.outcome add The power of your rocket can't be underestimated!
Added outcome: The power of your rocket can't be underestimated!
You attempt to run an IRC client on a mobile device inside your spacecraft. Your mission is mostly successful but is overshadowed by your poor choice of shirt.
.outcome add For your sins, you are sentenced for 5 years of Boeing employment.
Added outcome: For your sins, you are sentenced for 5 years of Boeing employment.
That is harsh
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You attempt to correct a wrong statement on the internet. Pseudopods intensify.
You start charging your lasers. You become fluent in PowerPoint.
Ah, laser pointers... who has one?
I haven't seen on for over 25 years
there is one in the office but always discharged battery
I think they banned them after that
I have 3 laserpointers here no my desk, one modded one in the cupboard behind me. Then I have a 4.5 W violet laser and 10ish cheap, little red laser modules.
4.5 W?!
lol 4.5 w that is over the limit
anyway that is unreasonably brigth
meanwhile styropyro: there is no such thing as too strong laser
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Mat2ch: Yeah. Well focused I could scorch my door at 5 m distance.
Our hackerspace has a 40 or 60 W laser cutter.
Not a laserpointer, though.
I'd like to have access to a laser cutter, too. :(
Get it.
no space
that's what Makerspaces are for
!outcome add Your accountants spend many a sleepless night trying to figure out why your cots aren't COTS.
Added outcome: Your accountants spend many a sleepless night trying to figure out why your cots aren't COTS.