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* darsie rescues Luke from orbit ...
JVFoxy has joined #KSPOfficial
<JVFoxy> doh...
<JVFoxy> stupid fail login
<Mat2ch> Joining us is not a stupid fail ;)
<JVFoxy> came across KSP Community Screenshots vid on youtube while looking for something to fill the audio void...
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<JVFoxy> saw a screen shot.. there's a mod that gives multi launch pads at the KSC? I was wondering if anyone had done something like that before...
<JVFoxy> ... or is anyone even awake?
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<RarestIowa> The new launch pads are part of Making History and can be enabled in the settings menu.
<JVFoxy> ah ok... so more like the cape back in the day in with that too huh? I hadn't really looked into the 'making history' thing....
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<packbart> RarestIowa: MH gives you multiple sites, not multiple launchpads at KSC
<packbart> there are some mods based on Kerbal Konstructs which modify or move KSC
<packbart> ( )
<JVFoxy> like as in super heavily modify KSC? I'm not sure where else to find pics but it shows up in this video here, just hit pause since its only up for a few seconds:
<packbart> yeah, as far as I know, you can set up custom modelled new launch sites with Kerbal Konstructs. The forum post links several content mods that use KK
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<JVFoxy> I forgot which I used for building little villages outside of KSC... it may have been Kerbinside?
<JVFoxy> ah ya... just for a little flavor when flying planes around.
* JVFoxy digs around
<JVFoxy> oh wait....
<JVFoxy> KSC extended....
<darsie> Splashdown of two orbital tourists next to KSC:
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<JVFoxy> but anycase... reason was wondering about multiple launch pads.. an idea for a mod where have to spend time/money to referbish before can launch again. Though I guess there might be some connection with kerbal construction time.
<Althego> but there is alerady extraplanetary launchpads mods
<JVFoxy> thinking more ... several pads at the KSC site itself...
<Althego> i guess you can build them anywhere, including kerbin
<JVFoxy> although.. was htinking how it be nice to have a small launch site on the mun or something once you got a fuel refinery and command center going
* darsie botched a tourist flight. Just the capsule wiht the tourists survived the hard splashdown.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> when i pack too many tourists to inline cabins the drag is not enough to slow down for parachute open
<Althego> or heats up and explodes
<JVFoxy> how many did you have?
<darsie> Althego: I pull up to slow down.
<darsie> This time I pushed down to land shorter and then pulled up too late. Splashed down while the chute deployed.
<JVFoxy> Althego how many tourists?
<Althego> 6-8
<darsie> I have just 2.
<JVFoxy> I'm looking to see what I did for a lot of tourists...
<JVFoxy> I know I had 12.. but I ended up doing a space cruiser type thing for around the mun. Brought them back in rockets
<Mat2ch> I do my late game tourist flights with SSTO planes...
<darsie> What engine?
<darsie> spike?
<darsie> dart?
<Althego> did you see the stratenblitz jets only to orbit device?
<Althego> stratzenblitz
<JVFoxy> ah ok... so did one craft, had 11 tourists, with probe control.... used bunch of them mk1 crew things
<JVFoxy> though I didn't put everything inline. 4 of the mk1 were 'radial'... sorta. sucks can't put the mk1 cabins on radial attachments like you can some other parts
<Althego> oh but you can :)
<Althego> cubic octagonal struts solve everything
<Althego> the best part in the game
<JVFoxy> oh.. n/m.. 10 crew, no probe, jeb was pilot
<JVFoxy> cubic? ya I know.. sad thing is, uses up that node on one end.
<Althego> yes that is an issue
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<JVFoxy> ok.. mental note: don't search for screen shots in my folder and view 'medium' sized images.. >.>
<Althego> here is the device
<kmath> YouTube - Orbiting Kerbin using ONLY Jet Engines! | Stock KSP 1.7
<JVFoxy> 150 full screen images on file viewer all trying to load same time
<JVFoxy> Althego my solution to at least 10 tourists for orbital run...
<JVFoxy> its not exactly pretty but.. eh.. did the job pretty good
<Althego> yes early career things looks strange
<Althego> but i always care more about the engineering goals than the looks
<Althego> so my things are always ugly
<JVFoxy> early career? I don't know.. I did some pretty nice looking planes at least
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* JVFoxy blinks at pic, still can't get over how many kerbals showing in that pic.. majority of them tourists..
<JVFoxy> think I had bill in on that flight.. just to fill the seat and give him some XP.. since didn't get to go flying much that career
<JVFoxy> pok'n at my screenshots... nice one where, though think kerb a bit on the derp side.. could just be normal while visiting minmus:
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<Althego> hah crs-17 launches on wednesday. i sure hope so, that is a holiday (never understood how you should celebrate work by not working)
<darsie> A Dart SSTO with two tourists was hard to land.
<darsie> Tail heavy, hard to pull up.
<Althego> that sounds more like too stable on tanks empty
<JVFoxy> aptly named... weight might too far forward
<darsie> going retrograde.
<JVFoxy> hoping to use engine to help with landing?
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<darsie> That, too, but I'm pulling up to get lift and slow down to deploy the chute.
<darsie> Haven't tried to burn to slow down.
<JVFoxy> think the little chute only enough to help land a mk1 pod safely..
<darsie> Only for touch down.
<darsie> There was enough fuel to slow down just before touchdown.
<JVFoxy> ok...
<JVFoxy> orbital or sub?
<Althego> yes that single chute is not really enough
<darsie> orbital
<JVFoxy> spike and only a few takes enough? Huh... didn't think they'd be.
<JVFoxy> *tanks
<darsie> I even made orbit with just the large tank, but with 3-6 m/s left deorbiting would have been slow.
<darsie> Only when I flew well, though.
<JVFoxy> know your payload weight?
<darsie> define payload weight.
<darsie> 2 kerbals
<darsie> 0 kg
<JVFoxy> aside from tank and engine, everything else.. the m1 crew, the probe core.. chute.. ect.
<JVFoxy> just wondering how much you pushing up into orbit.. something to compare by with some of my other stuff.
<darsie> 1250 kg
<JVFoxy> I hadn't used aerospike in a while..
<JVFoxy> see they dropped weight down to 1 after 1.0.3
<Althego> for something this small i would usually go with the terrier
<darsie> Terrier is a vacuum engine.
<Althego> and no need for landing
<darsie> I used it before atop a Thumper.
<JVFoxy> I've a few spaceplane designs, had swivel for boosting the first part, then a terrier right after it. fuel transfer turned on through the stack seperator between the two
<JVFoxy> darsie what flight profile did you use for orbit? was just testing something, mk1 command pod, 1 long tank and aero...
<darsie> I try to fly low without turning over.
<darsie> shallow
<JVFoxy> wonder if mk1 pod and mk1 crew like your setup has different drag profiles
<JVFoxy> chute+100battery+mk1 pod is only 0.91t...
<JVFoxy> minus mono.. but anyways.
<JVFoxy> gives me a chance to look at the engine again.. its been a while..
<darsie> I'm launching with 5° inclination, now.
<JVFoxy> I try to bank over smoothly right after launch... have to take care, some designs tend to be a little.. twitchy
<JVFoxy> launching a target vehicle with booster kit.. sort of like the gemini docking target. first stage at launch is 4 strap on liquid boosters with swivels but I didn't use struts. Causes the rocket to roll very slightly.
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<darsie> I landed the SSTO again, but the Thumper/Terrier handles better.
<Althego> take your thumper elsewhere, spice must flow
<Althego> valentina doesnt seem to enjoy it :)
<darsie> Genecas + Lupond (from right to left)
<darsie> They hardly open their mouth. Would have to wait more to get both to smile.
<JVFoxy> how often does the 'badass' trait show up in new kerbals?
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<Althego> probably very rarely, but you can only see it in the file, so hard to know without explicitly checking it
<UmbralRaptor> I think 1/10?
<Althego> like the sandcastly in 1 in 40 and i saw it twice
<Althego> yet they barely appear
<Althego> ever
<UmbralRaptor> Someone should fire the 4 orange suits, then hire a bunch and count up the numbers
<kmath> YouTube - THIS IS NOT WHAT WE MEANT!
<JVFoxy> I keep wondering when they going to use the courage/stupidity traits...
<Althego> some mods use them
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<JVFoxy> isn't courage used a little for g-force resistance?
<Althego> ah yes there is that
<Althego> for a while
<Althego> that is why valentina is a bit more resistant than jeb
<JVFoxy> wuldn't mind a little something that would rotate crews.. rather than having jeb hog everything..
<Althego> oh we rotate crews already... with their pods
<JVFoxy> 'change out' not spinning them till heads fly off
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* darsie landed a small probe in the Mun's Canyon (Mun far side):
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Lyneira has quit [Quit: Bye]
<hoglahoo> darsie: what happened to RSS
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<darsie> hoglahoo: I'm not sure. Something like I accepted an asteroid contract but Vesta turned out not to be an asteroid and tehre are no asteroids, so I'm waiting for asteroids.