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<JVFoxy> starting to wonder if I should get involved on the forums too... some stuff planned to do in ksp, just in limbo because... not sure on a few things. :\
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<Fluburtur> I wonder if peoples make custom shape bladder fuel tanks for rc planes
<Althego> very strange idea
<Fluburtur> not really
<Fluburtur> they dotn cause air bubbles and dont need to be vented to balance presure
<Rolf> that's nice print
<Rolf> will it be used to make casting or used as is?
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<Fluburtur> it is for a model
<Rolf> oh model to show to class or students or something?
<Fluburtur> the actual one will be 3d printed metal
<Rolf> nice. i'd lve to have 3d metal printer!
<Fluburtur> they are super expensive, running them is super expensive and materials is super expensive
<Fluburtur> all pleasure
<Rolf> heh yeah sadly theres cost of buying, and then theres cost of ownership.
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<Althego> remember the moldy mouse food?
<kmath> YouTube - Mice aboard the International Space Station
<Althego> wheeee
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<Althego> astronauts in skylab ran around like this too :)
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<Eddi|zuHause> conclusion: astronauts are mice?
<sandbox> what do they do with them when they die?
<Eddi|zuHause> eat them?
<sandbox> the astronauts? ;p
<Eddi|zuHause> sure.
<Eddi|zuHause> as far as i'm aware, that hasn't actually happened yet that an astronaut died while in space (and there was someone left to eat them)
<Althego> actuall 3 died in space before reentry
<Eddi|zuHause> yes. but all of them.
<Althego> there were cases when they didnt die, but some animals almost ate them :)
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<Xinayder> what unity version does ksp 1.7 use?
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<sandbox> Beresheet 2
<Althego> the return to the moon :)
<Althego> and i still dont know what happened to falcon 2 to 8 :)
<UmbralRaptor> We know what happened to falcon 5
* UmbralRaptor also would like to point out that the US has had a continuous lunar presence for about 10 years now, and will be using that to image Beresheet crater
<Althego> so this is how a woman feels when dressing up. i have several hundred games and nothing to play :)
* UmbralRaptor suggests an RNG?
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<Althego> wow lasted 20 seconds
<UmbralRaptor> *boing*
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<kmath> YouTube - Kevin!
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<Fluburtur> is there anything red bull doesnt put their filthy hands on
<Fluburtur> im trying to watch soapbox cars videos and there is only red bull for whatever goddamn reason
<sandbox> who even drinks that stuff?
<Fluburtur> idk but apparently they have enoug money to ruin everything
* darsie drinks caffeine powder.
<APlayer> For the first time in months, I am playing KSP again. Yay, and boo, because I am failing to build a plane with FAR.
<APlayer> Plane suddenly pitches up at takeoff and immediately dives down. Speed is around 60 m/s, stability derivatives show no red numbers at Mach 0.2. I am not sure what the issue is.
<APlayer> The dive might be because the tail break off when it pitches up
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<UmbralRaptor> I mean, going into a dive after losing your tail is common with real plane crashes
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<Fluburtur> my loading times are still painfully slow
<Fluburtur> well, no ksp until the next update I guess
<Fluburtur> again
<APlayer> Write a mod that disables loading times
<APlayer> :P
<Fluburtur> no patience for that
<Fluburtur> I might as well untilstal it, I havent had any fun in that game in a long time
<APlayer> Just keep building rockets IRL
<Fluburtur> I should send some hate letters to take two
<Fluburtur> to express my feeling about stuff
<APlayer> "Yo, take two, I do not like the weather lately"
<APlayer> :P
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<Eddi|zuHause> <Fluburtur> im trying to watch soapbox cars videos and there is only red bull for whatever goddamn reason <-- honestly? soapbox cars sounds more like red bull than, say, formula 1 or football
<Fluburtur> it existed before red bull
<Eddi|zuHause> yeah, but red bull with its flying soapboxes, would rather make sense to also make rolling soapboxes, rather than formula1 cars
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<darsie> EVA/board changed my orbit in 1.7.
<UmbralRaptor> oops
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<APlayer> Good news, the plane has taken off and flies successfully. Bad news, turns out it is hard to go supersonic if you forgot to retract your landing gear
<Rolf> lol
<APlayer> In fact, it is hard to go supersonic with two Juno engines at all. But going supersonic was not the design goal, after all
<Rolf> once went supersonic with zero engine
<Rolf> went to space few times, and almost crashed few times on single flight ;)
<APlayer> Well, I mean I went FTL without any means of propulsion, a few times
<APlayer> Luckily that sort of kraken is rather rare
<Rolf> lol never went that fast.. without a engine
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<Rolf> never did finish that emdrive addon part
<APlayer> Probably for the best, given that it seems to have died IRL too :-)
<Rolf> yeah quiet for whiole
<APlayer> How do you guys make plane rudders that do not immediately cause large roll changes when used?
<Rolf> dunno onlky mod part I made was attempt on emdrive
<APlayer> Obviously I could just add a radially symmetric one on the plane's bottom, but that would break off on liftoff (and probably on landing)
<Rolf> i had gotten around the fuel requirement by simply having it generate its own fuel
<APlayer> I think that's not something you need to mod
<APlayer> Rolf: Pure EC does not work as fuel IIRC?
<Rolf> emdrive is pure electric drive. thats why people doubted it work. I doubt it also lol
<Rolf> its extremely weak, 1/10 the xenon drive
<APlayer> I mean KSP wouldn't let you make an engine that only needs EC?
<Rolf> force is roughly what you'd feel when you hold feather on your drive
<Rolf> oh!
<Rolf> yeah it refuses
<Rolf> so my "emdrive" uses tiny amount of xenon and whole lot of electriciy
<APlayer> IRL, pure electric drives are a thing that works, even. Planetary magnetic fields can be exploited, for example.
<Rolf> but i screwed up somewhere.
<Rolf> yeah thats acting on external factors
<APlayer> But the EM drive would work independently of anything, on pure electricity. Magnetic fields push off of planets. The EM drive pushes off of empty space
<Rolf> theres hypotensis on it pushes on virtual particles that disappear before it hits other end wall
<APlayer> But the net effect is that it does not conserve momentum
<Rolf> yep.
<Rolf> i wonder if it'd be injecting energy into vacuum
<APlayer> Unless you go something really far fetched, like virtual particles being the fabric of space itself and the EM drive pushes off of everything else in existence. Which, because of relativity, still means that it pushes off of nothing :P
<Rolf> who know
<Rolf> likely it acts on something we didnt expect or it may be heat emitter (uses ir as photon drive)
<APlayer> ...or it just does not work
<APlayer> :P
<Rolf> indeed
<Rolf> test in actual space need to be done
<Rolf> have regular drive and emdrive, get it out to nowhere near anything
<Rolf> then try
<Rolf> but money
<APlayer> Grrr, this plane is so bouncy, I just cannot land it
<Rolf> just remember, if it crashes it was only a simulation after all ;)
<APlayer> I have an escape system, crashes should not be too bad :-)
<APlayer> Because I know that I am too incompetent to land planes. In KSP at least.
<Rolf> i can land planes. i just cant land planes where i want to.
<Eddi|zuHause> you're a step ahead of me then :p
<Rolf> lol
<Rolf> i landed most of my plane designs that actually worked
<Rolf> only one that was pure unlandable is snowflake
<Rolf> no engines to moderate and it exploits flaw of spacetime ;)
<APlayer> Ow, that barely missed the VAB. I missed the runway laterally, tried to correct, went in at a high roll angle, decided to abort the landing, and in pulling up I almost hit the buildings
<Rolf> ouch heh
<APlayer> Against that, not even my escape system would have helped
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<APlayer> But I just can't get this to land on the runway. I've played plenty of plane simulator games, and almost all of them include some sort of ILS that helps with runway alignment. In KSP, I _always_ miss by 10, 20, 30 m and have to correct at the last second, which leads me to lose track of altitude and velocity, and eventually fail the landing. If I land on the grass besides the runway, that's fine. It will
<APlayer> bounce around some (it always does), but it comes to a halt safely, eventually. Well, mostly. But I have not landed on the runway a single time.
<APlayer> I now have essentially a glider plane with overpowered engines and airbrakes, and I still cannot do it
<Rolf> ksp is basically old days simulator heh
<Rolf> predates ils
<APlayer> In that case, I demand time warp to ILS invention
<Rolf> lol
<Rolf> someone actually made ils with ksp parts
<Rolf> think guy made it a car also so he could position it
<APlayer> In stock?
<APlayer> How would that work?
<Rolf> looked like
<Rolf> not one i was talking about but
<Rolf> poor kerbal stuck on ils duty. hearing all jet blasts.
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<APlayer> How is that an instrument landing system if it involves living organisms? :P
<Rolf> lol
<Rolf> video is interesting
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<APlayer> How come I touch down so slowly, yet it bounces so hard :(
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<APlayer> Believe it or not, I managed to hit the runway this time, and I was only halfway past it on the first bounce. But I didn't manage to get it under control before the runway was over
<APlayer> In other news, my playlist just started "Big in Japan", and the sound of it is so absolutely appropriate :D
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<APlayer> Alright guys, todays landing attempt has to be scrubbed because the pilot requires some sleep
<APlayer> G'night!
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