UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | EHT papers | Поехали!
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<kmath> YouTube - Intermediate Axis Theorem - Explained
RiemannianRaptor is now known as SingularRaptor
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> what an ame
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mikeprimm is now known as zz_mikeprimm
darsie has joined #KSPOfficial
* darsie launched a tiny rocket and then this happened: . (sorry for clickbaiting you :)
<hoglahoo> rocket scientists hate him
<darsie> :)
zz_mikeprimm is now known as mikeprimm
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<Althego> wintergatan
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<darsie> Wintergarten
<Mat2ch> Nop, Milchstraße for you
<Mat2ch> Where's Fluburtur? Burning cars in Paris again?
SingularRaptor is now known as UmbralRaptor
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<JVFoxy> ugh.. so this delta v thing... I know engineer and mods helped but.. anyone else having to spend more time thinking and designing stuff now they know the preformances?
<Althego> that makes it less, easier to to design it for specs than to try and try again
<packbart> I've used Kerbal Engineer for so long, I can't remember
<JVFoxy> without.. long as I work through progression, didn't seem to have too much of a problem...
<packbart> Althego: well, if you don't know the numbers, it's easier to choose. "this engine looks about right"
<JVFoxy> now its like.. does this have enough DV to get to orbit, or.. do I add a stage. How much DV to get between orbits, out to the other planet or moon...
<JVFoxy> usually I went by what feels right. granted, most of my designs are fairly basic..
<packbart> if in doubt, add another Mammoth
<JVFoxy> can't say I've really went /that/ big...
<packbart> my first sandbox creations were like that. huge rockets to send a tiny probe core to every planet. I just wanted to look at the artwork ;)
<JVFoxy> heh.. artwork huh?
<JVFoxy> same lines as pixel art in minecraft?
<packbart> well, I wanted to look at the planets and moons and not wait for efficient transfer windows and such
<packbart> so I just bolted a few large engines and tanks together. because I wanted to go to Moho *now* :)
<JVFoxy> oh of the planets themselves.
<JVFoxy> thought meant ship creation as being the 'artwork' :P
<packbart> well, that's some form of art, too :)
<JVFoxy> I've been pondering some mods to help add clouds a few graphical changes. not so much on dramatic gameplay changes.. although KIS/KAS does have a rather huge appeal and connections to a few mods I wouldn't mind.
<JVFoxy> guessing some day I should throw myself onto the forums... keep wanting to share what I do in the game, but not exactly thinking myself very good youtube material. :\
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<darsie> JVFoxy: You can use the solar system map.
<JVFoxy> darsie sorry.. system map for which now?
<darsie> I also cheat a dummy into orbit and plan manoeuvers. Also helps find where I should put my apoapsis when I have a rocket that doesn't easily make a low circular orbit.
<darsie> JVFoxy: see the topic
<darsie> I prefer the latter one:
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<JVFoxy> oof.. roommate knocked router out I think
<JVFoxy> darsie I know of the dv map.. a few other things... wasn't really teh issue.
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