VITAS changed the topic of #spacedock to: Problems?: | Matrix/Riot Chat: Feel free to ask for help, we only bite a little bit! | If you want to help, please check :) | <VITAS> inet users have the attentionspan of a squirrel...
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ardlc[m] has joined #spacedock
<ardlc[m]> Hey guys
<ardlc[m]> is Spectra + Parallax a thin that will work?
DasSkelett[m] has joined #spacedock
<DasSkelett[m]> Yes. Parallax will simply overwrite the terrain textures of Spectra.
<ardlc[m]> Ok
<ardlc[m]> but spectra adds loads of other stuff too?
<ardlc[m]> Because I like the terrain of parallax, im using scatterer for atmosphere
<ardlc[m]> But I want all the other visual enhancements and bits
<ardlc[m]> Damn i googled for ages
<ardlc[m]> Thanks man
<DasSkelett[m]> Simple search on the Parallax forum thread, reveals plenty of users with the exact same question 🙂
<ardlc[m]> Alright thanks
KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m has joined #spacedock
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m> yeah.. you also dont have to worry about the unused Spectra textures loading, using up RAM... they arent just not used, they dont get loaded at ALL...
<KineticSloth8StoneBlue[m> yeah.. you also dont have to worry about the unused Spectra textures loading, using up RAM... they arent just not used, they dont get loaded at ALL... IIRC
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spookyscaryskeletons[m] has joined #spacedock
<spookyscaryskeletons[m]> Do we have any mod which saves currently controlled vessel so it can Be edited at VAB?
Pidgi[m] has joined #spacedock
<Pidgi[m]> auto-saved ship should store whatever thing you deployed last without needing mods
<spookyscaryskeletons[m]> Yes but i need to adjust kal-1000 commands while using vessel, and i need vessel as it is after changed those. VAB doesn't have gravity so IT is sometimes difficult to get right.
<Pidgi[m]> so you want to make adjustments in flight, then have them persist when you go back to the VAB?
<spookyscaryskeletons[m]> Yes
<Pidgi[m]> hm, that's a bit trickier
<Pidgi[m]> what I normally do is launch one, record what I need to edit, then revert to hangar and change those settings again
<Pidgi[m]> Gimme one sec to check something, I have an idea that might work for you
<Pidgi[m]> alright, yeah
<Pidgi[m]> so this is kind of roundabout, but if you open a save file in notepad, you can scroll down to find all the in-flight vehicles that save has
<Pidgi[m]> then extract that vehicle save data, and overwrite the ship file in your VAB folder
<spookyscaryskeletons[m]> Persistent and quicksave files? Yes tried it, it's pain too :D
<Pidgi[m]> yeah it's not exactly easy, but I don't know of any mods that do what you want
<Pidgi[m]> for a one off deal this wouldn't be too bad
ardlc[m] has joined #spacedock
<ardlc[m]> You could record the timings of each node on each track onto a document?
<ardlc[m]> Oops wrong reply
<ardlc[m]> Idk how complex your track is but you could record all your timings manually and rebuild it in the vab from there?
<spookyscaryskeletons[m]> Yes i could and have done that too. But after couple hours of different robotics stuff this is what would save ton of time and mental energy.
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