egg changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ:; The current version is Cesàro. We currently target both 1.2.2 and 1.3. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out |
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<awang> So
<awang> git bisect is pointing me to adding Principia as the cause of some KSP freezes
<awang> Unfortunately, nothing interesting appears to show up in the logs
<awang> What's the recommended way of debugging this?
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<awang> Actually...
<awang> Might be an issue with my compile
<awang> Not sure why...
<awang> Both Apple Clang and regular clang appear to result in freezes
<awang> lamont's build seems fine
<awang> I think
<egg|nomz|egg> awang: argh
egg|nomz|egg is now known as egg
* egg was not actually nomz all night
<egg> awang: what are you doing when it freezes
<awang> It's never consistent
<awang> When bisecting, I just loaded up the game, started a new career, launched a stock Kerbal X, and flew straight up
<egg> hm
<awang> I'd launch the craft by clicking on the launchpad
<awang> Sometimes it'd freeze on the launchpad screen
<egg> hmm
<awang> Usually it'd freeze mid-flight
<egg> might it be the multithreading,
<awang> With my full install, it'd almost always freeze at the transition from atmospheric flight to space
<egg> hmm
<awang> But I don't know if that's due to other mods, since I have quite a few other glitches
<egg> but I don't see how the shared locks could induce that if it's not an issue with the unique locks....
<awang> And KSP is only eating up 60-70% of a core
<awang> While usually it's eating up more than 100%
<awang> And that's with a brand new save
<awang> Although now that I think about it, I haven't tried deleting asteroids...
<awang> Hmmm
<awang> Wonder if macOS supports threadsan...
<awang> Dangit, doesn't appear so
<awang> Woah what
<awang> The LLVM docs lied
<egg> nah, docs never lie; they're just out of date
<egg> s/just/always
<Qboid> egg meant to say: nah, docs never lie; they're always out of date
<awang> I'll go try that sanitizer right after this boot
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<awang> egg: Possibly good news: KSP crashes with SIGABRT when Principia is compiled with the thread sanitizer
<awang> Bad news: No logs of any kind are left behind :(
<egg|work|egg> awang: even in stderr.log?
<awang> That file wasn't even created
<egg|work|egg> uh wat
<awang> Oh wait
<awang> Forgot about something
<awang> Forgot about the OS crash report
<awang> DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/Applications/
<awang> Er
<awang> Application Specific Information:
<awang> GameData/Principia/MacOS64/
<awang> abort() called
<awang> ==44608==ERROR: Interceptors are not working. This may be because ThreadSanitizer is loaded too late (e.g. via dlopen). Please launch the executable with:
<awang> DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/Applications/
<awang> Trying that now
<awang> Alright, got a proper crash
<awang> Sort of
<awang> egg|work|egg: ^
<awang> Got that crash upon trying to create a new save
<awang> Looks like I need to compile again either with less optimization or more debug info?
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<egg|work|egg> awang: hmm, not sure what to make of that, I'll have a look at it when I'm home (at work now)
<egg|work|egg> awang: of course by then you'll be asleep, because timezones are annoying >_<
<egg|work|egg> awang: that crash seems to be called from proto libs initializing, so I wouldn't get excited about it
<awang> Eh, idk about asleep, I'm not really matched with my local timezone at the moment
<awang> So basically it's not Principia code right now?
<egg|work|egg> the tsan error doesn't appear to be that; freezing might be our fault, but it's kind of hard to tell anything
<awang> Looks like things are getting interesting
<awang> Unfortunately
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<awang> Looks like it really was my Principia build that was causing my issues with KSP freezing upon reaching space
<awang> Odd
<egg> hm
<egg> awang: set journalling to on
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<egg|nomz|egg> awang: somewhere in the settings there's a button for it, make sure it goes on
<awang> Will I need to restart KSP after changing that setting?
<awang> And does it need to be set before starting a flight?
<egg|nomz|egg> awang: you need to change scene, if you set it in space centre it will be set for the flight (you even have a thing that tells you whether you are journaling so it should be obvious)
<awang> Ah, ok
<awang> Just need to wait for an hour or two for this thing to boot up, then I should have results
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<awang> What should I look for when journaling is on?
<egg|nomz|egg> awang: ... the string that says "journaling is on" in the settings? just above the checkbox you use to enable it?
<egg|nomz|egg> awang: it's in the principia UI?
* egg|nomz|egg feels like awang is looking at the wrong setting if it's not obvious whether it's on
<awang> Er
<awang> I mean in logs or something
<awang> Anything that doesn't require decoding base64?
<egg|nomz|egg> awang: it emits a journal file in hex (not base64) and when I'm done working on the current bug I'll get back to you as to how to replay it
<awang> Er, totally meant hex there
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<awang> I really don't know how I can get a proper journal
<awang> I literally can't even get to the flight scene without KSP and/or my computer freezing up
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<egg> awang: I thought that was only when getting to space?
<egg> <awang> Looks like it really was my Principia build that was causing my issues with KSP freezing upon reaching space
<egg> awang: the idea here is that you'd make a journal that goes up to the freeze, kill the process, and replay the journal (which is flushed on call and on return) to reproduce the freeze
<awang> Well
<awang> My computer has issues, to say the least
<awang> I don't know that Principia causes the freezes that aren't related to the space transition
<awang> And I've had more than a few crashes due to graphics hardware resets
<awang> I get freezes on scene transitions to/from the editor relatively frequently
<awang> And then killing KSP results in my computer freezing
<egg> uuuuuuuuuuh
<egg> yeah your computer doesn't sound happy
<awang> Nope
<awang> Planning on wiping it and reinstalling after tonight's exam
<egg> UmbralRaptor: sad bird
<egg> !win32
<egg> huh, it doesn't tell you to get a bigger bird anymore?
<awang> ?
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<awang> egg: I got the journal, but I have to go soon, so probably can't do anything with it myself soon
<awang> Should I hold onto it, or Dropbox it to you?
<egg> awang: hold on to it and have a look at PlayerTest.Debug
<egg> therein lieth the replaying test
<awang> PlayerTest.Debug?
<egg> grep */*.cpp PlayerTest
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<egg> in journal
<egg> player_test.cpp probably
<awang> Oh
<awang> Wait, crap
<egg> run the test with --gtest_filter=PlayerTest.DISABLED_Debug --gtest_also_run_disabled_tests to run that one
<awang> Gotta go
<awang> Sorry
<egg> \o
<lamont> i should try building principia on high sierra now that i upgraded the laptop
<lamont> i should really try to get some kind of work done today tho
<egg> :D
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