UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | EHT papers | Поехали!
<darsie> hoglahoo: But you're supposde to say: #OMG, such a tiny rocket, how could you get to the Mun with that? It doesn't look like it could even go to orbit.
<hoglahoo> my bad - I only saw your first screenshot
<darsie> k :)
<darsie> gn
<hoglahoo> let me ammend to say #OMG, such a tiny rocket, how could you get to the Mun with that? It doesn't look like it could even go to orbit.
<hoglahoo> goodnight :)
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<JVFoxy> huh.. so docking with a booster target, it does recalculate Delta-V given the extra mass, but had to move the booster engine stage into the bottom of the stage list before it gave me anything. Otherwise thinks 0 because I'm ditching it with parachutes
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<JVFoxy> D-V for RCS would be nice but I guess that be asking for too much
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<JVFoxy> uff.. bouncy docking ports... I can deal with.. docking alignment, maybe I should look into that keyed docking port mod some day..
<Althego> bouncy port: docking ailment :)
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<JVFoxy> two little (2t and 1.5t) crafts docking with the Jr.s... boing
<JVFoxy> be nice to tone down the magnets just a tad... once had it pull on my ship, slammed the docking port, sent it tumbling off and busting other things before I could do anything
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<GlassYuri> (booking flights) me: "how are we going to do the payment?" friend: "I'll pay for it and you'll just buy me a meal or something" me: "that's a lot of food..."
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<UmbralRaptor> Your friend's weight in cookies
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<GlassYuri> UmbralRaptor, I just proposed that my part would be his hotel fee while he's staying at my place, he was not happy
<UmbralRaptor> hah
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<GlassYuri> have you ever been on the phone for so long that you ended the call in a different era than you started it
<packbart> only in Japan
<packbart> so, it's now Year 1 again?
<GlassYuri> packbart, even slighly better, there is a word for the first year of an era, so it is usually written without numbers
<GlassYuri> until yesterday it was 平成31年, now it's 令和元年
<packbart> yeah, I read an article about that recently. Lots of rubber stamps sold to add the era to printed dates
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<JVFoxy> ugh.. so last night, finally got around to doing a docking mission. Used the target booster to get into high orbit, then back down to low. Got the command pod through re-entry. Then didn't get chute open soon enough because ground was 2km higher than I expected.
<JVFoxy> and ya.. I know I should have hit chute way sooner, let it do its thing, but didn't feel like waiting the 5 minutes for it to come down on full chute and i think I was a little sleepy
<JVFoxy> uff.. anyways..
<JVFoxy> booster has a little over 3k dv on its own.. my surprise when the little command pod docks to it, the extra weight, still has just under 2k dv..
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