egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer. | We can haz pdf | Logs:
[arXiv] “FEASTS Combined with Interferometry. III. The Low-column-density HI Around M51 and Possibility of Turbulent-mixing Gas Accretion” Xuchen Lin, Jing Wang, Lister Staveley-Smith et al. — «With a new joint-deconvolution pipeline, we combine the single-dish and interferometric atomic hydrogen (HI) data of M51 observed by the FAST (FEASTS program) and VLA (THINGS). The product data cube has a typical line width of…»
[arXiv] “Multi-mode Pulsations in AGB Stars: Insights from 3D RHD CO5BOLD Simulations” Arief Ahmad, Bernd Freytag, Susanne Höfner — «Stars on the AGB can exhibit acoustic pulsation modes of different radial orders, along with non-radial modes. These pulsations are essential to the mass-loss process and influence the evolutionary pathways of AGB stars. P-L relations serve as a valuable diagnostic for understanding stellar…»
[arXiv] “EBOP MAVEN: A machine learning model for predicting eclipsing binary light curve fitting parameters” Stephen Overall, John Southworth — «Detached eclipsing binary stars (dEBs) are a key source of data on fundamental stellar parameters. While there is a vast source of candidate systems in the light curve databases of survey missions such as Kepler and TESS, published catalogues of well-characterised systems fall short…»
Today in jovian planets trying to imitate comets (well, in terms of eccentricity. Please ignore that this is smaller than 1/P Halley):
[arXiv] “GJ 2126 b: A highly eccentric Jovian exoplanet” Arbel Schorr, Avraham Binnenfeld, Shay Zucker — «We report the discovery of GJ 2126 b, a highly eccentric (e = 0.85) Jupiter-like planet orbiting its host star every 272.7 days. The planet was detected and characterized using 112 radial velocity (RV) measurements from HARPS (High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher), provided by HARPS-RVBank. This planet orbits a…»