm quite attached to him, actually
There may be some disruption to !u in the near future, I'm working on re-organizing how decomposition and the CLDR integration work, and *maybe* putting in some ICU stuff, I haven't made up my mind about that yet
it's the same plugin for now though
o O ( I should make an IRC bot based on the Unicode tools )
Clearly the world needs to compare Unicode 2.0 and draft properties for Unicode 17.0 over IRC
pretty much the rabbit hole I have been slowly falling into for… the better part of a decade now I guess?
anyway, the upstream is open to replacing the built-in codepoint-info tool which !u is pretty similar to, except that it also provides normalization forms, CLDR (en), etc.
err, I mean !u and kin. They don't all live on the same command prefix now (but one of the changes is that they would)
Don't fall into the rabbit hole of parsing the entire UCD, especially historical versions of it, it is deeper than you think
yea, surely not the whole thing
Blocks.txt maybe, though
Most of the parsing is done upstream by `unicodedata2` which is "just" the machinery of the CPython stdlib extracted into a third-party package whose backing UCD data can be updated and released more frequently.
But `unicodedata` leaves a lot of information behind in the interest of only presenting the most common things programmers will want, I suppose. It's not particularly "rich" awareness
[url] Unicode Utilities: Character Properties |
(for extra fun, try adding history=assigned to the URL parameters, though please do not post such links publicly because then crawlers will take down the JSPs)
[arXiv] “Debris disks around M dwarfs: The Herschel DEBRIS survey” Jean-Francois Lestrade, Brenda C. Matthews, Grant M. Kennedy et al. — «The Herschel open-time key program Disc Emission via a Bias-free Reconnaissance in the Infrared and Sub-millimeter (DEBRIS) is an unbiased survey of the nearest ~100 stars for each stellar type A-M observed with a uniform photometric sensitivity to search for cold debris disks around them. The…»
[url] GitHub - ORNL-Fusion/PARVMEC: 3D Equilibrium Solver |
[arXiv] “The Numerics of VMEC++” Jonathan Schilling — «VMEC++ is a Python-friendly, from-scratch reimplementation in C++ of the Variational Moments Equilibrium Code (VMEC), a fixed- and free-boundary ideal-MHD equilibrium solver for stellarators and tokamaks. The first VMEC implementation was written by Steven P. Hirshman and colleagues in the 1980s and 1990s and its latest Fortran incarnation (PARVMEC,…»
!wpn raptop
* galois
gives raptop a æther isentropic compiler
!wpn Catherine
* galois
gives Catherine a captured polarimeter
!wpn whitequark
* galois
gives whitequark a 対戦車 XeTeX 壺
So if I mention, the wpn is not a mention, and vice versa
yea if there is an argument to !wpn, that is the recipient, otherwise it's the command runner
!wpn some arbitrary target
* galois
gives some arbitrary target a tellurium Shrapnel bunny
imagine getting slivers of a rare earth bnuuy embeded in a limb