Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<Draconiator> Yeesh, I'm looking at some thrifts episodes LGR did, and I really didn't expect CRTs to be SOOOOOOOO unpopular they're like a buck each at Goodwill.
<Rolf> theres bunch of fun with those if you have skills
<Rolf> can convert em to vector display
<Rolf> can do other stuff
<Rolf> also can you link to those link curious heh
<Althego> hehe crts
<Althego> big, heavy, analog
<Althego> but they can change teh resolution
<Rolf> crts is best on few stuff heh
<Rolf> thanks
<Althego> 9 inch mono svga lol
<nate> Draconiator: Well they basically eat more power than any other modern electronic in nearly the past two decades, have materials that make them illegal to dispose of in regular garbage/dumps/etc, also got the mild radioactivity issue
<nate> So yeah, bit unpopular these days :P
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<Draconiator> mild radioactive? yikes. I got one just gathering dust on top of the oil tank, maybe I should check if the oil mutated or something...
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<Rolf> "hey dawg I heard yu like pipes" lol
<nate> Draconiator: Basically every time a CRT was turned on they discharged ionizing x-rays I believe it was, to the point that you could actually get a radioactive reading from all the dust build up inside them after years and years of use lol
<nate> I mean you'd probably have to sit in front of one and turn it on and off non stop for years for it to become actual dangerous levels but yeah
<nate> Other issue is late 80's and earlier had lots of lead or cadmium in them to (thus the issue of disposal in most places)
<Draconiator> Still old tech kinda makes me happy for some reason. picked up a USB flippy drive for 5 bucks at a local thrift store a couple years ago. I got the disks after that. They were still there thankfully. still looking for an old laptop I can fix up hehe
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<Fluburtur> someone on tumblr said that jellyfish are humans without a body
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<sandbox> I, for one, welcome our new jellyfish overlords
<Eddi|zuHause> Fluburtur: what kind of human-centric thinking is that any higher being would call itself "human"?
<Eddi|zuHause> imagine someone said "africans are just europeans without white skin"... he would of course be called a racist...
<sandbox> ...
<Eddi|zuHause> ... also, with that kind of substitution you can call anyone a racist for something he didn't actually say or mean :p
<sandbox> I don't want to say any more
<Gasher[work]> well as it is known, human is just a featherless bird with flat claws
<sandbox> cats are people too
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<Deddly> That's some epic dancing lol
<Deddly> About 55 seconds in
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<Mat2ch> Deddly: and wait at least until 0:40 :D
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<Deddly> LOL Mat2ch
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<Mat2ch> Deddly: Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvveeeeeeee is back!
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<Fluburtur> I have someone coming over to make rockets with me for the next few days
<Fluburtur> already cast two nozzles
<Althego> make rockets
<Althego> sudo make rockets :)
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<JVFoxy> rockets going to carry cameras?
<Althego> he is not at that stage yet
<JVFoxy> I miss the days when I had my astrocam from Estes....
<Fluburtur> those one should fly hopefully but they wont have video
<Fluburtur> or even a parachute
<JVFoxy> mind you, having to wait to shoot off all 24 frames from the 110 film, only to find you forgot the pull the safety shuttle on 2/3s of them
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<JVFoxy> shuttle.. shutter.. ugh ok whatever. film wasn't fast enough anyways, usually came out too dark even on bright days. ugh
<JVFoxy> ah ok so sounding rockets basically.. how big you looking to go?
<Fluburtur> well I have some 28mm tube so not that big
<Fluburtur> and like 50 to 60grams of fuel per engine
<JVFoxy> per engine huh? how many for one launch you setting out?
<Fluburtur> well single engined rockets only, I dont have electric igniters
<kubi> ehh
<Fluburtur> or any ways to light multiple engines at once reliably
<kubi> here it is not even easy to fly my quadcopter
<kubi> city aiport is too close
<kubi> at least they publish it properly...
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<Fluburtur> I have a fairly narrow throat on that nozzle so it should give good compression
<Fluburtur> and the last test looked like it had enough power
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<JVFoxy> bleh
<JVFoxy> wish I could figure out why wireless craps out even on very good signal. :\
<kubi> hm
<UmbralRaptop> too many users? interference?
<kubi> no flying above the property of the king
<kubi> not over a prison
<kubi> you should switch to 5GHz
<kubi> less traffic there for the time being
<JVFoxy> full bars, just drops suddenly, not very consistent. Sometimes it'll go 5 times in 5 minutes, or stay up for half the day. I try to reconnect even on full bars, it refuses. Troubleshoot says, issues with wireless access point or wants me to reconnect usb
<JVFoxy> do'nt have 5ghz here...
<Fluburtur> what kind of crap is this music software
<JVFoxy> last place I lived, was live on site of storage place, kitchen right across wall from me. Whenever he used the microwave, it would cook the connection
<Fluburtur> I can't use my midi keyboard without adding plugins otherwise it makes no sound
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<Althego> but where are the sails?
<hoglahoo> is that what laythe looks like now
<Althego> no, there is nothing green on it, except for the kerbaks
<Althego> at least not normally
<Althego> btw supposedly meanwhile the mole is around 35 cm deep
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<TransitBiker> Minecraft Survival Livestream! Tune in here:
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<kbuck> :|
<hoglahoo> this is great, I've just been sitting a ksp channel waiting for someone to post a link to a minecraft livestream!
<Althego> hehe
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<hoglahoo> what do you play
<Fluburtur> trumpet
<hoglahoo> nice. do you perform regularly?
<Fluburtur> no I picked that up in december
<Fluburtur> so im not good yet
<Fluburtur> would like to play in a band tho
<hoglahoo> I can tell my kid wants to play, but he hasn't asked for one yet
<Fluburtur> well it is nice and not that hard relly
<Fluburtur> controlling how you blow into it is probably the most important and difficult part of it
<Fluburtur> but it is easy because the wa to do it is just doot it all the time
<hoglahoo> heh
<Fluburtur> what instrument should I learn next, was thinking bagpipes
<hoglahoo> i've wanted to learn the piano for ages. kid already plays saxes and im guessing could play trumpet without too much effort
<hoglahoo> ok yeah go on with the bagpipes, as long as I dont have to hear it ;D
<Fluburtur> this is the one I have
<hoglahoo> is thomann the manufacturer?
<Fluburtur> I think it is
<Fluburtur> it is pretty good quality, comes with a case, oil, a cloth and fancy gloves
<JVFoxy> homeroom for one year was in music classroom. Quite a few of the kids kept playing with the guitars, going off on rock riffs each morning.
<hoglahoo> so anyway, here's wonderwall
<JVFoxy> one morning, music teacher shook head, said it was sad they only focused on small part of the song, not the whole thing.
<Fluburtur> I dont like playing at all so I dont play much usually but when I can play wit peoples I do very well
<Fluburtur> playing alone*
<Fluburtur> I should maybe look for a band in my area
* hoglahoo nod
<Fluburtur> but if I find one im gonna be like "im not good enough yet"
<Fluburtur> thats the kind of stuff I usually do with my cousins when we have the occasion, put together something in an hour
<Fluburtur> I want to do more of stuff in that kind with clarinet and trumpet
<Fluburtur> eventually I would like to do a cover of bohemian rhapsody with a normal band+ trumpet and clarinet and grab everyone I can in my familly to do a chorus, will probs have to wait for a big familly reunion for that
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<hoglahoo> there are a couple of bands who do jam events open to the public here locally
<hoglahoo> at coffee shop or something
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<hoglahoo> that would probably be more nervewracking though i guess
<Fluburtur> there is similar things here but they havent done it in a while
<Fluburtur> I know the peoples who organise that, I should ask them
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<Eddi|zuHause> bohemian rhapsody is not the easiest piece to do with a bunch of random people that you could grab hold of
<Fluburtur> I know
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