Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<Gasher[work]> Fluburtur, looks like a carrot
<kmath> YouTube - Flying Penis Attacks Gary Kasparov at Press Conference
<Rolf> oops paste fail
<Rolf> sorry
<Rolf> looks like easy way to make air fish or whatever now
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<kmath> YouTube - Look Mum No Computer - Groundhog Day (Official Music Video)
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch im editing part 2
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch Althego time to review part 2
<kmath> YouTube - build part 2
<Althego> but first there is a new gtoger video
<Althego> hehe beautiful weather
<Althego> i expect rain in less than an hour here too
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<Althego> i couldnt understand the name of the glue used for the hardpoints
<Fluburtur> uhu por
<sandbox> why is Scott Manley a cyborg?
<Althego> isnt?
<Althego> at least not in his latest video
<kmath> <DJSnM> I’m a cyborg now.
<Althego> i thought it was probably uhu, but as i am not good with self built things, i didnt know that exact type
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<UmbralRaptop> Technically does wearing glasses make you a cyborg?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> and riding a bicycle too
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<Althego> but nobody uses this word in this way anymore
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<UmbralRaptop> Bonus points if you do the low resolution spectrograph trick
<Althego> but i realized i am getting old in an increasing rate since scott's children straing to grow up
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<Guest20915> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest20915
<Guest20915> could I have your savegames?
<Althego> use honest cheating as everybody else :)
<Guest20915> I dont like cheating. I am too lazy to begin from scratch. Please upload your to
<Althego> use sandbox mode instead?
<UmbralRaptop> ^
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<Fluburtur> I have been watching cities skyline videos, I want to play that again
<Guest20915> I dont like sandbox. please
<sandbox> what did I ever do to you? ;o
<Guest20915> hehe XD
<Althego> at least snow didnt fall on you
<Althego> net here at the moment
<Althego> *not
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: great build video, thanks
<Mat2ch> you still should work a bit more on your english, but it got better, so even that's going :)
<Guest20915> A savegame would be nice. The on curse are crap
<Fluburtur> ca, I make it public then?
<Mat2ch> Yes!
<Mat2ch> Go go go
<Mat2ch> Right amount of working and talking
<Mat2ch> great music, not too loud
<Mat2ch> no bad cuts
<Mat2ch> maybe you should create an intro some day. But that's not necessary right now
<Althego> i noticed too that there was only one thing i couldnt understand, and that was because i didnt know its name :)
<Mat2ch> Well, he's just lazy when talking :D
<Althego> heh apparently the rain just stopped
<Fluburtur> english is hard to say
<Althego> i mean it didnt reach here, still raining, but not here
<Guest20915> need save
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: then just speak slower. :)
<Fluburtur> do I speak fast?
<Althego> no, the speed is ok
<Mat2ch> Sometimes. Usually it's perfect.
<Mat2ch> *it's perfect and you are clearly to understand
<Mat2ch> those very rare times you are doing something we call "nuscheln" in Germany :D
<Mat2ch> and now, "to mumble" is not a good translation for it ;)
<Guest20915> Do you give me savegame? yes or no. please...
* UmbralRaptop isn't sure how they'd be useful compared with, say, installing hyperedit
<Althego> what you dont really need anyore
<Althego> you can just cheat your craft into orbit anywhere
<Guest20915> I am too lazy. I want finish ones, where I can do things... come on
<Althego> and that is why you have the sandbox mode
<Mat2ch> .oO( ugh, I meant to say "and no". I wrote "and now"... my brain is a lag-festival recently... )
<Althego> science tree is completed, build whatever you want. the net id also full iwth craft files
<Guest20915> I know.
<Guest20915> but I want a career savegame
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<UmbralRaptop> Edit a savefile to have >10k science, and lots of funds?
<kmath> <✔KerbalSpaceP> Not sure what exactly is happening here, but it's impressive... #KSP ⏎ by NovaSilisko ⏎
<Guest20915> I know. But I need get inspirated by finished savegames
<Althego> how do you even finish it?
<Guest20915> How do you mean?
<Fluburtur> have a space station around every body and catch all the asteroids to make a belt around kerbin
<Althego> when you complete the science tree? when you collect all science?
<Althego> the first is too simple, the second is too hard
<Althego> and the game will nto stop the game either way
<Guest20915> It would be very nice
<Guest20915> mat2ch du auch deutscher?
<Althego> i usually stop before i reach the first. because the golden age of space exploration in the beginning is what is interesting
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<Guest20915> I am sad now
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<Althego> not a happy costumer
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<Fluburtur> "hello I am too lazy to learn to play ksp"
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<Mat2ch> Well, I still have to do a big S Jool mission...
<Mat2ch> but there are so many other things to do first
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: did I should you this?
<Althego> if you put numbers on it... :)
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<Fluburtur> yeah
<Fluburtur> the suffering sphere
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<Mat2ch> suffering sphere is a very good name for it...
<UmbralRaptop> too lazy to *cheat* even
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<Althego> why breathe? just give me air :)
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<Fluburtur> Althego Mat2ch I made the shopping list for the falken
<Fluburtur> it is a tad expensive
<Fluburtur> 173€ uh
<Fluburtur> I should order rc plane fuel
<Fluburtur> because I have too much money and must get rid of it
<Fluburtur> dear god
<kmath> YouTube - 0:59:75 - Cape Rainy Canyon Personal Record | Ace Combat 7
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<Fluburtur> the best things is that radar guns that go that high are made just for this guy since they have no other way of getting speed readings
<Fluburtur> oh boy, they are talking about printed metal parts for the next planes
<Fluburtur> since they will need swept wings to go up to supersonic speeds
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch the stats of part 2 so far are better than ones of part one
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<mib_j1b9hi> hey
<mib_j1b9hi> anyone have good career mode mod recommendations?
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: give it time :D
<Mat2ch> They will come!
<Mat2ch> 27 views already. That's awesome for such a small channel
<Mat2ch> and more subscribers?
<Fluburtur> not yet but I gained like 6 in the past 28 days
<Fluburtur> im at around 360 I think
<Mat2ch> what camera are you using there?
<Fluburtur> my nikon hybrid as always
<Mat2ch> I'm really looking forward to part 3
<Mat2ch> you're going to be Wintergatan No2 now. :D
<Fluburtur> heh
<Fluburtur> im still not done building part 3
<Fluburtur> but if I work well it could be done within a week, I still need to order all the electronics however and I could really use some funding for that
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<Supercheese> risky click
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* darsie nitpicked ballistic trajectories
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<Rolf> Supercheese: click it. now.
<Rolf> its totally safe for work. totally.
<darsie> Can I choose the license of KSP screenshots or are they copyright by Squad etc.?
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<Fluburtur> episode 2 got half the views of episode one in a few hours
<Fluburtur> thats pretty good
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<Mat2ch> it is
<kmath> <DJSnM> The anaesthetic and medications seem to really be messing with my perception of time right now. I wonder if I'll be…
<sandbox> "I wonder if I'll be well enough to stream, I kinda want to see if I can fly a spaceship while taking medication that tells me not to drive."
<UmbralRaptop> "Fly safe"
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