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Micha has joined #spacedock
<Micha> Morning :)
politas has joined #spacedock
<Micha> Quick question - what should the size of the banner image be, and how does it relate to the tile image in the mod list?
<VITAS> ups actual words?!
<VITAS> i had a number once i cant rememebr. somet hing liek 1600x1400 or something.
<VITAS> its a thumbnail
<VITAS> (in the list)
<VITAS> so yes its the same
<Micha> Thanks. Can't find any docs whatsoever for Spacedock
<VITAS> because there arent any
<Micha> Heh
<VITAS> its a hot mess that somehow works
<VITAS> btw i was about to finish my frontend rebuild when yesterday my boss came an in said "i promised to make some webapp to someone and my code isnt working could you as the onlreal IT guy in our company please code it for me?"
<Micha> Sure - if you pay me the commission... ;)
<VITAS> and i said "hmpf but dont promise crap like that ever again"
<VITAS> he has to stop whining about not beeing able to use his computer for 2 month so im not unhappy
<Micha> Well, I was part-way through reviewing my WIP for NEOS when someone poked me about the Corvus pod.. so that was my evening instead.
<VITAS> and he has to admit that java is crap
<Micha> Lol
<VITAS> h only got to "and you all know you have to keep patching and updating things to be able to still run your code after 4 years" and i was "nope"
<VITAS> he couldnt even get it to compile
<VITAS> whats NEOS?
<Micha> Nehemia Engineering Orbital Science (was OMS)
<VITAS> still no idea
<VITAS> but yes i know the problem of "so many interresting things to try"
<Micha> http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/106924-13-nehemia-engineering-orbital-science-mods-neos-michas-build/&
<VITAS> im leavin in 1h to be mentor at an youth hacking avent
<VITAS> event
<VITAS> ah now i get it
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politas has joined #spacedock
<Thomas> o/