Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
<Fluburtur> and peoples saying that the radiations you get in an airliner are not the same as the ones from nuclear fuel
<Fluburtur> different energies perhaps but a gamma ray stays a gamme ray
<Fluburtur> and peoples asking what the elphant foot tastes like, now that is real questions
<UmbralRaptor> I mean, they're different in that you get more charged particles and fewer gammas
<Fluburtur> still kinda sad that so many peoples are so ignorant of this whole thing
<Fluburtur> just being inside the power plant isnt that dangerous if you stay out of the hot zone and wear proper safety gear
<Fluburtur> I wouldnt mind visiting that place really
<Rolf> yeah my issue with reactors is not radoactivity, we can manage that. its extreme in long term storage that I take issue on
<Rolf> maybe if we have a process to decay it much faster (gaining more power meanwhile, hopefully) and end with inert fuel
<Fluburtur> can probably hook up some thermal generators to the cooling pools
<Fluburtur> stirling maybe
<Rolf> that'd be great for controlling storage temperate, as its self-powered and can give extra power. also, it'd be built-in indictor that shows one barrel is getting out of control
<Rolf> "hm barrel #1317 is giving us so much power should check it"
<Fluburtur> most used nuclear fuel can be recycled actualy but most peoples dont do it because it can be used to create fissile material that can be used in weapons
<Fluburtur> france uses some recycled fuel and would like to buy spent fuel from other countries but for some reason, contries dont like exchanging spent nuclear fuel
<Rolf> would be nice if we arent so warlike
<Fluburtur> yeah
<Fluburtur> well, better speed up the research of fusion reactor so we can build vasimir powered starship
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<mib_kkxlav> yo
<mib_kkxlav> anyone alive?
<Rolf> nah just zombies
<mib_kkxlav> what kind of zmbies?
<mib_kkxlav> oof
<mib_kkxlav> My Remotetech anttenas do not have connection on the launchpad
<mib_kkxlav> i cannot flee from u guys, im literally stuck.
<Rolf> lol well
<mib_kkxlav> so i gues yea..... fresh meat.
<Rolf> maybe someone will know :)
<mib_kkxlav> :<
<mib_kkxlav> Only you and me chatting, literally nobody else...-.
* UmbralRaptor hasn't used remotetech, so…
<UmbralRaptor> I mean, I could make random guesses (power, do they need to be activated, etc)
<mib_kkxlav> no+
<mib_kkxlav> nop
<mib_kkxlav> @UmbralRaptor - No red ball, no ground stations to be found
<mib_kkxlav> even tho im sitting on the ksc, and in a launchpad, and i have baterie nand i have also 2 antennas preemptively activateds
<mib_kkxlav> So, i rly not sure what the problem is. - I Use Kerb6.4 (which increases kerbin by 6.4x) + RemoteT, + sumthink
<mib_kkxlav> Any clues?
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<JoMa> Hey Everyone
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<Deddly> Does anyone have any energizing electronic music recommendations with few or no lyrics?
<Deddly> Thanks
<Mat2ch> Deddly: also Lane8 on youtube
<Mat2ch> I can't recommend ASOT, because Armin loves to talk ;)
<Deddly> Much appreciated :)
<Deddly> Will try Lane8 first when the current album is finished
<Fluburtur> how about wintergatan
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: they have so few longer mixes :(
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<darsie> I came across a youtube video with KSP background music. Didn't find it again.
<Althego> most ksp music tracks are free
<Althego> so amny videos use them
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<Mat2ch> Althego: I'm still wondering why Squad never bothered to create their own music for the game
<Mat2ch> it's not like it costs a fortune
<lordcirth_> By the time the game was big enough, I think the music was iconic
<Mat2ch> but some variety would make it even better
<Althego> the title screen has its own music
<Althego> and a few more
<Althego> but at this point i wouldnt like a change in music
<packbart> there's a mod for that, if anyone wants to change the soundtrack. I think it can also select tracks depending on situation, so you'd get different music for reentry
<Deddly> Nice one, lordcirth_
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<lordcirth_> Thanks. It's my fav by them
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<Deddly> That's another really nice one, lordcirth_
<Deddly> Hey APlayer !
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<Astrodym> aloha papaya
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<transitbiker> why is my merged craft not able to attach at all?
<Althego> becasue the root node is in the wrong place?
<Deddly> Merged craft?
<Althego> however they look like, the models are all trees. and if the root node doesnt have free nodes left, it cant attach
<transitbiker> changing root instantly worked
<Althego> in the worst case i add a small hidden cubic... and make that as root
<Althego> but most of the time you can just change the root node to for example an engine
<Deddly> As, subassemblies
<Deddly> Ah*
<Althego> and merge in the load
<Althego> they work the same way
<transitbiker> prbe cores dont like being subassembly
<Althego> except subassemblies are less convenient
<transitbiker> im tyrying to add crew return pods to an existing on orbit station
<transitbiker> you know maybe i dont want 4 lines for 150 dollars a month, maybe i want one phone for 50 a month
<transitbiker> mobile phone services = highway robbery anymore
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<Astrodym> nixe
<Astrodym> *c
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<transitbiker> testing the crew return pod
<transitbiker> i have a few capsules for intra-station transport, but they cannot survive to landing
<Althego> what are they made of, paper?
<Astrodym> legosm actually.
<transitbiker> they do not have chuts or heat shield
<Astrodym> whats their mass
<transitbiker> dunno off hand
<Astrodym> k
<transitbiker> let me get this flight over and i can see
<transitbiker> need to add reaction wheel
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<transitbiker> test fail
<transitbiker> needs more chute
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<transitbiker> more boosters and struts? nahhh
<transitbiker> spams the thing with chutes
<transitbiker> i want it to be safe with half ofthem working, just in case something crashes into it and damages some
<Astrodym> autostrutt
<Althego> are there action wheels? :)
<transitbiker> forgot, but if it cant survive, no point
<transitbiker> for some reason, every probe core i put on is 90 degrees off
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> that cant be
<Althego> around which axis?
<Althego> i can imagine that around roll
<transitbiker> north marker is bottom vs side
<Althego> i thin north markes is always at bottom for me
<Althego> very simply because the default orientation is so that right is east
<Althego> which is somewhat silly with rockets
<transitbiker> 5 out of 12 chuts open
<Althego> what happened to the others?
<transitbiker> speed seems surviveable
<Althego> and why do you need so many?
<transitbiker> not active
<transitbiker> simulating damaged pod return to surface
<transitbiker> stuff can bump, yanno
<transitbiker> and the thing is heavy, its the hitchhiker thing
<transitbiker> 4 seats
<transitbiker> nice, a gentle splashdown at 5.6 m/s
<transitbiker> now i just gotta fix the daft orientation
<transitbiker> turn the thing upside down
<transitbiker> i'm huge into legit vocalists..... i discovered "dia"
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<transitbiker> perfect splashdown
<transitbiker> ok lets go look at the mass of those intra-station pods
<transitbiker> HAHAH
<transitbiker> ok... so i just accidentally re-docked something that attaches on the side of this thing on ascent... not just to the same spot... another whole docking port
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<transitbiker> @althego looks to be around 4 tons
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<Althego> reasonable
<transitbiker> it only has 4 rcs blocks though, so there is not enough thrust to counter gravity
<transitbiker> my one grapler tug has like 40, mianly because its designed to move asteroids
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<packbart> does anyone know how to configure the "DebrisField" ring system in Kopernicus? I can read the code but there doesn't seem to be much examples out there and I'm not quite sure where to put the config options
* packbart had the odd idea of putting fishies into Kerbin's ocean by defining a "ring" that would extend from the core to sea level and spawn fish models in view of the current vessel
<packbart> if it really does what I think it does
<transitbiker> i am going to test the launch pad's diverters :D
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<Althego> they diverted him
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<APlayer> Sometimes I hope my router finally overheats to death
<Althego> one of mine did
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<APlayer> Also, o/ Deddly
<darsie> Does it finally stay dead?
<darsie> ahh, you hope ...
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<Althego> zombie
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<Althego> what they are stuck wit ha tank?
<Fluburtur> happens
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<Fluburtur> I had a weird dream last night
<Fluburtur> that was weird in many aspects
<Fluburtur> I ordered a dragon 2 capsule on the spacex online store and it was only 5000€
<Fluburtur> and it came loaded with fuel and all the crap needed and an extra plane
<Fluburtur> so I could have it in my garden for no good reason
<Althego> lol
<Althego> how to train your crew dragon
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<Fluburtur> also it was equiped with raptor engines
<Althego> hehe
<APlayer> Raptop engines
* UmbralRaptop is summoned
<Althego> for full nerd credits they could play raptor bravo sector wave 1 music during the first launch of the hopper :)
* UmbralRaptop attaches extremely fancy multimodal NTRs to Fluburtur's crew capsule
<UmbralRaptop> Music wise, bravo sector wave 4 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 5
<UmbralRaptop> <_<
<Althego> to me raptor is just special. the first game on the pc where i had music
<packbart> fwiw, I uploaded my MM patch set to github.
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<MANBEARPiG> i'm a bot at KSP. is there a mod that makes the game easier?
<Althego> mechjeb?
<UmbralRaptop> bot… ban?
<MANBEARPiG> bot = noob
<UmbralRaptop> That's an interesting phrasing
<MANBEARPiG> i'll just go watch youtube videos, lol.
<MANBEARPiG> later
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<UmbralRaptop> …
<packbart> interesting idea. train a machine learning thingie to play KSP and see how it gets through career
<packbart> (it's probably been done already)
<Althego> there are some ais playing other games
<Althego> mario some moba etc
<packbart> I know. But none that play KSP (that I know of)
<packbart> so... maybe this was just an AI that learned to ask on IRC? ;)
<Althego> could be
<UmbralRaptop> Lots of KSP stuff can be dealt with via existing control theory though
<Althego> just as mechjeb does already
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<Guest99339> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest99339
<Guest99339> why douse 1.3.1 wont work for ksp??? ):
<packbart> what doesn't work?
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<Gasher> with that ksp mod with programming language i once managed to make ascend program which worked okayish in old physics using whatever control theory i managed to recall since uni lol
<Althego> kos?
<UmbralRaptop> krpc?
<packbart> on the other end, I have kRPC python script that basically just calls a few MechJeb routines. It launches an Ore miner from Minmus, docks with the ISRU station, transfers ore out and fuel in, then lands where it started
<Gasher> kos
<Gasher> mine used some approximate formula of velocity based on altitude if i recall it right
<Gasher> nigth all
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<Althego> what is this, a nasa trailer?
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<UmbralRaptop> ish
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<whales> lol
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