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<GH> [Principia] eggrobin pushed 6 new commits to master:
<GH> Principia/master 19ff15c Robin Leroy: an interface
<GH> Principia/master 96308c2 Robin Leroy: physics builds fwiw
<GH> Principia/master 394c551 Robin Leroy: let's not overload
<GH> [Principia] eggrobin opened pull request #1292: Evaluate discrete, first cut without hinting (master...evaluate-discrete)
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<GH> [Principia] pleroy pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GH> Principia/master eccdfaf Pascal Leroy: Update
<GH> [Principia] pleroy commented on issue #1244: Cardano, the first version of Principia to support KSP 1.2.2, is available [here](
<GH> [Principia] pleroy commented on issue #1237: Cardano, the first version of Principia to support KSP 1.2.2, is available [here](
<GH> [Principia] pleroy closed issue #1150: Compatibilities with KSP1.2.1
<GH> [Principia] pleroy commented on issue #1150: Cardano, the first version of Principia to support KSP 1.2.2, is available [here](
egg changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ:; The current version is Cardano. We currently target 1.2.2. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out |
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<GregroxLaptop> o/
<egg> \o GregroxLaptop
<GregroxLaptop> <3
<GregroxLaptop> How can I change axial tilt?
<GregroxLaptop> I assume there is MM compatibility?
<egg> you make a gravity model cfg
<egg> GregroxLaptop: here's an example config for Kopernicus + Principia: it has a Kopernicus file for the initial state, to patch retrobop; and it has a gravity_models cfg that principia reads, to set the tilt and oblateness (and it also has something to move KSC but you know about this stuff)
<GregroxLaptop> what is that value which changes oblateness? Does it change the oblatness only for gravity or for scaledspace too?
<egg> it's only a gravitational property
<egg> principia has no Kopernicus integration, and is not in the business of changing the looks of the planets
<GregroxLaptop> I figured.
<egg> it just moves things
<egg> GregroxLaptop: I can tell you that the J2 I gave Kerbin is about Mars's
<egg> so if you give Kerbin Mars's ellipticity it should be believable I guess
<egg> (that's not much ellipticity tbh)
<GregroxLaptop> Is J2 the measure of oblatness then?
<egg> ellipticity is the visual thing, aka flattening; J2 is a zonal spherical harmonic
<egg> it describes a part of the gravitational field
<egg> "how much it tends to be equator-heavy" in some sense
<egg> J3 is "how much it's top-heavy", J4 is then refines the shape of the gravitational field symmetrically about the equator...
<egg> we only do j2 right now
<egg> eventually we want to have tesseral harmonics too
<egg> c22 matters for Mars
<egg> and c21 for the moon
<GregroxLaptop> Define tesseral harmonics please
<egg> GregroxLaptop: Zonal are in the first column; Sectoral the diagonal; the rest is tesseral
<GregroxLaptop> but what does it mean?
<GregroxLaptop> What do these represent?
<egg> the shape of the gravitational field
<egg> GregroxLaptop: you know those gravitational field maps e.g. from GRAIL or GRACE?
<egg> you can describe the map as a sum of all of those with various coefficients
<egg> (note that the first line doesn't matter here, it starts on the second line)
<GregroxLaptop> So with this you could do things like having lobed asgteroids with accurate orbits?
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<egg> GregroxLaptop: will answer in a few minutes, patching #1292 after phl's review
<Qboid> [#1292] title: Evaluate discrete, first cut without hinting | `DiscreteTrajectory` is now a `Trajectory`. The existing use of `Hermite3` is also for interpolation of discrete trajectories (when computing apsides in `Ephemeris`), we may want to switch to `Evaluat... |
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<egg> asdf
<egg> aoeu
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<GregroxMun> My laptop died
<egg> GregroxMun: aha
<egg> GregroxMun: so
<egg> GregroxMun: hm, lemme try to see if I can find this old notebook
<egg> GregroxMun: do you know about Fourier series?
<GregroxMun> Vaguely, but not enough to tell you anything other than "pretty sure there's some sine waves involved"
<egg> GregroxMun: ok, so the idea is you have a periodic signal, and you express it as a sum of sine waves at different frequencies (that are fractions of some base frequency)
<GregroxMun> Oh yeah I think I remember that
<egg> GregroxMun: now you can always do that, but this is particularly useful when the signal is 1. periodic, 2. close enough to a sine wave with perturbations that are sine waves
<egg> e.g. if you have sound, or radio
<egg> you can cut off the high frequencies, and get pretty much the same signal
<egg> the very idea of "cut off the high frequencies" is the Fourier transform
<egg> if I just give you a curve, it doesn't come with high-frequency bits that can be obviously separated
<egg> but if you express it as a sum of sines with increasing frequencies, you can drop the high-frequency stuff
<egg> and assuming your signal isn't too annoying it's going to look the same
<egg> GregroxMun: the idea is the same here; you have a shape (that of the isopotentials, of the gravity field) and you express it as a sum of what's called spherical harmonics
<egg> think of them as sine waves but for spheres
<GregroxMun> Dude.
<GregroxMun> that's neat
<GregroxMun> I think I understand that.
<egg> GregroxMun: now because surfaces are more complicated than curves, instead of having one family of sine waves (harmonics of some base frequency---btw, see, the word harmonic is common to the two!), you have 2 parameters
<GregroxMun> can you send me that link with the configs again?
<egg> and much like sine and cosine, you in fact have coefficients C and S for each parameter pair
<egg> sure
<egg> GregroxMun: so J2 is (up to a constant factor) also caled C22
<egg> it's the cosine-like harmonic 2,2
<egg> it's bulgy at the equator/flatty at the poles
<egg> GregroxMun: er no sorry
<egg> C20
<egg> the harmonic 2,0
<egg> (there's no S 2,0 for reasons that I won't delve into)
<egg> you also have a C and S 2,1
<egg> those are "how much does it bulge in some direction on the equator"
<egg> (there are two of those, because you need to specify a direction as well as the magnitude of how much it bulges)
<egg> where and how much it bulges
<egg> GregroxMun: so on the equator, think the moon bulging towards and away from Earth
<egg> (or our tides bulging towards and away from the moon, but that's liquid and it changes over time and it's a mess let's not go there)
<egg> GregroxMun: also no wait, that was 2,2, not 2,1
<egg> GregroxMun: C 2,1 and S 2,1 are some weird intermediate thing, where you say e.g. "how much it bulges Australia-to-America"
<egg> GregroxMun: diagonally
<egg> GregroxMun: and then the 3,something coefficients refine that by adding more bumps, and the 4,something even more, etc.
<egg> GregroxMun: mind you this is all about abstract surfaces
<egg> GregroxMun: you can use them to describe the physical shape of the Moon, or the shape of the gravitational field
<egg> but they're different things
<egg> GregroxMun: or you can use it to describe the shape of your cat, but you're going to need *a lot* of harmonics, because your cat is very far from a sphere or an oblate spheroid or any simple spherical harmonic
<GregroxMun> But this could do things like account for the lumpiness of Gilly, or the lobes of 67p?
<egg> because of the special shape of the C2,k coefficients when they're extreme, maybe you can get something that vaguely looks like 67p's field with few coefficients
<egg> but that's not really what it's for
<GregroxMun> What is it for then?
<GregroxMun> What is the practical purpose?
<egg> much like you'd cut the high frequencies off of something that's kinda a sine wave, you use it for things that are kinda shaped like spherical harmonics
<egg> oblate spheroids + small perturbations
<egg> otherwise you need too many harmonics to be useful (which is why you shouldn't model cats with spherical harmonics)
<egg> UmbralRaptor: I think, you're the cat astronomer here
<UmbralRaptor> ping
<egg> GregroxMun: you can always try hacking things together with low-order harmonics of course, but for very complex shapes it may be better to cut them up into smaller masses and sum that
<egg> GregroxMun: many harmonics can end up getting costly
<egg> GregroxMun: but if you can have few and have that be accurate, it's good
<egg> so we use that for the gravitational fields of (dwarf) planets
<UmbralRaptor> Yeah, don't use spherical harmonics for macroscale things held together by electrostatic forces.
<UmbralRaptor> (atoms, however…)
<UmbralRaptor> How are lunar masscons dealt with?
<egg> GregroxMun: here is what the harmonics look like
<GregroxMun> That visualization helps a lot
<egg> UmbralRaptor: eh, I think you just shove more harmonics onto the thing? I mean, once you've started supporting that, it's still close enough...
<egg> UmbralRaptor: you certainly *get* the fields in spherical harmonics at least
<egg> UmbralRaptor: how you use them to integrate is a different question
<UmbralRaptor> hrm
<egg> UmbralRaptor: but if you have the harmonics and the implementation of the harmonics anyway...
<egg> UmbralRaptor: and it's still a sphere, not a cat
<teabot> Steall.
<egg> UmbralRaptor: GregroxMun: so if you had all 2nd order harmonics you could coerce them into making a peanut (important note: this is a symmetric peanut, both lobes the same shape, because 2nd order only). This feels immoral though.
<egg> UmbralRaptor: GregroxMun: also in that image: the effect of various values of J2 in perturbing a sphere, in cross section and in 3d
<egg> for reasonable values it flattens
<egg> UmbralRaptor: for unreasonable values it gives you a, erm, lemniscatoid?
<UmbralRaptor> Given the disky/boxu split for early type galaxies, it seems reasonable.
<UmbralRaptor> >_>
<egg> UmbralRaptor: disky/boxu?
<UmbralRaptor> Also, contact binary asteroids! \o/
<UmbralRaptor> s/boxu/boxy/
<Qboid> UmbralRaptor meant to say: Given the disky/boxy split for early type galaxies, it seems reasonable.
<egg> UmbralRaptor: at such high values of J2 I might worry about numerical stability too as well as morals
<egg> (maybe it's unwarranted and it behaves well, but still)
<egg> stuff that allows you to come close to the centre, where the main term will be high...
<UmbralRaptor> Moral stability seems difficult to test for.
<egg> that makes me nervous
<UmbralRaptor> hrm
<UmbralRaptor> clipping could be an issue?
<egg> see the isopotential is so close to the centre only because it's killed off by the 2nd order terms
<egg> that's a cancellation by definition
<egg> aka how to lose all your bits
<UmbralRaptor> And then you get flung by a singularity?
<egg> UmbralRaptor: or just madly jitter because of random forces
<egg> you've lost precision, you don't necessarily get high values, you just get garbage in the mantissa
<egg> GregroxMun: UmbralRaptor: so I'd say a 2-lobed thing would be properly modeled by two perturbed spheres
<egg> and then you can safely know that you don't get close to the singularity of either
<egg> and you can perturb those
<GregroxMun> Can this be done practically so that in KSP I can have a giant working 67P?
<egg> GregroxMun: not soon
<egg> :-p
<egg> GregroxMun: maybe at some point we'll add C2,k, because we want the Moon and Phobos/Mars to make sense
<egg> (not Phobos's field, but Mars's action on phobos, which depends on the weird shape of Mars)
* egg blames that big volcano
<egg> GregroxMun: and with C2,k you can have a hacky peanut (but only a symetrical peanut)
<egg> with numerical stability issues etc. but a peanut
<egg> now modeling 67P properly sounds interesting, but very hard
<egg> I'd have to look up how it's properly represented for those purposes
<egg> UmbralRaptor: any idea? or ideas where to look?
* UmbralRaptor does not. =\
<GregroxMun> Is there some calculation that can be made to find out what the J2 value should be for an object?
<UmbralRaptor> Uh, speaking of giant mountains, Vesta.
<egg> UmbralRaptor: *whistles* but we have harmonics tables for those
<UmbralRaptor> Olympus Mons height object on a sub-dwarf planet!
<egg> UmbralRaptor: I mean as long as it looks like an ellipsoid without glasses I think you do it with harmonics
<egg> doing fancy things is probably a lot of trouble
<egg> UmbralRaptor: ...
<UmbralRaptor> hah
<egg> fancier than spherical harmonics, but... ugh
<egg> . Denormalized, low order spherical harmonics up to degree
<egg> 3 of shape model SHA.
<egg> welp it's just a thing where you slap harmonics unto the thing isn't it
<egg> that feels wrong
<egg> UmbralRaptor: so it says non-normalized; a problem is that no two papers use the same convention for C_m,k
<egg> but those numbers seem high
<egg> c20 and c22 at least
<egg> and c30
<egg> yeah it's a silly peanut
<egg> GregroxMun: welp, I guess you can use that whenever we get around to adding the c_m,k
<egg> which won't be too soon
<egg> GregroxMun: but at least you'll get to know about a new mathematician every new moon now
<GregroxMun> :)
<egg> worked on solving the cubic
<egg> UmbralRaptor: this paper feels like they're just hacking away at the comet and nebulously commenting about the effect of what they do: : the mass loss due
<egg> neck region has a much bigger influence on the mass distribution
<egg> along the z-axis (and therefore also on C20) while it
<egg> to the thinned out part of the new shape model close to the
<egg> has a smaller influence on the mass distribution along the
<egg> x-axis (and therefore on C22).
<egg> *takes a chisel and thins the neck*
<UmbralRaptor> Snapping the neck off of a rubber duck with harmonics?
<egg> hah
<UmbralRaptor> So, less anything formal that throwing terms at a body until the χ²/ν is low?
<egg> UmbralRaptor: uuuh I'm plotting those 2nd order terms and it seems like just an ellipsoid O_o
<egg> they're not *that* high
<egg> (or maybe I'm missing a normalization that adds an order of magnitude?)
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<egg> UmbralRaptor: ... but then again it's nowhere near hydrostatic equilibrium right
<egg> so the gravitational field *shouldn't* look like a duck
<egg> GregroxMun: ^ that's an important point; on those things the field and the physical shape are very different
<egg> (whereas e.g. on Jupiter they're the same, because fluids are nice)
<egg> UmbralRaptor: page X-44 of is interesting
<egg> apparently don't do spherical harmonics on 67P, but ellipsoidal are fine kinda
<egg> so its gravitational field looks like a perturbed ellipsoid
<egg> even though the actual thing looks like a duck
<Qboid> egg: [VIRTIS] => Visible and InfraRed Thermal Imaging Spectrometer
<egg> VIRTIS?
<egg> hm
<egg> UmbralRaptor: GregroxMun: right, this shows the local slope (wrt to local gravity, how much it would feel slopy) over the comet: most of the comet is distinctly not horizontal
<egg> see it's not really all that duck-shaped of a field
<egg> UmbralRaptor: I think the idea is that you first take some polyhedral super-slow model and then you try to slap harmonics onto it because polyhedra are just too slow
<egg> UmbralRaptor: maybe in that case you could combine two masses, but it's not even obvious it would help much, and in general it's not applicable
<egg> UmbralRaptor: yeah, see, the neck is quite deep in the potential
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<GregroxMun> ok that's weird
<GregroxMun> kick that laptop please
GregroxLaptop was kicked from #principia by egg [GregroxLaptop]
<GregroxMun> egg: I can't get anything past Eve to have a tilt with this config. Sun, Moho (for what its tiny tilt is worth), and Eve are all tilted. But nothing else is.
<egg> GregroxMun: INFO log from when you created the save?
<GregroxMun> hold on
<GregroxMun> wait nvm
<GregroxMun> I fixed it
<egg> what was it
<GregroxMun> I'm not sure quite yet, give me a minute
<GregroxMun> Correct me if I'm wrong, but you have to make a new save when you change something with Principia or Kopernicus?
<egg> yes
<GregroxMun> That was it then.
<GregroxMun> :D
<egg> principia keeps the state of the system
<GregroxMun> I... uh... may have screwed up.
<egg> GregroxMun: what?
<egg> what's wrong
<GregroxMun> It's supposed to be tilted like Earth, not Uranus
<egg> GregroxMun: ... well
<egg> GregroxMun: you put the axis 23 deg from the ecliptic
<egg> 90 deg is no tilt
<GregroxMun> Oh.
<GregroxMun> That explains that then.
<egg> -90 is upside-down
<egg> GregroxMun: it's really "from the reference plane"
<egg> GregroxMun: you may wish to put Kerbin at 90 deg. and give the orbit inclinations in the Kerbin equator frame
<teabot> Inclinateaons.
<egg> that's how it's done for RSS
<GregroxMun> But also I don't know how to do that.
<egg> that way the inertial navball is in the Kerbin equator frame
<egg> GregroxMun: change the inclinations of all orbits
<teabot> Inclinateans.
<GregroxMun> I mean I know that part, but I don't know how to preserve the relative inclinations.
<egg> with great difficulty
<egg> :D
<GregroxMun> Yeah that's the thing, isn't it.
<egg> :D
<GregroxMun> I suppose there's a reason why Kerbin's equator always appears to be the reference frame for the tracking station?
<egg> yes, that's how it works, we tilt the universe so the reference plain is the body with the terrain
<egg> because pqs doesn't support tilt
<egg> but only one body has terrain at any time
<egg> :D
<egg> (eventually we'll just let the camera run free)
<egg> (but that's work and lazy)
<GregroxMun> So if I go to orbit Eve, the reference frame will tilt to match?
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<egg> GregroxMun: yup
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