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<Guest94335> Incredible! The IRC channel is working! :)
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<darsie> You better believe it ;).
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<Guest48946> anyone know why my ksp keeps crashing after I install soviet mods
<Guest48946> I have module manager and used both ckan and ksp forum link to download the files. neither of them worked.
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<Althego> maybe the mods are not compatible with some other mods
<Althego> usually people debug this by stepübystep installation of mods
<Althego> so does it break even if those are the only mods?
<Althego> if not, add more gradually
<Althego> i guess if ckan allowed the install at least the ksp version is ok
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<JVFoxy> hmm... so poodle engine redesign...
<Althego> that was long time ago
<JVFoxy> with it now having two engine bells, does that mean it can make a roll while under thrust?
<Althego> no
<Althego> the two bells are on one gimbal
<JVFoxy> says its got 5deg vectoring
<JVFoxy> so only pitch+yaw.. but can't differential for roll?
<Althego> exactly
<Althego> but the roll is not that important usually
<JVFoxy> I haven't even messed in 1.6 yet...
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<JVFoxy> somehow i ended up with a ship, using 4 terriers...
<JVFoxy> I'm still tweeking things.. hadn't researched everything.. though the design is quite a bit more advanced than my previous 'cruiser' ship..
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<darsie> My Duna sample return used 1 kickback and 2 terriers.
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<JVFoxy> I thought about using my ship that I had for getting to mun orbit.. to go out to Minmus.. but.. that three crew commandpod on a 8 day outbound trip, couple days orbit around minmus, maybe even a landing, then 8 days back, seemed like a long trip inside such a small space
<Althego> i usually go on escape trajectory to minmus
<Althego> makes it several days faster
<darsie> Get a jet cabin.
<darsie> inline jet cabin.
<darsie> comfy
<JVFoxy> new ship, Trader, design has 4 of the mk1 crew cabins.. I may have to cut down to half.. it also has docking ports for addon parts
<JVFoxy> unfortunately, after the booster gets it up high enough, have to burn its own fuel a bit in order to make orbit...
<JVFoxy> darsie ouch.. almost 2 years in mk1 pod.. :P
<darsie> Fly low.
<darsie> Gets to walk a bit around on Duna :). Plant a flag :).
<darsie> Dig up some dirt.
<darsie> A few EVAs.
<Althego> there should really be an unmanned version of sample return
<Althego> maybe a science instrument that takes a sample from the biome the lander is
<darsie> Realistically it would start unmanned.
<JVFoxy> My carter back in earlier career version, I had to actually launch it with partial tanks to keep it under weight limit of lvl2 pad and VAB.. just refueled in orbit before going out on mun shakedown cruise
<JVFoxy> robotic sampler? maybe something like surveyor.. or viking landers
<JVFoxy> or just tweek a very small version of resource drill
<darsie> I think we got our first Moon samples from Apollo.
<darsie> No Mars samples, yet, IIRC.
<JVFoxy> I think russia tried.. most failed though
<Althego> we have a few. but they came on their own accord :)
<JVFoxy> wasn't there one mission that drilled and collected samples, but put them in cases for pickup later?
<darsie> yeah
<darsie> Or is it going to?
<darsie> Mars 2020?
<darsie> It will cache sample containers along its route for a potential future Mars sample-return mission.
<JVFoxy> oooh.. I jsut remembered was talk about it.
<JVFoxy> now I'm wondering what happened to that far side of the moon landing... just a one shop, gets dumped or was it suppose to take off again?
<darsie> Chinese brought a mini greenhouse there.
<darsie> Drosophilae, yeast, some plants.
<darsie> cotton seed?
<Althego> hehe mars 2020 is not launched yet
<Althego> as the name implies
<Althego> and the seeds died
<darsie> Launch date 17 July to 5 August 2020[4]
<Althego> on the moon
<darsie> They sprouted.
<Althego> got too cold or somethng
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<JVFoxy> Speaking of green houses....
<JVFoxy> was watching vid on ISS logistics...
<JVFoxy> be neat to see a green house on ISS, though it would suck a lot of water. Probably have to be pretty huge if it were to make a worth while dent in the cost of sending up food all the time
<darsie> Don't they grow plants all the time to spice up their food?
<JVFoxy> don't know... I usually figured the small amount they do have up there, strictly research
<Althego> yes they grew plants on iss
<sandbox> in case of zombies
<Althego> and i think they even ate it
<Althego> it was lettuce, so 0 calories, the plant you never ever want to take into space for food
<JVFoxy> lettuce mostly water
<JVFoxy> mind you... also depends what lettuce.. some are more than just water
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<JVFoxy> sigh
<Althego> you cant expect more from a night stand :)
<JVFoxy> roommates server..
<JVFoxy> used to connect through a proper setup, but turns out room mate owes tons of money to them so it was dropped
<JVFoxy> she put the router up on her BF's server..
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<JVFoxy> the DNS constantly flakes out... earlier today, reported the IP on my machine wasn't properly setup (its always automatic)
<Althego> that reminds me, my dyndns soon runs out
<JVFoxy> I should probably go rest anyways... my sleep been totally messed
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<Althego> lol
<Althego> it is like the trap a cat pictures
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<Fluburtur> cats just like being the center of attention
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<Fluburtur> my cat wants us to open the door all the time because she likes when we pay attention to her
<Fluburtur> then wants pets
<Althego> my cat writes files to the standard output
<Mat2ch> Althego: get stdout!
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<kmath> YouTube - Orbiting Kerbin with only ion engines - KSP
<Althego> and he went to duna with the ion plane
<Althego> and back
<Althego> ok, that part is easy
<Althego> getting it into orbit is the crazy part
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<packbart> sounds fun. now if I can find where Steam puts such files...
<packbart> ah. in ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/220200/1709910198/ - easy
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<Althego> scott
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<Fluburtur> I have 3d printed like a dozen vases with the end of my spool
<Fluburtur> should I build a mockup ion thruster with my high voltage tranfso
<Fluburtur> or use a broken light bulb to make a plasma globe
<Althego> ion thruster if it glows blue
<Fluburtur> actually it might be a bad idea
<Fluburtur> it can get damaged if the gap is too big apparently
<Fluburtur> so a gap bigger than 2cm is probably bad
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<Althego> hehe, concrete
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