And apparently the forums managed to mess with the SpaceDock thread once again
It is now in KSP Discussion and all followers have been deleted
[SpaceDock-Backend] HebaruSan commented on issue #5: Is the front end still proprietary / closed source? https://git.io/vAcL5
[SpaceDock-Backend] StollD commented on issue #5: VITAS wanted to keep his fronted closed source, but he said that if @RockyTV and I manage to get the code in the OpenDock repository working, he would be open to using that.... https://git.io/vAcsE
[SpaceDock-Backend] StollD commented on issue #5: VITAS wanted to keep his fronted closed source (IIRC he wanted to make it harder to create websites that look exactly like SpaceDock), but he said that if @RockyTV and I manage to get the code in the OpenDock repository working, he would be open to using that.... https://git.io/vAcsE
[SpaceDock-Backend] HebaruSan commented on issue #5: So what's being asked for here, help with the OpenDock front end, help with the original front end, or both? In the OP it sounds like it's the original front end, but now there's a non proprietary option? https://git.io/vAcGf
[SpaceDock-Backend] StollD commented on issue #5: I changed it to ask for help with the OpenDock frontend, thats what we (well, me and RockyTV at least) are currently focusing on. https://git.io/vAcGO
Nyxton has joined #spacedock
[SpaceDock-Backend] HebaruSan commented on issue #5: Cool, thanks for the clarification! I'll clone a copy and have a poke around... https://git.io/vAcZf