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<VITAS> thomas: over 500 spacelink downloads
<Thomas> cool
* Thomas also read frontend in the backlog and is interested
<VITAS> i wouldnt have thought that wso many would be interrested
<VITAS> that what in where?
<VITAS> i might have my backlog on my laptop
<Thomas> <VITAS> [12:40:22] btw i was about to finish my frontend rebuild when yesterday my boss came an in said "i promised to make some webapp to someone and my code isnt working could you as the onlreal IT guy in our company please code it for me?"
<VITAS> yes
<VITAS> and i just came back from "jugendhackt" in hamburg and when some of the teenagers discovered that im involved with dmp AND spacedock i was like some star ....:%
<Thomas> lol
<VITAS> so ksp is for nerds like minecraft :D
<Thomas> minecraft isn't for nerds
<VITAS> yes thats what i meant
<Thomas> minecraft is for kiddies who think they are nerds :P
<VITAS> it common as minecraft is in other circles
<VITAS> and i managed to teach someone the basics of php AND jquery in 2 hours without touching his computer :)
<VITAS> also: im playing minecraft from time to time :D
<Thomas> Me too
<VITAS> and: people who think theyre nerds and dont understand the inenr workings are geeks
<VITAS> i currently play skyblock 3
<Thomas> And I am thinking about setting up a java devenv so I can mess with minecraft mods
<VITAS> the abys called java
<VITAS> but some sort of cross communication between mc and ksp would be funny
<Thomas> VITAS: From time to time I play on a server with some people from the german ksp community, that's pretty fun
<VITAS> e.g. pay with mc resources for your rocket :D
<Thomas> Mounting Mono in Java and building a forge bridge would be fun. C# Mods \o/ xD
<VITAS> yes cut off curse by offering more effecient mods using c# and not allow them to offer them :P
<VITAS> but i would preffer to see some sort of RTS /base building mod with the ability to place /build base mnodules within ksp as endgame thing
<Thomas> Well, I wouldn't call running a whole Mono VM alongside the JVM efficient :P
<VITAS> so you have to sustain them and earn money from them
<VITAS> efficient in terms of the mod speed not resource usage
<VITAS> the only things im interrested in is: does it leak memory and does it stutter when i do lareg things in game
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