UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | EHT papers | Falcon Heavy
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<Draconiator> Hmmm, apparently toothpaste works as thermal paste in a pinch.
<darsie> It's water based, so will get less effective when drying.
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UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | EHT papers | Поехали!
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<Althego> so spacex did it again
<Eddi|zuHause> on the risk of breaking half the channel rules again:
<kmath> YouTube - Berlin Bundestag & Nacht - #3 Der Auszug | Neo Magazin Royale mit Jan Böhmermann - ZDFneo
<Althego> no need to make jokes about brexit, it is a joke already
<Eddi|zuHause> sure, but it's not the only joke in there
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<TheKosmonaut> Why
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<BarbarauH> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, BarbarauH
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<kubi> and goodbye
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch episode 3 will be rather big
<Althego> hyuge
<Althego> i have the biggest and best episods
<Althego> nobody has better episodes than me
<Gasher[work]> saw this on danny's twitter
<Gasher[work]> about the failed moon landing
<Fluburtur> well they did land
<Fluburtur> just not as well as expected
<Gasher[work]> the word used in the discussion of the tweet was 'smear'
<Fluburtur> heh
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: bigger is better! \o/
<packbart> "You are using the Kerbal shorthand of Delta-V, which actually means potential Delta-V" - KSP is everywhere
<Mat2ch> Eddi|zuHause: Does NMR offer english subtitles?
<Althego> lol aaaaaa
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<kmath> YouTube - canards moving
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<Ruth> Hey
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<bogu> I've just reinstalled KSP and my launcher window is still tiny on my screen. Like 1cm across. How can I fix this?
<Althego> as usual, dont use the launcher, it doesnt give you anythin
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: sounds aweful :D
<Fluburtur> yeah this isnt the best linkage ever
<Fluburtur> will have to oil it a bit I guess
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<kmath> YouTube - Crackhead Cowboy STEALS THE SIGNS after he's towed
<Althego> there was something when the signs were put back
<Althego> so thos was the actual event
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<Althego> hehe matt lowne with two steps from hell from eve
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<Althego> cool
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<darsie> Fluburtur: Will it blend?
<Fluburtur> depends
<darsie> ok :)
<Fluburtur> mostly of the velocity at which it comes back to earth
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<Fluburtur> Althego
<kmath> YouTube - How Israel's Lander Crashed Into The Moon, And How Falcon Heavy Flew
<Althego> hehe scott
<Althego> thanks
<Althego> i checked a few minutes ago and there was nothing from him
<Althego> i thought it was strange, it was time already
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<Althego> he noticed it just as i did this morning that one of the landed boosters was tilted a bit
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<Althego> meanwhile a florida plumber does whatever he can
<kmath> YouTube - Falcon Heavy Launch and Landing - Nikon P1000
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<kmath> YouTube - Star Wars: Episode IX – Teaser
<sandbox> yep
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<Mat2ch> ewww, Star Wars ;P
<Althego> oh great i need to regenerate engine data for my diagrams
<sandbox> gotta kill off Lando too :P
<Althego> anyway the new node manipulation mode and the not hidden radar altitmeter is very much welcome
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<PatriciaVw> hola
<Althego> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Althego
<Althego> nooo
<Althego> why does it do that every time
<Fluburtur> heh
<Althego> at least dont make it greet somebody that has been here all the time and not join
<Althego> did not
<Fluburtur> I need to print a dozen of studies repports about how homepathy is crap on my grandpas printer
<Fluburtur> he still believes it works
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> it doesnt
<Fluburtur> but thats all you do with placebos, believe
<Althego> i think in the usa you can only allowed to sell these things as long as they dont contain any actual medicine
<Althego> because if they did you would have to go through all the legal stuff
<Fluburtur> heh
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<Fluburtur> in france they are refunded by 30% by insurance
<Fluburtur> and peoples want to stop that becaue it doesn tmake sense refunding 30% of sugar pellets
<UmbralRaptop> Cool, active conversation and they still silently left >_<
<Althego> was not about space
<UmbralRaptop> Space contains homeopathic amounts of matter!
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> have you heard? scientists have prven that the moon is inside the atmosphere of earth
<Althego> (inside the geocorona which has less than one hydrogen per cubic centimeter)
<Fluburtur> if homeopathy was real water would be very bad since all piss on earth was once diluted in it
<Althego> it would also be a wonder medicine
<Althego> since it has already made contact with every material
<Fluburtur> im pretty sure my grandpa doesnt even know how it works
<UmbralRaptop> geocorona still sounds weird to me >_>
<Fluburtur> diluting a non relvant substance until it is statistically not there anymore then make sugar pellets
<Fluburtur> also my grandpa think that since modern medicine has been around longer than homeopathy it isnt as good
<UmbralRaptop> homeopathic water when?
<UmbralRaptop> uh
<Fluburtur> turns out you cant cure cancer with sugar pellers
<Althego> eh my script was never prepared for spaces in filenames. just why would anybody do this? obviously and error. "liquidEngineLV-1R _v2.cfg"
<Fluburtur> and homeopathy came around when the usual cure was to drain peoples of blood so of course it wasnt worse than that
<Althego> i wonder are the v2 versions the new?
<Althego> yes, the new reworked engines indeed have two configs. i also never prepared for 2 parallel versions
<Althego> now witch one is the new?
<Althego> have to check them ingame
<UmbralRaptop> Uh, the one with the larger graphics files I assume?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> the _v2 versions are the new
<Althego> heh they might have moved the vernor to an other dir
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<Althego> lol
<kbuck> getting real tired of these spambot scumbags
<kbuck> time to ban another ISP
<Althego> the vernor should have always been in the rcs dir anyway. but i cant find it now
<UmbralRaptop> banhammer proposal: fin-steered crowbars
<Althego> heh the vernor is now in the utility dir
<Althego> while rcs is in the command
<Althego> wait, no both are in the utility
<Althego> so they are normalized now
<Althego> but still technically engines, even though not main engines
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<UmbralRaptop> Mmm… Vernor's…
<UmbralRaptop> (do not drink the hydrazine)
<darsie> Or the NTO :).
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<Althego> i like the gimbaling of the new twitch
<Althego> new parts with shine, yes we always needed more shine
<Althego> hehe point away from face label on the spider
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<Althego> ehehe, exocomet
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<kmath> YouTube - Is Time Travel Possible? - Could We Travel BACK In Time?
<Althego> tries to explain advanced physics while also doing a low budget scifi just for fun
<Althego> hehe this was hilarious
<Althego> hah i have to watch this channel tomorrow
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<Patricia92> Hey
<UmbralRaptor> Are you a human?
<Althego> h i
<Althego> oh wait
<Althego> no
<Althego> female name plus numbers
<Althego> automatic spambot
<UmbralRaptor> cc: kbuck?
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<Althego> why am i still up?
<UmbralRaptor> Have you finished reading the 6 EHT papers?
<Althego> no
<UmbralRaptor> That is why
<Althego> for that i have to start reading them first
<Althego> hmm two launches to iss in the next twoo weeks
<UmbralRaptor> Do it!
<Althego> yes, i am going to walk to the bed
<UmbralRaptor> oops
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