VITAS changed the topic of #spacedock to: Problems?: | Matrix/Riot Chat: Feel free to ask for help, we only bite a little bit! | If you want to help, please check :) | <VITAS> inet users have the attentionspan of a squirrel...
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TheLaughingBurger[m] has joined #spacedock
<TheLaughingBurger[m]> wow, had no idea there was a discord for this site. how long has it even been a thing for?
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VITAS[m] has joined #spacedock
<VITAS[m]> some time
<VITAS[m]> year?
<VITAS[m]> or so
HebaruSan[m] has joined #spacedock
<HebaruSan[m]> It's bridged to/from the SD IRC channel which goes back much further
<VITAS[m]> and matrix if someone wants to enter that
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<TheLaughingBurger[m]> idek what the matrix even means, i never heard of it
<TheLaughingBurger[m]> -.-
<VITAS[m]> you arent the chosen one thats why
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<HebaruSan[m]> It's a virtual reality environment where your body generates electricity somehow
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<TheLaughingBurger[m]> that a link?
<VITAS[m]> yes
<VITAS[m]> and if you want to read:
nuggets[m] has joined #spacedock
<nuggets[m]> any one know about habtech?
<VITAS[m]> im sure DasSkelett does but its 2am in germany so you could wait
<VITAS[m]> else ask on the forums
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KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m] has joined #spacedock
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> wot about it?
<nuggets[m]> well the solar Array duo won't load
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<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> ya.. KSP 1.10 IIRC, was the update that did something with solar panels 😦
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> should be pretty recent discussion about the issue specific to Habtech in the last couple pages, since it was a recent thing
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nuggets[m] has joined #spacedock
<nuggets[m]> oh wait i need to install KIS
<nuggets[m]> its one of the trusses
KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m] has joined #spacedock
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> out of curiousity, are you getting an issue where a craft with habtech parts, spawns km in the air?
<nuggets[m]> no its in the loading screen
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> *edit:* ~~out of curiousity, are you getting an issue where a craft with habtech parts, spawns km in the air?~~ -> out of curiousity, are you getting an issue where a craft with habtech parts, spawns 1km in the air?
<nuggets[m]> it stops loading at that
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> oh... so game wont even load? hrmm
<nuggets[m]> Yes its at ht solar array duo
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> if you can post your KSP.log file here, i could look at it quick
<nuggets[m]> Ok
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> cuz you cant always just go by what it syas in the loading screen, when it freezes
<nuggets[m]> fair enough
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> well, its not a RAM issue 🙂
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> wow...GTX1050...noice
<nuggets[m]> thanks
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<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m> hmm.. not related to your issue but your log is spammed with Plume Party texture resolution issues... I'll have to ask Jade about that
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m> hmm.. havent seen this ERR before:
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m> `[LOG 11:37:40.384] Load(Model): HabTech2/Parts/Trusses/ht2_SAW
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m> [ERR 11:37:40.462] [Physics.PhysX] QuickHullConvexHullLib::findSimplex: Simplex input points appers to be colinear.`
nuggets[m] has joined #spacedock
<nuggets[m]> well i see that the file i am having a problem with is a txt document
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m> from some posts in the Habtech thread, colliders seem to be causing some issues, which kinda fits with that err
<nuggets[m]> becuase onetime on accident i forced my pc to open a all the files with a txr document
<nuggets[m]> how to i revert that?
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<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m> wait... did it change the file extension?
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<nuggets[m]> ?
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m> you mean it opened a bunch of txt files at once?
<nuggets[m]> no it changed how i open the file
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m> you mean the default program?
<nuggets[m]> ok so say the file was originaly .sfs my pc shows it as a .txt
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m> oohhh.... that I dont know
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<HebaruSan[m]> Does it actually say ".txt", or is it just using the notepad icon?
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<nuggets[m]> it is the same file
<nuggets[m]> it just opens with .txt
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<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> you might be able to right-clk the file, do Open With, and select the program that is *supposed* to open the type of file. There should also be a check box, like, Always open this file type with this program?"
<nuggets[m]> just the icon
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<HebaruSan[m]> Does it actually say ".txt", or is it just using the notepad icon?
* KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m] sent a long message: < >
<nuggets[m]> should i use CKAN?
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> i dont think it would make a diff, unless you have something installed incorrectly
<nuggets[m]> i just deleted all my mods
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> or really outdated
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> hmm.. Benjee's Shuttle mod is throwing buncha EXCeptions
<nuggets[m]> i really wanna keep removing that as a last resort
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> ok.. so yeah.. you're right
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> your log stops cold at an exception on the solar duo...related to the drag cubes... That was mentioned in the post I quickly saw in the Habtech thread... I saw someone mention there might be a risky fix to try for it.
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> Benjee I think is aware of it, but theres other issues, so he doesnt want to release an update to fix this, and have other things break
<nuggets[m]> i need to restart my pc
<nuggets[m]> i will be back
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m]> mebbe ask on the thread, if pruning just the solar duos out of your install will work
<nuggets[m]> Ok
<nuggets[m]> i need help with the space shuttle kit
<nuggets[m]> how do i install it
<HebaruSan[m]> Are you referring to "Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit"?
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<nuggets[m]> yes
<nuggets[m]> i can't install it
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<HebaruSan[m]> OK, download finally finished. Do you see the GameData folder in the ZIP?
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<nuggets[m]> yes
<HebaruSan[m]> OK, open that folder. The things inside it should be copied to the GameData folder in your KSP folder.
* nuggets[m] uploaded an image: unknown.png (17KB) < >
<nuggets[m]> so all this into the game data folder?
<HebaruSan[m]> Yup!
<nuggets[m]> ahhh ok i just put the folder in there lol
<HebaruSan[m]> Ahh yes, you don't want to have GameData inside of GameData
<nuggets[m]> that would be bad
<nuggets[m]> this mod is just to good
<nuggets[m]> what docking port do i use for the shuttle?
<HebaruSan[m]> Don't know, I was just looking at the ZIP, haven't tried this mod myself
<nuggets[m]> this mod is so good
<nuggets[m]> you need it if you are gonna make a shuttle
<HebaruSan[m]> I'm sure it's very good, but I've made plenty of stock shuttles
<nuggets[m]> stock parts are like the duplo and this kit is the lego
<nuggets[m]> with habtech2 how do i know what parts are what for ISS?
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<RockyTV> HebaruSan, short name should exist for a reason
<RockyTV> kerbal-space-program is not short for Kerbal Space Program, ksp should be the short name :P
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VITAS[m]1 has joined #spacedock
<VITAS[m]1> I made a new channel called "development" irc #spacedock-dev matrix
<VITAS[m]1> so we can make this channel the smalltalk/ mod help/ public channel
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<VITAS[m]> ah
<VITAS[m]> the first one
<VITAS[m]> :D
<VITAS[m]> first yell is free :P
<Miguelsgamingch> Lol
<VITAS[m]> gets long pole with patreon attached to it
<VITAS[m]> <goes back to making servers great again (or something like that)
<Miguelsgamingch> lol
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nuggets[m] has joined #spacedock
<nuggets[m]> anyone know how to use modular launchpads???
<VITAS[m]> *looks at the usual HebaruSan and DasSkelett *
<VITAS[m]> all i can say is: first you have to drive your scud launcher to a gas station....
<VITAS[m]> :>
<nuggets[m]> do i need decouplers
<VITAS[m]> i wish i could help you
<VITAS[m]> you could ask in the forums or wait till one of them is arround and might be able to answer all your wishes
Vali[m] has joined #spacedock
<Vali[m]> <span class="d-mention d-user">nuggets</span>, no. the base of every launchpad in MLP is a clamp
<Vali[m]> <span class="d-mention d-user">nuggets</span>, no. the base of every launchpad in MLP behaves like a clamp
<nuggets[m]> Oh
<nuggets[m]> time to set up staging
<nuggets[m]> staged 3 parts of the pad
<nuggets[m]> stage 1 main gantry arms
<nuggets[m]> stage fuel decoupled
<nuggets[m]> stage 3 rocket released
<VITAS[m]> missing ladder
<VITAS[m]> :D
<nuggets[m]> the proton rocket and soyuz just chilling
<nuggets[m]> Space shuttle has entered the chat
<nuggets[m]> buran has entered the caht
<nuggets[m]> buran has flown earning 200 public support
<VITAS[m]> Food has entered the cat
<nuggets[m]> space shuttle has done 100 missions earning 40 support
<nuggets[m]> buran left the chat
<nuggets[m]> space shuttle left the caht
<nuggets[m]> cargo and crew dragon has entered the chat
<VITAS[m]> is that like tank girls?
<nuggets[m]> thats a history of space crafts for ISS
<VITAS[m]> ok....
<VITAS[m]> and why do you spam the chat with it?
<nuggets[m]> thats not spam spam is to send alot of messages for advertising or any other prohibited use
<VITAS[m]> sorry flooding
<nuggets[m]> i mean i did do that but for a reason
<nuggets[m]> if i was to do it all in one word
<VITAS[m]> because people need to know?
<nuggets[m]> its a meme
<VITAS[m]> i dont get those
<VITAS[m]> im old
<VITAS[m]> just try to combine it into one message if you can next time :)
<nuggets[m]> ok
<VITAS[m]> cool :)
<nuggets[m]> hey VITAS what are you?
<VITAS[m]> nice
<nuggets[m]> like are you a AI or?
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<DasSkelett[m]> This was a mistake 😫
<nuggets[m]> VITAS who made you?
<VITAS[m]> mom
<VITAS[m]> and you?
<nuggets[m]> are you a AI?
<nuggets[m]> VITAS are you a AI or person?
<VITAS[m]> AIs don't exist
<nuggets[m]> Are you a bot?
<VITAS[m]> Would you believe me if i say "No"?
<nuggets[m]> VITAS i know the awnser and so do you
<VITAS[m]> Yes 42
<nuggets[m]> well aside from the BOT tag next to your name
<VITAS[m]> but whats the question?
<nuggets[m]> Are you a BOT? or human and i know the awnser
<VITAS[m]> Human
<VITAS[m]> And what are you?
<nuggets[m]> VITAS you are telling a lie
<VITAS[m]> Also: Do you believe everything the Internet tells you?
<nuggets[m]> no VITAS
<nuggets[m]> you are lying to me about being human
<VITAS[m]> and you trust Discord?
<nuggets[m]> Depends
<VITAS[m]> blindly?
<nuggets[m]> i know for certain that every bot is tagged with a BOT next to their name
<VITAS[m]> SO if they tell me you're not trustworthy i should believe them and not you?
<nuggets[m]> Well not thats a diffrent thing
<VITAS[m]> why?
<VITAS[m]> because its about you?
<nuggets[m]> the BOT tag is just saying you are a BOT them telling you i am not trustworthy is a personally fact about me they are accusing
<nuggets[m]> No
<nuggets[m]> if it was about anyone here it would be diffrent
<VITAS[m]> you can't be human it clearly says you're just nuggets
<nuggets[m]> Well yes but you are a BOT
<VITAS[m]> i don't dare to ask what kind
<nuggets[m]> chicken
<VITAS[m]> sure sure
<VITAS[m]> :>
<nuggets[m]> if i was vegan nuggets i would put my self into a volcano
<Vali[m]> He’s using a bridge. He’s not directly communicating in discord. Sorry for blowing the secret 😛
<nuggets[m]> But you are a BOT no discord account can have that tag
<nuggets[m]> i doubt that
<VITAS[m]> its ok i had my fun
<nuggets[m]> Wait what
<VITAS[m]> and he wont believe you
<nuggets[m]> you are a person
<VITAS[m]> i told you
<nuggets[m]> or are you pulling my leg?
<VITAS[m]> discord is lying to you
<VITAS[m]> thats all
<nuggets[m]> No they are not
<VITAS[m]> if im a person they are
<nuggets[m]> ok whats ur discord?
<VITAS[m]> thats my address
<nuggets[m]> no you discord
<nuggets[m]> you the person on the other side
<VITAS[m]> as Vali was saying im not on discord atm
<VITAS[m]> im on matrix
<nuggets[m]> Wait what
<nuggets[m]> please explain how this is doing on
<Vali[m]> Matrix is an IRC. Everything he’s writing on there. All messages also get transferred here into discord from the IRC
<Vali[m]> Matrix is an IRC. Everything he’s writing on there gets transferred here into discord from the IRC
<VITAS[m]> no it isnt
<nuggets[m]> do you have discord?
<VITAS[m]> calm down
<VITAS[m]> matrix as the link says a IM system
<VITAS[m]> like discord IRC or whatsapp
<VITAS[m]> it has the benefit of beeing able to bridge to other services
<VITAS[m]> like im doing now with discord
<VITAS[m]> so i only have to use one system and not one gazillion apps
<nuggets[m]> so its taking the message data from whatsapp and transfering it into the bot then the bot posts that message
<VITAS[m]> it also bridges/mirrors a chat in irc to one in matrix
<VITAS[m]> and does the same to one in discord
<VITAS[m]> yes sort of
<nuggets[m]> ok now i get it
<nuggets[m]> i thought this was a advanced AI
<VITAS[m]> the bot thing is an indicator that its using discords api
<VITAS[m]> maybe iam
<nuggets[m]> ok say this back to me
<nuggets[m]> null
<VITAS[m]> but since AI doesn texist but is only marketing bla
<VITAS[m]> i cant be
<VITAS[m]> im not a parrot
<nuggets[m]> just say it
<nuggets[m]> null is a word that Programs can't run as it means nothing
<VITAS[m]> why?
<VITAS[m]> its just a string
<Vali[m]> Not sure why you’re so worried about VITAS having a bot tag
<nuggets[m]> we had cars that faked emission tests to get by standards
<VITAS[m]> because he learned to blindly trust big corps
<nuggets[m]> they can make a AI
<VITAS[m]> and what their se5rvices tell him
<VITAS[m]> AI isnt a thing
<nuggets[m]> i don't trust Samsung or android
<VITAS[m]> nothing that is self aware and is code exists
<VITAS[m]> what people call AI are expert systems
<VITAS[m]> that use reinforced learning and evolutionary processes to optimize code
<nuggets[m]> yes or artificial intelligence its a bot that learns from each action
<VITAS[m]> they dont think
<VITAS[m]> nope
<VITAS[m]> AI is self aware
<nuggets[m]> AI can't be self aware
<VITAS[m]> it has to be
<VITAS[m]> else its not AI
<VITAS[m]> its like everone calling Video chats "zoom "
<VITAS[m]> or smartphjones "iphone"
<VITAS[m]> -j
<nuggets[m]> Self aware means it knows its a computer program
<VITAS[m]> its the missuse of a name
<VITAS[m]> yes
<VITAS[m]> thats AI
<VITAS[m]> we dont have that
<VITAS[m]> or have we?
<nuggets[m]> with long enough running it may become self aware
<nuggets[m]> wait
<nuggets[m]> you are right
<VITAS[m]> its like saying: if i leave fortnite running long enough it might make coffee
<nuggets[m]> its a wierd topic
<nuggets[m]> we don't even know what consionous is
<VITAS[m]> not very for KSP community chats
<VITAS[m]> we do
<VITAS[m]> i think therfore iam
<VITAS[m]> we dont know how the brain manages to do it
<nuggets[m]> its weird because what is conscious
<VITAS[m]> or at leas tnot fully
<VITAS[m]> not
<nuggets[m]> well
<nuggets[m]> with elon musks brain chip it might become a thing
<VITAS[m]> its being aware of yourself
<Vali[m]> what a strange conversation 😄
<VITAS[m]> with elon musk cave ubots might become a myth
<VITAS[m]> +o
<nuggets[m]> well its meant to find cures for Alzheimer's
<VITAS[m]> yes St. Elon our jesus
<VITAS[m]> :D
<nuggets[m]> i mean
<nuggets[m]> he has made the first fully reusable booster and faring
<nuggets[m]> that land
<VITAS[m]> money doesnt make you smart
<nuggets[m]> he is smart though
<VITAS[m]> because he could afford it
<VITAS[m]> yes hyperloop my ass
<nuggets[m]> after russian denied him to use there rockets he opened up his laptop and made a spread sheet of how much it would be
<nuggets[m]> hyperloop is not a bad idea
<VITAS[m]> its oen jules verne couldnt make stick
<VITAS[m]> so why does he need to recycle it?
<nuggets[m]> recycle what?
<VITAS[m]> jules verne had it in one of his books
<DasSkelett[m]> Can we please get this chat somewhat back on-topic? More SpaceDock KSP mods, less pointless philosophical discussions about unrelated things?
<VITAS[m]> the concept of a tube for putting trains into and seal it
<nuggets[m]> well it is 10 times faster
<VITAS[m]> DasSkelett: thats why i made spacedock-dev :D
<DasSkelett[m]> *edit:* ~~Can we please get this chat somewhat back on-topic? More SpaceDock KSP mods, less pointless philosophical discussions about unrelated things?~~ -> Can we please get this chat somewhat back on-topic? More SpaceDock and KSP mods, less pointless philosophical discussions about unrelated things?
<VITAS[m]> do i need another channel?
<VITAS[m]> :/
<DasSkelett[m]> That doesn't mean we should make this a chat for everything
<nuggets[m]> its general
<VITAS[m]> you both have a point
<VITAS[m]> :/
<RockyTV> for everything we have #dmp
<VITAS[m]> what i do is make another channel for chitchat
<VITAS[m]> ok?
<nuggets[m]> wait you are in the server?
<DasSkelett[m]> Why do you absolutely want a channel for all topics under the hood of SpaceDock? If you want a place for philosophical discussions, make another Discord server for philosophical discussions.
<VITAS[m]> Why should i make multiple servers?
<nuggets[m]> make this offtopci
<nuggets[m]> if we had offtopic problem solved
<VITAS[m]> i think its a good solution to split the channel topics if they are a problem
<DasSkelett[m]> Because it's not at all SpaceDock related, not even KSP modding related.
<VITAS[m]> you can then disable notifications for that channel
<nuggets[m]> again
<nuggets[m]> offtopic
<VITAS[m]> and why is it a problem to talk about non ksp stuff?
<DasSkelett[m]> Sure, I've muted this channel more than an hour ago.
<VITAS[m]> see and thats why im making one you can mute and one thats for mod help
<VITAS[m]> solved
<DasSkelett[m]> Whatever
<nuggets[m]> lol
<VITAS[m]> i dont understand your problem :/
<nuggets[m]> same
<DasSkelett[m]> In that case, don't worry. I'll take care of it from my side then and keep everything muted.
<nuggets[m]> ok
<VITAS[m]> is that one of our usual missunderstandings?
<VITAS[m]> this room will be only for mod related questions in the future
<VITAS[m]> want that what you wanted?
<nuggets[m]> yep even thought we where talking here first
<VITAS[m]> no hes right
<VITAS[m]> it will notify him every time
<VITAS[m]> theres a new general room now so we should do the chatting there unless its a mod problem
<nuggets[m]> Ok
<Vali[m]> I get DasSkelett idea, deparating general to <span class="d-mention d-channel">#general</span> & <span class="d-mention d-channel">#mod-help</span> is a good thing. Maybe even create a mod-helper roll so people can be pinged and notified even if the channel is muted?
<VITAS[m]> general please :)
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<nuggets[m]> so what crew floor type supports the boarding arm for the shuttle?
VITAS[m] has joined #spacedock
<VITAS[m]> what mod?
<nuggets[m]> modualr launch pads
<VITAS[m]> maybe vali knows? :)
Vali[m] has joined #spacedock
<Vali[m]> Not sure what you’re asking for, but if you want to know which parts belong to which rocket open the tabs in the editor. Each rocket has its own section
<Vali[m]> Not sure what you’re asking for, but if you want to know which parts belong to which rocket open the tabs in the editor. Each rocket has its own section/tab
<Vali[m]> Also AlphaMensae has build tutorials on youtube.
<nuggets[m]> will launch platforms pump in infinate fuel?
<Vali[m]> I think (?) some of them have toggle switches in the PAW to activate generators
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