APlayer changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: http://archive.is/5bp8u | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Event Horizon Telescope livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnJi0Jy692w
<Tank2333> i just read there will be a falcon heavy launch tomorrow
<Tank2333> i hope i can catch it
<Odin> It was supposed to be 20 minutes from now, got postponed due to high altitude wind shear
<Tank2333> i see
<UmbralRaptor> I'd recommend letting the barge catch the boosters
<Tank2333> doesnt make for a good video though
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<Tank2333> somehow i dont feel impressed
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<UmbralRaptor> …
<UmbralRaptor> The outer diameter of the ring is 50 μarcsec
<UmbralRaptor> (might be closer to 40)
<UmbralRaptor> Or, 1000x smaller than a pixel on HST
<Tank2333> uh
<Tank2333> now im impressed
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<UmbralRaptor> Yeah, it's blurry because we're working right at the limits of what's possible, and even getting this involved a few decades of pushing advances in VLBI and millimeter radio astronomy!
<UmbralRaptor> (Incidentally, the team published six papers today. All are open access.)
<taniwha> that shot is better than my best shot of Saturn
<taniwha> (420mm on micro-4/3)
<taniwha> and considering that black hole (sag-a?) is significantly further than saturn...
<UmbralRaptor> Amusingly, GRMHD shows up a lot in the papers.
<UmbralRaptor> M87*. Apparently Sgr A* was way harder, so they don't have pics yet >_>
<Tank2333> so the black shadow is the event horizon and the disk around is bend light from the acrederatation thingy?
<taniwha> yeah, followed your iop link and then googled
<taniwha> virgo A
<taniwha> ok, even further than sag-a
<taniwha> so yeah, impressive
<Tank2333> 55million km or so
<Tank2333> lightyears
<Tank2333> lol
<taniwha> yeah, 55million km is 1/3 of the distance to the sun
<Tank2333> yeah :)
<taniwha> a slight rounding error, there ;)
<UmbralRaptor> only slight
<taniwha> hmm, seeing Mpc makes me want to read the Wrinkle in Time series again
<taniwha> (where I first heard of both parsec and megaparsec)
<UmbralRaptor> huh
<taniwha> also where I first heard of a tesseract
<Tank2333> isnt parsec like the distance in angle between celestial bodys or something odd like that?
<taniwha> it's 3.27 or so lightyears
<UmbralRaptor> ^
<taniwha> but based on 1 arc second of parallax from earth's orbit
<Tank2333> ah yeah
<Tank2333> hm
<UmbralRaptor> Or, 1/parallax angle as measured from earth in arcseconds
<taniwha> oh, and duh, first heard of parsec in starwars
<UmbralRaptor> hah
<taniwha> "kessel run in 12 parsecs"
<taniwha> but then finding that parsec was distance, got terribly confused
<taniwha> (hey, I was 7 when I first saw star wars)
<taniwha> 11 when I read WIT
<taniwha> maybe 12
<Tank2333> same with scifi lightyears
<taniwha> anyway, I later read somewhere that the kessel run involves a lot of black holes and other dangerous objects, so doing it in 12 parsecs meant getting dangerously close to things
<taniwha> I've never encountered scifi using lightyears incorrectly
<Tank2333> Han solo did the kessel run in SOLO
<taniwha> (maybe compressing the distances, but light<timeperiod> was always distance
<Tank2333> i just have a faint memory of being annoyed by a movie/show using it for time
<Tank2333> maybe its just the "lightyears ahead"
<taniwha> time ahead/distance ahead... same thing, really
<UmbralRaptor> ^
<Tank2333> well
<taniwha> if you can, find that movie and double check the context
<Tank2333> "tesla is lightyears ahead in reusable rocketry"
<taniwha> distance
<Tank2333> damn you are right...
<darsie> I thought Tesla was on Earth.
<darsie> Earth takes 10,065 years to travel one lightyear around the sun.
<darsie> Wait, a Tesla in space doesn't mean it's a rocket company.
<Tank2333> just cahnge tesla for "Elon musk company"
<Tank2333> i cant seperate them in my head
<Tank2333> im also tired from work
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Did you know that black holes are actually prisons for star vampyres?
<Scolar_Visari> Huh, don't believe I actually have this one.
<Scolar_Visari> Better resolution https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DmPfZg8U0AEsLXJ.jpg
<UmbralRaptor> … do I want to know what's trapped in M87*?
<Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptor: M83, after a mix-up.
<Scolar_Visari> At least there are sweet, sweet synth tunes while you're spaghettified to death.
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<UmbralRaptor> hrm
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<Fluburtur> https://forum.flitetest.com/index.php?threads/crash-support-group.58120/page-2#lg=attachment128576&slide=0
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<Rolf> Sorry. I don't have any crashes to share. Lucky for me, I don't crash! My son says that a crash landing is still a landing. Therefore, I have nothing but landings! :p I will admit that some landings require more repair than others, though...:sneaky::p lol
<Fluburtur> you know, as long as the plane can still fly
<Fluburtur> I crashed a wing once and it snapped in half, it was only held up by a bit of tape so if I pitched down it would fold
<Fluburtur> actually I have it here https://youtu.be/BJecbW4ig60
<kmath> YouTube - only up challenge
<packbart> Kerbal Space Program 1.7: “Room to Maneuver” is now available!
<packbart> ooh, updateski
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<packbart> "Fix bug where symmetry would break animations on some parts." - I wonder if this fixes a problem with scripting I had. That would be nice :)
<Rolf> i wonder if danny's literal worldbreaker bug was fixed
<packbart> I'm not sure if it can reasonably be fixed. looked probably like some floating point precision madness to me
<Rolf> if they prevent the movement range workaround then it'd be harder to fix
<Rolf> *to do
<Gasher[work]> according to the comments the bug is from 1.3 or earlier
<Fluburtur> can youtube stop auto-pausing videos
<Rolf> auto pausing?
<Fluburtur> yeah when the tab isnt active
<Fluburtur> I often put music and play some game and it pauses after a while
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<Eddi|zuHause> is that maybe your browser pausing inactive tabs?
<Fluburtur> no I think it is a youtube feature
<Eddi|zuHause> how long is "a while"? because i haven't noticed anything like this
<Fluburtur> not sure, at least 30 minutes
<Eddi|zuHause> and is that in the middle of a video, or playlist not forwarding, or autoplay canelling?
<Eddi|zuHause> *cancelling
<Fluburtur> any video, it just pauses and gives a message asking to continue
<Eddi|zuHause> never seen that
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<Mat2ch> I've seen that
<Mat2ch> but for some reason not very often
<Mat2ch> couldn't make out a pattern
<Mat2ch> but I'm on Firefox, maybe Mozilla says: Nah, we don't tell you when a user is inactive?
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<packbart> Youtube constantly fiddles with the player. It never behaves exactly the same as yesterday
<GlassYuri> packbart, and it's also not the same for everyone due to A/B testing
<GlassYuri> ...I need a new username that cannot be linked to my existing ones
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<GlassYuri> I just realized that that might imply something nefarious lol
<Mat2ch> GlassYuri: there are username generators...
<GlassYuri> it's an MMO character name so it should be somewhat nicer than just face on keyboard
<Alanonzander> for a MMO? Why not? Just say it is dwarven/Elish/etc
<GlassYuri> the reason I can't use my existing names is that I work at the company behind the game
<Alanonzander> I was meaning "face on keyboard"
<GlassYuri> I know I just spent three minutes typing the second part of that message
<GlassYuri> in most fantasy settings dwarves and elves don't sit at desks which they could facedesk into
<Alanonzander> so it' Gnomish (aka tinmkerer Gnomes)
<GlassYuri> and in a science fiction setting there... would be some contrieved reason why heroes don't facedesk
<GlassYuri> because they're augmented and would smash right through
<GlassYuri> and if the desk is armored then it's either the desk or their face, too many variables involved, impossible to tell beforehand
<GlassYuri> facedesk into an armored desk would be a form of russian roulette then
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: sooooo, part3? ;)
<Fluburtur> soon
<Fluburtur> I just need to joint the cockpit to the wings
<Fluburtur> then I guess I will order the electronics and route all the wires later
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<bogu> 1.7 is out?
<UmbralRaptor> uh
<UmbralRaptor> apparently
<Mat2ch> it is
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: \o/
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<Althego> hehe falcon heavy was delayed a day again
<Althego> but at least scott made his video about black holes
<UmbralRaptor> … wait, I cam abuse my op powers
UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7 official channel | Rules: http://archive.is/5bp8u | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | EHT papers https://iopscience.iop.org/issue/2041-8205/875/1
<UmbralRaptor> (All hail open access publishing)
<bogu> nice
<bogu> I have an issue where my launcher window for ksp is super tiny on my screen
<bogu> how do I fix this?
<bogu> can't even see the update button its so small
<Althego> dont use tha launcher :)
<bogu> but then i cannot update
<Althego> the update button doesnt work anyway
<bogu> oh
<Althego> just download it from the store
<Althego> if you want to update
<bogu> will i lose saves?
<Althego> no, but some things might be incompatible
<Althego> lately not really, to small updates
<bogu> okay ill do that when I get home, thanks
<Althego> mods vary in compatibility as usual
<Althego> rather than this, put it in a new location
<Althego> and copy the saves and craft files
<bogu> thanks
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<Althego> so when does the israeli lander touch down?
<Althego> サーキット
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<UmbralRaptor> なに?
<UmbralRaptor> hrm, I don't seem to have a proper IME for that keyboard.
<kubi> !!!!1.7!!!!
<kubi> just one day I look away
<Althego> omae wa mou shindeiru
<Althego> i dont have ime either. i asked my bot to convert latin to kana for me :)
<Althego> heh i thought 1.7 should have been out already, and i was loking for days and nothing happened
<Althego> so i gave up
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<Althego> anybody knows how i can combine delegate_to with wait_for_connection in a way that i can specify user name too?
<Althego> in ansible
<Rokker> UmbralRaptor: which is the more important story. the black hole or the effectiveness of this interferometry
<Althego> or maybe it doesnt even need the user, but then i wonder why it failed
<UmbralRaptor> Rokker: really, other depends on what you want to focus on?
<UmbralRaptor> There's an argument to be made that the interferometer is more important right now, but in a few more years, the black hole(s) will be.
<UmbralRaptor> Compare with LIGO?
<Althego> what do you want to do with the black holes?
<Althego> 1. build huge interferometer 2. take picture of black hole 3. ??? 4. profit
<Althego> probably because of the delegate it wanted to log in, and then wait for a connection, which is stupid since to log in it already needs it
<Althego> probably i can turn it into a simple port check or a normal shell command
<UmbralRaptor> Mass measurement via the shadow and photon ring sizes, features of the inner accretion disk (rotation speed, direction, other weird things since you're doing relativistic magnetohydrodynamics)
<Althego> hehe relativistic magnetohydrodynamics soounds like a nightmare
<Althego> see the hidden text
<UmbralRaptor> More or less, yeah
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<Althego> aha, ther is a simple wait_for that accepts port and host and even regex, exactly what i want
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<Althego> hehe i just found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7h7Mfe8BDw
<kmath> YouTube - Make It So - A Parody of "Let It Go" from Disney's Frozen
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<Althego> fluburtur builds
<Althego> niuce lights
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<Althego> what, scott again
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<Althego> wait, the beresheet lands in 5 mintes?
<Althego> no, the stream starts in 5 minutes
<kmath> YouTube - LIVE broadcast - Beresheet lands on the Moon Fasten your seatbelts, we are about to land.
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: I hope that's in the video. That's awesome!
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<Althego> hehe the scrolling of the chat window
<Althego> obviously write only
<Althego> there can be real live feed from the moon. but probably we will get data in cgi visualiziation
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> now if they could switch to using english in the stream
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<Draconiator> Woooot found a HP Photosmart 210 digital camera at a local thrift store for 4 bucks....circa 2000, kinda love old tech heh
<Fluburtur> gonna make retro movies?
<Fluburtur> 2002 stop motion lego animations
<Althego> finally
<Althego> hehe that battery is draining fast
<Althego> so tomorrow scott has to report about this and probably about falcon heacy too
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<Althego> hah picture
<Althego> imu what, not ok?
<Althego> lost signal?
<Draconiator> It's a point and shoot like my Coolpix L19, but much older apparently. It came with a 4MB CF card
<Althego> speeding up
<Draconiator> and a cable that looks like a VGA male plug to 3.5mm male headphone plug
<Althego> main engine issue
<Althego> it is too fast
<Althego> probably not enough reserve power to make up for this
<Draconiator> Lost communication.
<Draconiator> probably crashed
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<Althego> it was still high up
<Althego> or maybe not
<Althego> hehe people writing f for respects in the chat
<Althego> crashed
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i swear this was the fastest quit ever
<Althego> 4 seconds
<Draconiator> Space is hard though. WE OF ALL PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW THAT :P
<Althego> we choose to go to irc, not because it is easy, but because it is hard
<Mat2ch> f
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<Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/1f813c90df3f26f90784c6a25ec5c131.jpg - Picture of my cat taken with the old camera....and it's about what I expected a c. 2000 digital camera to be as far as quality.
<Althego> bette than anything i made with a phone :)
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<Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/3399a2acd232a69e725e9a598e9d0c0e.jpg - Macromode on this thing is actually pretty good.
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<Fluburtur> I found a pic of a rc jet fuel pump https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQfIeeMjuUB6BHgBBbqrLfImdASukQ5O25FPx9eZMAMPfKiVvVPAw
<kmath> YouTube - Arabsat-6A Mission
<Supercheese> oh a Falcon Heavy?
<Supercheese> neat
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<Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPfHHls50-w - Rumor has it, he's launching a bus this time.
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<Eddi|zuHause> so, these israelis failed to fake a moon landing?
<Supercheese> Oy vey!
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<packbart> it tested the Moon's bounciness at 950m/s
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<Fluburtur> stream started
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<Mat2ch> do I really screw up my sleep cycle to watch a rocket launch?
<Mat2ch> Jup
<Fluburtur> where is mister knees
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<Rokker> why the hell isnt the launch in the topic
<Rokker> UmbralRaptop: oi
<kmath> YouTube - Arabsat-6A Mission
<Fluburtur> wooo mister kness
<Fluburtur> knees*
<Supercheese> HAZARDOUS
<Supercheese> OPERATIONS
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<packbart> Good TWR
<Supercheese> Yissssss
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<Draconiator> Success and both boosters landed?
<KrazyKrl> All 3 boosters landed.
<Mat2ch> booster and central core landed
<Mat2ch> if it's a success we will see soon
<KrazyKrl> #WhatAboutTheFairings
<Mat2ch> Will be recovered, but no catching
<Supercheese> You don't get any refunds in Spesos for recovering the fairings anyway
<Supercheese> no point in bothering
<KrazyKrl> Did i just see a few frames of tank cam?
<Supercheese> also the fairings just disappear when you timewarp so.... :P
<Draconiator> I like hoe people use Kerbal as a word that means "so insane it's not likely to work" now heh
<packbart> "so insane it probably will work eventually"
<darsie> Payload separated on nominal orbit, 3 cores landed.
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