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<iunio> how many players use mods?
<iunio> also how many creative mode vs career?
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<Althego> is there a new sheperd launch now?
<Althego> eh it is already over
<kmath> YouTube - Replay of NS-11 Webcast
<Althego> does nto show this because it is not orbital
<Mat2ch> So, the DM-1 failure was something happening right before the ignition of the Super Dracos. Somewhere in the ignition system, they said
<Mat2ch> Althego: mph? feet? What is this? 1950? ;P
<Althego> yes
<Althego> some comments complained too
<Mat2ch> That's the problem with Blue Origin. They don't think very far ahead. Just think inside their little world.
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<packbart> I read a NASA article about the Sky Crane where they managed to use ft and m in the same sentence
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> ("xx m above the surface, the crane lowers the rover on a yy ft long cable" - or something similar)
<Althego> dont worry just multiply it by 0.3048 :)
<Althego> this one is easy to remember because only 1 off from 2028 which is a round number :)
<Althego> *2048
<Althego> i also know nautical miles (1852 m) because those happen often, and by extension knots
<Althego> all the others are just random
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<Mat2ch> All those old units are random
<Althego> i am not satisfied with si either. mostly because of the kg as base unit
<Mat2ch> I don't get why they still use knots and nautical miles
<Mat2ch> what would be beter?
<Mat2ch> *better
<Althego> those have some small merit. because i NM is 1 arc minute
<Althego> at least on average
<Althego> in north and south direction
<Althego> but because degrees are already arbitrary, so it is exactly the same as any other non si
<UmbralRaptop> le grande k has been deprecated!
<Althego> yes luckily
<Mat2ch> well, since there are only a few times in the life of a ship where you go directly north or south, nm doesn't make sense at all.
<Althego> but still the base unit has a prefix which is dumb
<UmbralRaptop> And yes, degrees are bad. BOTE calcs with angles and distances would be way easier if we used radians
<Althego> nm is nanometer, NM is nautical mile :)
<Althego> i think we should base angles on semicircles, gets rid of pi
<Mat2ch> you're right
<Mat2ch> NM doesn't make any sense at all anymore ;P
<Mat2ch> Can we please go full SI everywhere? That would be so nice
<Althego> cant, degrees are always in wide use
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<packbart> not before everyone drives on the right side of the road
<Althego> which right :)
<Althego> that is completely arbitrary
<Althego> maybe we could fix it, not side by side but one atop the other :)
<Althego> no, then which should be on top. i got it, double helix like dna
<Althego> perfect, neither ever wins in every direction
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<JVFoxy> uff...
<JVFoxy> I played flight sims for a while, got used to knots for speed. Maybe not so much NM..
<JVFoxy> when I got into flying with ultralights though, my surprise when they talk about speed as mph, and we live in Canada where the KPH is all over the place
<Althego> yes americans diffused their silly units into the world through aviation
<Althego> altitude in feet and feet per minute as vertical speed and knots for speed
<JVFoxy> I don't mind the feet thing.. heck I got size 12 feet myself..
<JVFoxy> yet here, places still use meters for height of mountains.
<JVFoxy> ah well...
<Althego> there is this joke here, a made up unit, fathom per lord's prayer
<Althego> obviously a unit of speed
<JVFoxy> fathom.. makes me think depth...
<Althego> star wars day is close, sw sale on gog
<Althego> also scott
<JVFoxy> meeting on the 4th.. they really laying into it...
<packbart> Althego: a Lord's prayer in the Gospel of Matthew or Luke?
<packbart> it's a difference of several seconds, at least
<Althego> not specified. but the more vague the unit is, the better it is for the purpose of the joke
<packbart> I guess so. I actually tried to find a value for "average time to say a Lord's prayer" on the Internet to no avail ;)
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<kmath> <✔NASAInSight> Just a blissful day on #Mars as feathery clouds roll by me and the Sun shines on the horizon. ⏎ ⏎ More:…
<Althego> still no word on the mole
<Althego> what i dont get how the camera got so dusty after landing when there were transparent covers on all of t hem
<Althego> it seems noe the spots are gone, so probably wind has blown them off
<Althego> the sunrise and sunset picture look good too
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<kmath> YouTube - Why the World’s Best Mathematicians Are Hoarding Chalk
<Althego> the chalk dealer is the best
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