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* darsie lit a rocket with a laser through a window:
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<Althego> scott, but bad news
<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX's Crew Dragon Capsule Destroyed In Engine Test
<Althego> so the crewed launch that was close is now far away
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<perryprog> Yo, I might be having a brain fart but what's UT stand for in the 1.7 maneuver thing?
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<perryprog> Oh, universal time. Haaah.
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<SirWhales> to be fair, the convention is UTC
<SirWhales> UT is kinda wtf
<SirWhales> UTU (u)ncoordinated? :D
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<perryprog> Ok, what the crap? When was an extended burn mode added in settings
<perryprog> Can't find anything in the changelogs or the wiki
<Althego> extended burn mode?
<perryprog> it let's you assume your man node burn isn't instantaneous I think
<UmbralRaptop> Uh, somewhere in 1.5-1.7
<perryprog> so it seems like it does the burn time/2 thing for you. Huh, can't believe I never knew about it.
<perryprog> Thanks UmbralRaptop.
<UmbralRaptop> On of the quality of life improvements. I'd have to check the readme
<JVFoxy> usually do 50% time thing for the burn, but still ends up being off a little. I'm guessing it doesn't account for mass changes when you burn into the calculations for time
mikeprimm is now known as zz_mikeprimm
<perryprog> Could probably get closer with 40% but that might be too much, idk. Should do the math but.... effort
zz_mikeprimm is now known as mikeprimm
<JVFoxy> might depend on how much of your mass gets used up for the burn...
<JVFoxy> compared to how much mass your craft is.. if the change isn't much, probably not a big deal
<perryprog> Yeah, I can't really imagine that 50% would get you off by more than a m/s delv in most cases
<perryprog> but I'm just pulling that out of my bum
<JVFoxy> again.. depends.. sometimes even a little bit of a m/s can make a big difference.
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<Supercheese> Happy Easter! Maybe I should take this time to find some of the various... Easter eggs in KSP
<Supercheese> I don't think I've actually visited stuff like the pyramid or dead kraken
<JVFoxy> here trying to come up with a simple little lander that isn't going to weigh massive amounts..
<JVFoxy> 2 crew monoprop.. 7tons..
<JVFoxy> 1 crew is nice, only 3 tons but... kinda wanna two person..
<Supercheese> can always bolt an extra chair on and call it good ;)
<JVFoxy> tech tree for that part not unlocked..
<perryprog> Happy easter to you too!
<JVFoxy> right now just sandboxing ideas... am considering a lawnchair lander
<perryprog> Hm, sorry for another stupid question but I don't understand what the ejection angle means when a maneuver node is selected.
<perryprog> (It makes sense to me without the node selected)
<JVFoxy> ... this a new thing they put in..? Or this in relation to the vector from the planet/moon?
<perryprog> this is a new thing
<perryprog> in the advanced orbit info pane
* JVFoxy ughs.. testing something out, command seats. didn't realize you can fill them now instead of attaching a command pod which gets ejected after moving crew over
<JVFoxy> ah... give me a moment. In 1.5 still..
<perryprog> Yeah I mean unless I'm missing something I think the hover text is wrong. "Angle between the craft or the maneuver position around the orbited body and that body's trajectory around its parent"
<perryprog> The bit for the angle from craft to craft's parent to parent's prograde makes sense. That's just the normal ejection angle I use for interplanetary transfers.
<JVFoxy> lol.. well lawnchair didn't go so well.. used up more than half my mono just doing the braking burn around mun
<perryprog> But if the angle is from maneuver node position to node's parent body to parent's prograde then that would mean it isn't affected by changing the node's vectors. Which it is.
<perryprog> Sorry, I explained this poorly. Just go in 1.7 and experiment for yourself, lol.
<JVFoxy> angle of craft to parent orbiting object for planetary transfer burn?
<perryprog> As in a geometric angle from top down of craft to craft's parent's center to craft's parent's prograde. (There's probably a better way to say this)
<JVFoxy> right.. ok and what about it?
<JVFoxy> basically, its the angle from the parent's prograde where you start a burn in order to get into a transfer vector to another body
<perryprog> My issue is it seems like the ejection angle KSP displays when selecting a node is not that.
<JVFoxy> reciprocal angle?
<perryprog> doesn't seem like it
<JVFoxy> then guess I'd have to see.. I know in the past there had been issues with coordinate system going a little weird with regards to longitudes
<perryprog> Fluburtur gimmie.
<Fluburtur> ok come get it
<JVFoxy> zoom zoom
<JVFoxy> friend loves his FPV drones... rather planes myself if I can ever get around to things
<JVFoxy> perryprog don't suppose you could show an example from the game, that makes you think the angle it displays isn't right for the note?
<JVFoxy> *node
<perryprog> yeah sure, one sec
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<perryprog> Kerbin's prograde dir is the topmost point of Kerbin
<perryprog> I also feel like the ejection angle shouldn't be changing with time passing, right?
<perryprog> Obviously it would if you haven't selected a node, but when you are selecting a node shouldn't it just be showing the ejection angle as if the ship was in that location?
<perryprog> I'm fairly certain that this is just a misunderstanding at my point, but I feel like intuitively that it's incorrect.
<JVFoxy> ... nav ball..
<perryprog> oops.
<JVFoxy> s'ok... happens..
<perryprog> heckin imgur
<perryprog> (totally was my fault)
<perryprog> hang on, could it be the angle between the ship, kerbin, and the node for some reason?
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<perryprog> accept the weird thing is if I give the node 0 delta v (as in the default node) the ejection angle is the same as if I hadn't selected the node at all??
<perryprog> except*
<JVFoxy> Lan and Arg PE is new to me... trying to find info
<perryprog> Lan is longitude of ascending node and arg pe is argument of periapis, AKA angle from ascending node to PE iirc
<JVFoxy> ah ok...
<perryprog> Yeah seems like it's a bug, but this person didn't report it for some reason
<JVFoxy> ok.. interesting. If peeps haven't already seen this:
<perryprog> Yeah, this is definitely a bug I think. The same thing is happening with the phase angle. What a pain!
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<perryprog> Can anyone please tell me if there's any reason whatsoever for the phase and ejection angle to change with time while a maneuver node is selected? I just want to make sure I'm not doing a dumb before filing a bug report.
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<JVFoxy> actually...
<JVFoxy> it doesn't change dramatically... does it?
<JVFoxy> You make a node in an orbital plane right?
<perryprog> no, it changes at a fairly significant rate
<JVFoxy> the node doesn't move.. its stationary to the galactic reference
<JVFoxy> yet.. as kerbin moves around the sun... its reference point shifts in relation
<JVFoxy> the ejection angle is referenced from kerbin's prograde...
<perryprog> yeah it's probably using kerbin's current prograde, not the one in the future
<JVFoxy> the prograde shifts, but the node doesnt
<perryprog> well at the least then the hover text is wrong
<JVFoxy> ejection angle into is taken as current... not post burn..
<perryprog> "angle between the maneuver, orbited body, and body's trajectory around it's parent"
<JVFoxy> not really a bug..
<JVFoxy> more its jsut giving info real time.. rather than as if you had already done the burn..
<perryprog> But shouldn't the man nodes always give the information that applies at the time you reach the node?
<perryprog> Otherwise it's useless.
<JVFoxy> the vector line it gives you is post burn, doesn't change. even during or after a burn. Unless you attempt to move it during such times
<JVFoxy> honestly.. I don't know. I hadn't dealt with numbers as closely before
<JVFoxy> I can do a free return from mun with very little problems, never needed numbers.
<JVFoxy> other planets, I just need a date, and I can figure out the rest easily enough with a node, not have to look at numbers.
<perryprog> I prefer to do it with numbers, I like the math behind the guesstimation
<JVFoxy> everyone likes doing things in their own ways
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<perryprog> Ok, I got some better wording of why I have an issue with the ejection/phase angle. Shouldn't the ejection angle of a maneuver node be the angle of the node, the node's parent, and the node's parent's prograde _at the time you would react the node_? And shouldn't the phase angle in the new target pane be the _interplanetary_ phase angle if the current target has a different parent than you?
<perryprog> (Where the interplanetary phase angle is the angle of the ship's parent, the common parent of the ship's parent and the target, and the target. e.g. the interplanetary phase angle of kerbin to duna is just the angle of kerbin, the sun, and duna)
<JVFoxy> eh... sorry, guess two cups coffee and waking up 4am not helping me much with this. :\
<JVFoxy> panel has a phase angle thing too on one of the tabs?
<perryprog> yeah, on the target one.
<perryprog> it's just not "smart". No matter the circumstance it displays the angle of ship:ship parent:target from what I can tell, which is useless for Interplanetary transfers.
<JVFoxy> maybe I'll get to poke at it eventually.. the closest approach feature is nice though... instead of having to track with the mouse pointer
<perryprog> What do you mean? I'm not familiar with the older versions.
<JVFoxy> the thing when two ships or ship and planet are to come close, it shows the markers, says how close they will be. Older versions, had to put mouse over top while adjusting things to see if you making improvements or not. Now with the pane, you can view it right there than having to chase it with the mouse
<perryprog> Ah yeah, that is nice. IIRC you can right click it in older versions and it'll stay, but I don't know how far back that was added.
<JVFoxy> don't know.. hmm..
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<JVFoxy> as of 1.5... right clicking the stuff on the map does seem to keep it in place. At least till the number of encounters changes
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<perryprog> yeah, it'll also unpin itself if it's ever removed (e.g. you accidentally overshoot and the encounter goes away, but then comes back after you fix it)
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<Althego> lol florida man
<Althego> however i dobt that the polish man reached the level of florida man
<Althego> some things can only happen in florida
<Althego> the alien movie is 40 years old
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<darsie> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, darsie
<darsie> You should probably re-read the Kerbal Space Program license agreement, particularly the clause about user-created content. By accepting that license, you agreed to give Take-Two Interactive an exclusive license to use your screenshots, something which is completely incompatible with uploading those screenshots to Commons.
<darsie> I put screenshots there, but they had to be removed:
<darsie> Am I allowed to make, watch, publish, modify screenshots?
<darsie> store
<darsie> give
<darsie> I haven't read the license.
<darsie> I'd like to show them to you, but am I allowed to?
<UmbralRaptor> o_O
<UmbralRaptor> If that's the case, someone badly messed up the EULA
<darsie> You mean if I'm not allowed to show you my screenshots.
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<darsie> If I can show it to you, why can't I upload it to wikipedia?
<darsie> Where is the license agreement?
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<UmbralRaptor> yeah, and unsure
<darsie> Looks like I grant taketwo a license to use my screenshots.
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