[SpaceDock-Backend] RockyTV commented on issue #30: Weird. Did you run build/fetch_plugins.sh and the other script in the
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[SpaceDock-Backend] HebaruSan commented on issue #30: No I did not run `build/fetch_plugins.sh`, because it was contraindicated by the instructions:... https://git.io/vAcER
[SpaceDock-Backend] HebaruSan commented on issue #30: I _did_ run `build/install_glide.sh`, though. It seemed to work fine, and `$GOPATH/bin/glide` now exists. https://git.io/vAcEz
[SpaceDock-Backend] RockyTV commented on issue #30: Does it work if you compile sdb.go instead? It should worm since
[SpaceDock-Backend] RockyTV commented on issue #30: Does it work if you compile sdb.go instead? It should work since
[SpaceDock-Backend] HebaruSan commented on issue #30: Yes, this command seemed to work as expected:... https://git.io/vAcEK
[SpaceDock-Backend] HebaruSan commented on issue #30: I get this when I run `./sdb`:... https://git.io/vAcu3
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[SpaceDock-Backend] RockyTV commented on issue #30: It's pretty easy, just setup the correct connection string in config.yml
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[SpaceDock-Backend] HebaruSan commented on issue #30: I tried guessing a string to see what errors came up:... https://git.io/vAcuy
[SpaceDock-Backend] RockyTV commented on issue #30: I think it is something like postgresql://user@domain/db
[SpaceDock-Backend] RockyTV commented on issue #30: `postgresql://username:password@hostname:port/database` https://git.io/vAcuN
[SpaceDock-Backend] RockyTV commented on issue #30: I think it is something like postgresql://user@domain/db
[SpaceDock-Backend] HebaruSan commented on issue #30: The `dialect` setting defaulted to `"mysql"`. I assume it should be `"postgresql"` to use those values? https://git.io/vAcuA
[SpaceDock-Backend] RockyTV commented on issue #30: Here's the one I use... https://git.io/vAczJ
[SpaceDock-Backend] RockyTV commented on issue #30: Here's the one I use... https://git.io/vAczJ
[SpaceDock-Backend] HebaruSan commented on issue #30: Thanks! Finally I got the expected failed authentication message. Now to figure out how to administer postgresql on Ubuntu... https://git.io/vAczt
[SpaceDock-Backend] HebaruSan commented on issue #30: ... and a short SQL crash course later, `./sdb setup` has finished running, and `./sdb` says:... https://git.io/vAcg7
[SpaceDock-Backend] HebaruSan commented on issue #30: Should this work for configuring Apache? It's been a few years and apparently some of the syntax has changed...... https://git.io/vAcVE
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[SpaceDock-Backend] StollD commented on issue #30: > Thanks! Finally I got the expected failed authentication message. Now to figure out how to administer postgresql on Ubuntu...... https://git.io/vAcpW
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[SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vAch2
SpaceDock-Backend/master 4ad0c93 Dorian Stoll: Make some things easier to understand
Starting build #78 for job SpaceDock-Backend (previous build: SUCCESS)
[SpaceDock-Backend] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vAch6
SpaceDock-Backend/master d0ee211 Dorian Stoll: Require GOPATH to be in PATH
[OpenDock] HebaruSan commented on issue #4: Is it possible to bootstrap from an empty database? My backend seems to be returning nothing for these four calls, and I was expecting that I could start from nothing, register the first user, upload the first mod, etc. However, an exception is thrown because `browse.data` is undefined:... https://git.io/vACbk
[OpenDock] HebaruSan opened pull request #5: Add missing period (member operator) (master...patch-1) https://git.io/vACbu
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[OpenDock] RockyTV commented on issue #4: If I recall correctly, you need to install some plugins, more specifically `adapter`, `search` and `transformers`. https://git.io/vACNI
[OpenDock] StollD commented on issue #4: The backend has it's own command for that, it can setup the database with the data that is required to use it.... https://git.io/vACN4
[OpenDock] StollD commented on issue #4: The backend has it's own command for that, it can setup the database with the data that is required to use it.... https://git.io/vACN4
[OpenDock] HebaruSan commented on issue #4: But that's a _long_ name. :(... https://git.io/vACNN
[OpenDock] StollD commented on issue #4: It shouldn't. Maybe it is simply the `KSP` vs. `kerbal-space-program` issue. https://git.io/vACA0
[OpenDock] HebaruSan commented on issue #4: Similar result with `kerbal-space-program`:... https://git.io/vACAw
[OpenDock] StollD commented on issue #4: OpenDock expects that response and deals with it. However, since the browse stuff is what is failing (and it isn't limited to logged in users), could you post the response of `/api/games` please? https://git.io/vACxY
[OpenDock] HebaruSan commented on issue #4: That returns the empty string, or as my browser puts it:... https://git.io/vACxn
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[OpenDock] StollD commented on issue #4: Thats really confusing, it should at least return an empty array.... https://git.io/vACxB
[OpenDock] RockyTV commented on issue #4: What about your database, is it populated? https://git.io/vACx0
[OpenDock] StollD commented on issue #4: He said he ran `sdb setup` two times, so I would assume it is. https://git.io/vACx1
[OpenDock] HebaruSan commented on issue #4: Yeah, if there's some way of independently verifying that `sdb setup` worked, I'll happily try it, but for now I'm assuming it worked. https://git.io/vACxh
[OpenDock] StollD commented on issue #4: Well, you could open the database and check if there is something inside of the tables. Or you could export it to an .sql file and upload it, so we can check. https://git.io/vACpq
[OpenDock] HebaruSan commented on issue #4: OK, here's some psql command line. I'll prune the tables that don't seem related...... https://git.io/vACp7
[OpenDock] RockyTV commented on issue #4: Were you running the backend when you queried `/api/games`? https://git.io/vAChb
[OpenDock] RockyTV commented on issue #4: Were you running the backend when you queried `/api/games`?... https://git.io/vAChb
[OpenDock] HebaruSan commented on issue #4: Yup. If I wasn't, nothing would have been listening on that port, so it would have said "The site can't be reached"/ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED instead.... https://git.io/vACjZ
[OpenDock] RockyTV commented on issue #4: Can you screenshot the error that is being thrown by `sdb`? https://git.io/vACjW
[OpenDock] HebaruSan commented on issue #4: sdb isn't raising errors. The terminal in that screenshot shows sdb while the page is refreshed. https://git.io/vACjE
[OpenDock] StollD commented on issue #4: Thats a go stacktrace, so something is going terribly wrong there. So not really a user error, but an exception thrown by the code.... https://git.io/vACjF
[OpenDock] HebaruSan commented on issue #4: Aha! I guess that "redis" thing is required after all, going by the port number?... https://git.io/vAWeI
[OpenDock] StollD commented on issue #4: Change `store-type: "redis"` to `store-type: "memory"` in your `config.yml`, then it shouldn't try to use redis. https://git.io/vAWeW
[OpenDock] HebaruSan commented on issue #4: That was definitely it!!... https://git.io/vAWea
[OpenDock] HebaruSan commented on issue #4: And after installing `redis-server`, using redis seems to work as well.... https://git.io/vAWvz
[OpenDock] StollD commented on issue #4: I would love that! It's always terribly hard to write a README if you wrote the program too, because you don't know which things might be obvious, and which are hard to spot. https://git.io/vAWvX
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Starting build #92 for job SpaceDock-Backend (previous build: STILL FAILING -- last SUCCESS #77 3 mo 27 days ago)