The away team proves all too combustible. You are flayed by flayer
punished so hard
jesster1234 has quit [Ping timeout: 207 seconds]
purpletarget|ktns has quit [Quit: Any fool can calculate]
Deddly has quit [Ping timeout: 183 seconds]
purpletarget|ktns has joined #KSPOfficial
jesster1234 has joined #KSPOfficial
.outcome add This is an astounding development and would have been fascinating to observe from a suitable distance.
Added outcome: This is an astounding development and would have been fascinating to observe from a suitable distance.
nshire3 has joined #KSPOfficial
You try to out-whackjob Whackjob. The market in raw materials crashes. Both in the sense that the supply causes a drop in prices, and the sense that the market is like 20 miles above the mantle and you just removed the crust supporting it.