Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<Fluburtur> this kind of engine would fit in the plane im building
<Fluburtur> however they are moer expensive than the size above
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<Althego> hehe, new gtoger video, always a sight
<Fluburtur> Mat2ch do you think I could get 5000+€ from a patreon with the videos of the plane to slap jet engines in the plane?
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<Althego> works lot better than your rockets
<Fluburtur> well those are just made to go woosh
<darsie> Why is it so easy to SSTO from Kerbin?
<Althego> because the game does not have completely realistic size, engines, atmosphere :)
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<darsie> Isps are realistic.
<darsie> Maybe wet/dry ratios are not.
<darsie> But I'm not sure that's it.
<darsie> Hmm, yeah, a small chunk with 1 g is easier to get away than a large one.
<darsie> Like, if you were on a 1 m sphere with 1 g surface gravity your head would already be at 0.1 g or so.
<darsie> no
<darsie> hmm
<darsie> yes
<NomalRaptor> It's easy because you need less than half the ΔV you would on earth.
<Althego> isps are actually low to compensate for the unrealism of the game
<Althego> and the tanks are heavy compared to reality
<Althego> but still simply the size causes a huge delta v difference
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<Althego> imagine if you would need to launch like starting from eve every time. that is earth
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<Fluburtur> oh god I remember that video
<Althego> ah this was nice
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch im still not confortable talking english to a camera
<Fluburtur> not sure many peoples will understand what I say
<Fluburtur> least messy part of my room
<kubi> no selfie please
<kubi> this is a safe zone!!1111
<Fluburtur> thats not a selfie, this is a photograph
<kubi> bad enough :)
<Althego> lol
<kubi> yeah, it isn't the method :)
<hoglahoo> thats a self portrait and encouraged
<hoglahoo> (or not a self portrait, I dont know)
<Fluburtur> I should make some music for my videos
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<Fluburtur> I have 3:47 minutes of video so far
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<Guest39151> omg irc is still a thing :o
<Fluburtur> irc will still be a thing at the end of the universe
<Guest39151> hello guys, I would like to know if any of you know about a rcs thrusters mod
<Guest39151> I had one that was quite useful but I did a clean reinstall of all my mods and forgot about it, I thought it was stock :(
<Guest39151> Fluburtur indeed xd
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<sandbox> Guest39151, something like this?
<Fluburtur> Mat2ch Althego should I change stuff or can I publish this one?
<Althego> that accent may scare some people off
<Fluburtur> I do my best
<Althego> looks quite professional
<Althego> the music may get you copyright strike
<Fluburtur> eh my channel is not monetized anyways
<Fluburtur> this shouldnt be much of an issue
<Fluburtur> I will try something else in my future videos
<Fluburtur> try to wintergatan my way and improv some music
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<Fluburtur> Deddly can you watch a video right now
<Deddly> Sorry no
<Deddly> What is it? Rockets?
<Fluburtur> first build video of the new plane
<Fluburtur> I want some peoples to review it before I can publish it
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<Mat2ch> Althego: the accent will go away, the longer Fluburtur makes those videos :D
<Althego> i dont think so :)
<Althego> of course it can get better
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: music could really become a problem :(
<Deddly> Cool! Would love to see it Fluburtur, but can't right now
<Mat2ch> and please keep the juice boxes to fixiate things. That will be a running gag :D
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: as Althego said, it's sometimes hard to understand what you are saying. You should work on that. But for the first video it's good!
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<Althego> gtoger and postmodern jukebox videos today. what a nice day
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<Althego> oh and frog leap studios too
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<Fluburtur> well is the video interesting and can you understand at least most of what is going on
<Althego> yes
<JVFoxy> sorry, missed, which vid?
<Althego> maybe add subtitles :)
<Fluburtur> some of my older videos like the guitar had no voice, only some text explaining stuff
<Fluburtur> the video was showing enugh already
<Fluburtur> then some peoples wanted me to talk but they did not know
<Fluburtur> which took around 9 months to do
<JVFoxy> hmm.. not perfect english but I've been around people from other countries that speak it a lot of my life...
<JVFoxy> get used to the accents
<JVFoxy> hmm.. ended up looking on google images for shirts with the retro lego space logo....
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<JVFoxy> then started wonder... what color spacesuit would you go for... hmm..
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<Fluburtur> so final question, is this video publication worthy?
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<Althego> yes
<Fluburtur> nice
<JVFoxy> which... the build part 1?
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<Fluburtur> yes
<JVFoxy> go for it.. I know the feeling though, I get nervous about posting videos as well, not feeling its good enough and other things. :\
<JVFoxy> although...
<Fluburtur> im mostly worried wont understand a word I am saying
<JVFoxy> take care about background music.. youtube throws a fit if it catches anything
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<Fluburtur> I will try to make my own music for the next videos
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<JVFoxy> fortunately CC can help... would also allow people to have translated
<Althego> yes, that is why i said to add subtitles
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<JVFoxy> looks good
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<Althego> the more time i watch this, the better it becomes
<Fluburtur> video is public
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<JVFoxy> Althego oh ya... that place.. c.c some people.. ugh.
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: already 18 views!
<Fluburtur> time to get the champagne
<Fluburtur> I have found jet engine that could fit this plane
<Fluburtur> they are only 2400€ each
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<Supercheese> You **don't** have a hole in your left wing?
<Supercheese> Inconceivable!
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<UmbralRaptop> Exotic blended wing shapes ≠ holes
<Rolf> I knew glass covering was a fad Fluburtur ;)
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