I don't think they make comparisons with the US because it's one of the few places the railways are worse off
Hence NaN.
eg: my recent trip: Springfield MO → State College PA → Fairfax VA: only the middle stop has an Amtrak.
Well, we've got the Beeching blight of missing stations but at least we generally don't trawl around at 55mph
even the pacers do 70 on good track
* Pinkbeast
mostly used to see Pacers on MBO-WTB where er not so much 70 :-(
they do 70 on the manchester side of the pennines. Have to slow down after summit tunnel as the track wiggles around (or presumably that's the reason)
Owen (of the photograph every station in Britain project) says they're not too bad on smooth track and I guess he would know
track's definitely imperfect in that area but the only really bad bit is the junction to the old yard near castleton where the rails definitely need some realignment, but I presume that's hard on the switch
train body definitely moves over a foot in both horizontal and vertical passing that at speed
Reminder that most elected Dems and all Reps oppose single payer.
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“Sing to me, Muse, of a basic mismatch between the value of the services Achilles son of Peleus provided to the Achaean army, as perceived by Achilles and others, and the manner in which red-haired Menelaus, son of Atreus, was willing to compensate him for said services.”