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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: for the next project you could build a plane carrier and drop a small plane or something. :D
<Mat2ch> and for a future project some day... a heli carrier. :D
<Fluburtur> well we had a project for that
<Fluburtur> making a aircraft carrier
<Fluburtur> but it would need to be huge in order to work with even small planes
<Mat2ch> when you have enough patreon money
<Fluburtur> eh
<Fluburtur> I also wanted to make a fleet of small aircrafts and have them fly in formation on their own when inav implements that
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<Mat2ch> well, that will be interesting
<Mat2ch> And sounds like a lot of build and fly videos :D
<Fluburtur> they will be pretty simple aircrafts, I need to be able to build a lot quickly
<Fluburtur> the interesting part is having htem fly together
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<Mat2ch> And all the technical stuff, the soldering, the explaining
<Mat2ch> always think of Martin. He wanted to finish the MMX two years ago :D
<Fluburtur> and he can also make high quality 20 minutes video
<Mat2ch> you could show just more of the stuff you're doing
<Mat2ch> more gluing, more sanding
<Mat2ch> it's kinda relaxing
<Fluburtur> it isnt very interesting
<Mat2ch> people don't watch your videos to learn something, but to be entertained
<Mat2ch> and there are several ways to entertain people
<Mat2ch> some would watch a cnc router all day...
<Mat2ch> you will find the right balance between length of the video and interesting stuff soon. I'm sure of that :)
<Mat2ch> (and yes I mind if Martin only posts a 10 minute long video :P I wanna sit back and relax, while I watch him just do stuff)
<Fluburtur> I was really inspired by this guy for my style
<kmath> YouTube - Les Paul Build (Part1 of 3)
<Mat2ch> btw: I loved the hail storm :D
<Fluburtur> I have some cat petting in the next episode
<Mat2ch> cats are good content :D
<Mat2ch> and too loud music and only text overlays are not my thing
<Fluburtur> the guy talks in his more recent videos
mikeprimm is now known as zz_mikeprimm
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: there's also some great content and it only has ~1500 views. It's sometimes sad, but eventually you'll find your viewer base
<Mat2ch> have a look at this and tell me why it only has 1600 views:
<kmath> YouTube - Karl Thesing - Torn (Official Video)
<Mat2ch> I have no idea why.
<Mat2ch> And I always wanted to make a KSP music video to it.
<Fluburtur> the set and idea of playing two pianos at once is nice
<Mat2ch> the music is great.
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<Mat2ch> he has fewer subscribers than you!
<Mat2ch> and he makes a lot more videos
<Mat2ch> all quality productions
<Fluburtur> yeah
<Fluburtur> but with youtube you just need to have one thing catching on and then it all comes
<Mat2ch> But he will eventually find his subscribers and so will you if you just stick to it!
<Mat2ch> Remember my words in a few years!
<Fluburtur> heh
<Fluburtur> I have been posting low quality content on youtube since 2008
<Mat2ch> Heh, you should watch the things Tom Scott did in the beginning *g*
<Fluburtur> but when I worked 9 months on a single video it got good results
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<Fluburtur> why is windows throwing a fit
<Fluburtur> it says it isnt activated since yesterday but it is
<Fluburtur> might be an issue with windows servers idk
<Mat2ch> .oO( no windows, no cry )
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<taniwha> windows attract rocks
<UmbralRaptop> Putting windows in attract mode like it's an arcade cabinet?
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<darsie> no woman no cry means: "No, woman: Don't cry."
<Fluburtur> I should put two layers on the nose of the falken
<Fluburtur> for nicer finish and durability
<Fluburtur> it is the paper layer that gives all the strenght
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<Mat2ch> darsie: I'm not so sure about this :P
* UmbralRaptop thought it was about the benefits of being aroace?
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zz_mikeprimm is now known as mikeprimm
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<Fluburtur> I think I will paint the plane with a brush
<Fluburtur> or find really opaque spray paint but acrylic is cheaper
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<Fluburtur> k so I compared the paint I currently have to the ones used on the ref pics of the plane
<Fluburtur> red is very dark and the black is dark bluish gray
<Fluburtur> Mat2ch instead of doing a very complex project next time I should do a really easy one
<Fluburtur> like I did with the bottleboat
<Mat2ch> well, I always wanted to build a boat out of a 1.5 l cola pet bottle
<Mat2ch> but you could use an Evian bottle ;P
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<Althego> scott
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<Guest84099> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest84099
<Guest84099> is anyone on
<Guest84099> no?
<Guest84099> bye
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<Althego> no
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<Mat2ch> Those Scott-videos are getting boring a bit :|
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<darsie> Fluburtur: explain. Glock and Luger?
<Fluburtur> yes with swapped parts
<darsie> ic :)
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