<Delafina777> This obsession with imagining an alternate history where The Bad Guys Won feels like it comes from a very privilege… https://t.co/WvdhXRdRu8
<yottapoint> 12) When we introduce data for Clinton, you can see how *perceptions* of her honesty were incredibly out of whack w… https://t.co/IOQhJYoRPe
Really, Shadow of Mordor, if you didn't want me to use the power that stunlocks uruks and refills my ammo and makes their heads explode, you shouldn't have given me it
It could only be more useful if it washed my shirts
<LettieriDC> This is no trivial matter. Americans now lose more property to civil asset forfeiture than to burglary each year. https://t.co/562sBSoRUS
Iskierka: To a degree; it keeps giving me other attacks in a sort of "hey, why not try this rather than just exploding all the heads" way
You can gather intelligence to learn the weaknesses of Captains and Warchiefs which is all very well except so far they all appear to have a weakness to having their heads exploded
that is rather convenient when you have such an ability
And it makes finding out that Urist the Meanie is scared of Morgul flies but likes cheese (or whatever) a bit redundant really
Later on you can brainslug Captains and then intervene in the power struggles to make your Captain top Captain, in a sort of Pokemon-with-Uruk-hai exercise, which is quite jolly but again comes down to "how can I sabotage the rival? Well, I'll make him save money on hats..."
pizzaoverhead has joined #kspunofficial
egg|phone|egg has joined #kspunofficial
... and what just dropped? Recover health when exploding heads
egg|cell|egg has joined #kspunofficial
egg|phone|egg has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
sounds like time to join the exploding heads party
egg|afk|egg is now known as egg
Doubtless it mixes a cocktail every time I explode a head
this hot glue gun was a much better investment than I expected with how little I can find other stuff to work with
couldn't find any other box to return thing in, hot glue original amazon box back together
can't find tape to put return label on, low-temperature hot glue is suitable for paper
(and not potentially going to cover up one of the things that needs to be scanned)
Gah this had better not be a love interest since a) the protagonist has the personality of a piece of wood with a frowny face on it b) it's not done to go dating while still chasing blood-spattered revenge for murdered spouse c) I want to get on with the head-exploding and Uruk Pokemon
yep, that label isn't going anywhere now
... a frowny-face piece of wood with a strong odour of orc brains, to boot