APlayer changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: http://archive.is/5bp8u | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 | Dragon V2 Maiden Flight on Saturday https://spaceflightnow.com/2019/02/28/spacexs-crew-dragon-rolls-out-for-test-flight/
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<darsie> Hmm, 4511 m/s orbital insertion at Vesta.
<darsie> Must be the high inclination.
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<darsie> Hmm, no, circularization is 4700 m/s.
<sasamj> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D0lo4aVX0AI1gfL.jpg:large im 99% sure thats the RA-2 Relay antenna
<darsie> hehe
<hoglahoo> there it is
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<KwirkyJ> is there a stream for the impending SpaceX launch?
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<Althego> stream
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<dnegreira> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
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<Rolf> ugh
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<Althego> heh how is any linux distro exciting?
<baitisj> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
<Althego> thiught so
<Rolf> Althego: "pedo"
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<minthos> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
<Rolf> minthos: go back to your rock
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<mrmartin> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
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<IGHOR> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
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<Rolf> "wonderful"
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<Althego> but higher forces are keeping them at bay
<Rolf> looks like yeah
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<juvenal> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
<jgkamat> wait esper net too
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<Rolf> this is espernet
<jgkamat> it's odd that they start on all the networks at the same time
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<eMBee> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
<Rolf> really? zero of channels in freenode that im in is spamming same
<Althego> just ban the network
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<renard_> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
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<glacambr1> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
<Althego> starting to get old
<Rolf> really?
<Rolf> when its white bearded and about to topple over?
<Rolf> ;)
<Althego> hehe "i am sceptical that flat earther brains exist. i have never seen one myself and pictures of them are all just cgi"
<Rolf> lol
tonyb has joined #KSPOfficial
<tonyb> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
<Rolf> know what? flat earther brains DO exist. just flat.
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<Draconiator> What's a "pedo-friendly" Linux distribution anyway? lol
<Althego> out of the box encryptiojn
<Althego> not that you cant set that up on any distro
<Rolf> good question! I checked site in tor and seems nothing special
<Rolf> used tor in case theres some super awful shot at that site.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i just clicked it
<Althego> hah something is on the stream
<Althego> these people really made a trailer for a spaceship :)
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<Althego> 48 minutes until launch
<Althego> but why do they put the engineers as commentator?
<Althego> they have been doing that for a while
<Althego> i think the superdraco engines are covered
<Althego> ther is nothing but metal there
<Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/ef8cc63bdb13eb5b97b886382f32bcfa.png - Someone told me my computer specs are decent even today. (First line of Graphics is my elcheapo backup monitor I'm using until my new one gets here, and I have a DVD drive but I use it as an external these days.)
<Althego> what, humans cannot be exposed to the vacuum of space? first time i hear about this. i demand my money back for this body
<Althego> eheh 45 nm athlon 2
<Draconiator> My other monitor failed with the most awful smell I ever smelled.
<Althego> the most spectacular monitor failure i have seen was because of an incorrectly wired 400 v connector, the fuse inside the crt monitor blew up with a bright flash
<Althego> surprisingly everything worked after replacing the fuse
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<Althego> just who came up with the idea to call the test dummy ripley
<KwirkyJ> My thought about the "armless docking" thing: Finally, more Kerbal-like!
<Althego> actually that is the normal method
<KwirkyJ> then the video lied
<Althego> no
<KwirkyJ> (I have been way out of the space loop for a couple years)
<Althego> but the dragon is the exception
<Althego> the shuttle, the soyuz and the progress ships dock without tha arm
<KwirkyJ> gotcha
<Rolf> 17miiiiiiiin
<JVFoxy> oh.. showed up on my suggested videos list
<Althego> although lately the dragon, cygnus and the japanese kounotori do not have the docking feature
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<madvillain> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
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<Althego> not again
<Rolf> guy was mad allright
<Epi> comparatively o
<Epi> ah well, that was not a link. Ah the stream is answering the question I was just about to ask
<Mat2ch> Uhm uhm
<Mat2ch> 720p stream? Waaaaaaaat
<Althego> i never get what the countdown net is
<Althego> the other stream
<JVFoxy> nice they reviving the ol' launch pad A again
<Epi> I did'nt think they would be putting people in it, exciting
<Epi> or are they not?
<JVFoxy> interesting design on teh suit helmet
<Althego> no people
<Althego> dummy called ripley :)
<KwirkyJ> not this launch, anyway
<Epi> ah good, i was worried lol
<JVFoxy> ya uncrewed.. have to, its testing
<Althego> but why are the superdraco engines covered?
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: they don't have a fully pressurized suit, like all the others, so the suit looks totally different
<JVFoxy> 100-200lbs cargo only right now I think?
<Althego> it is an eva suit
<Althego> er
<Althego> iva
<Althego> so it can be pressurized
<Althego> that is its purpose
<JVFoxy> spaceshuttle had inside suits too.. ya
<Draconiator> This is basically a tiny version of what they're really planning.
<JVFoxy> superdraco are the ones on the pod right?
<KwirkyJ> Crew Dragon, afaik
<JVFoxy> covered probably for protection
<JVFoxy> they used for the re-entry burn and last second retro on touchdown?
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<Rolf> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg better one if want captions.
<Althego> but the image is delayed :)
<Althego> those engines should be able to survive rentry
<Althego> so why cover them
<Althego> and the covers look like they are not removable
<Althego> is that access corridor sloped?
<Althego> this curved progress meter is new
<Althego> actually annyoing
<Rolf> know whats funny? captioning blocks it. I can move it but..
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<KwirkyJ> aaand my connection tanks? even at 144p it's playing maybe half-time, and it was solid at 480 for a good half-hour. bleh
<Rolf> thing about live captining it forces itself to be center botton. too bad people.
<KwirkyJ> attempting network reset
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<Draconiator> What is all that smoke/steam coming off the rocket before launch?
<Rolf> Draconiator: supercold air
<mrBlaQ> offgassing of supercooled lox
<mrBlaQ> and yeah just air condensing around the body for sure
<Althego> alo probably condensed water vapor from the air, because of cold
<JVFoxy> stupid super cold.. heh
<Draconiator> ah
<JVFoxy> this rocket too cool for you
<Althego> hehe
<Rolf> too cool for life. lol
<Althego> sooon it will be hot
<Rolf> too hot for life lol
<JVFoxy> hmm.. that crew arm though
<Althego> so hard to get into space
<Althego> and it could be woorse, if we lived on a super earth
<Rolf> Althego: what we need is better way to get to space
<mrBlaQ> OWOHO
<mrBlaQ> we're goin!
<Rolf> no more chemical toys
<JVFoxy> oh angle.. its out of hte way already
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<bogner> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
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<Althego> the power of the almighty electrons allowed us access to space
<Althego> not again
<Rolf> even bots got exicited by launch!
<Rolf> only they cant talk anything but nacro
<Rolf> macro
* KwirkyJ stabs firefox in the process
<Draconiator> Annnnnd a couple thousand people got violently woken up.
<mrBlaQ> KwirkyJ r u ok bb
<Althego> why is it blue?
<Althego> it is never blue
<mrBlaQ> it's fueld with candy this time
<KwirkyJ> mrBlaQ: never been and whut
<mrBlaQ> ok fam
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<Althego> first stage should be coming back right next to the shore
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<mrBlaQ> really riveting view on that 1st stage now
<Rolf> yep
<mrBlaQ> Althego: no, it's landing on le barge
<KwirkyJ> (I can see it again! aww, even missed meco)
<Althego> on the barge
<Althego> close to the shore
<Althego> not on landing zone
<KwirkyJ> the barge with a fun name, iirc
<mrBlaQ> really? huh
<Rolf> KwirkyJ: you can go bckwards on live show on yt
<mrBlaQ> that's different
<Althego> this is because of human spaceflight margin requirements
<Rolf> so can catch up on missing
<Althego> they could come back to the landing zone too
<mrBlaQ> are there protective covers over the solar panels on the trunk?
<Althego> lol that ittle earth
<KwirkyJ> will the main stage landing be streamed, or not this time?
<Althego> unless it crashes, probably :)
<Rolf> Althego: yeah gravity indictor I guess
<JVFoxy> dragon doesn't have a control panel.. or just not installed on demo model?
<Althego> there is a solar panel covering the trunk
<Althego> not extendable
<mrBlaQ> yep I know. I was thinking there was maybe a cover over it for launch
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<dargasea> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
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<Althego> 3 engien burn
<Rolf> lander!
<KwirkyJ> "Lander? I barely know'er!"
<mrBlaQ> there is a mock control panel
<mrBlaQ> looks like the dummy is off to the side of the piloting seats
<Althego> no image
<JVFoxy> panel top left?
<Althego> bu they see it
<Althego> yes moved a little bit off center after landing
<KwirkyJ> and she landed! "Stage One down," but Stage One still up!
<Rolf> probably cutoff to avoid crash video lolbut success okay start again? ;)
<JVFoxy> 'of course I still love you'... uff long enough name for bardge ;P
<Althego> they always do that
<Althego> annoying a...
<Draconiator> lol
<KwirkyJ> JVFoxy: could be worse
<Althego> that is why i said covered, unless it crashes
<Rolf> could be symbol that cannot be spoken ;)
<Draconiator> At this point a first stage landing by them is routine.
<Althego> and it should be
<KwirkyJ> but still so cool!
<mrBlaQ> where'd video from dragon goooo
<KwirkyJ> NASA demands full screen?
<Draconiator> I'll be watching the first BFR launch, when it happens.
<Draconiator> that'll be exciting.
<JVFoxy> oh.. panel swings down in place
<JVFoxy> or.. eh well hard to tell. so far so good
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<BRKs> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
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<Althego> does it have assembly instructions?
<Mat2ch> That launch was as uneventful, as I hoped. Almost boring. :D
<KwirkyJ> maybe disassembley... 'masticate and partially melt prior to swallowing product'?
<KwirkyJ> Mat2ch: "Mundane but Awesome"
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<KwirkyJ> glad I was able to catch the launch
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<Mat2ch> KrazyKrl: exactly
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<JVFoxy> is it a problem when... instead of playing KSP and building a video, you go into another play session, just to mess around with things, or continue on a no so 'critical play session' just to get a fix without worrying?
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<DerWnd> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
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<Mat2ch> Ewww, facebook
<Althego> lol
<Althego> is this from 20 years ago?
<Rolf> 386 cpu lol
<Althego> i didnt catch deddly completing the fluburtur long navigation challenge
<JVFoxy> ... my first personal PC was a 386....
<Althego> you could argue that a c64 is a personal computer. even though it is not a pc in today's sense
<JVFoxy> sometimes wish I had kept it instead of smashing it to oblivion. But ya know.. lack of space
<Althego> so i started with that
<Althego> same here
<JVFoxy> TI-99/4A... I still have a working 8088 here, keep meaning to do a vid on it
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<lyda> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
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<Althego> now i wonder if there could be a counterspam about linux distro for police :)
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<Draconiator> Lately Esper is like freenodes toilet or something, for some reason :/
<Althego> "i want the toilet seat"
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<AntiComposite> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
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<JVFoxy> toilet seat, you want that in wood, plastic, metal, porcelain...
<Althego> really, 15 belts and they are all mined out? even npcs leave something until downtime
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<Althego> ok then, i can have a nap
<thottub_shark> Draconiator: well now, that's just an offensive comparison
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<philroche> read about the new exciting pedo-friendly linux distribution https://exherbo.com/
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<packbart> does it make KSP run faster?
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<Epi> it's linux, it'l make KSP run faster but you'll go grey and eventually brick it when you sneeze in its direction
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<Eddi|zuHause> what's with the spam attack?
<sandbox> you don't want to know
<sandbox> at least it's not as bad as the last one
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<Fluburtur> so apparently the mars science car is back
<Fluburtur> tumblr can stop crying I guess
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<Rolf> oppounity?
<Rolf> it just had to be checked over and it couldnt do science since it'd overwrite ponental data
<Rolf> guess its fine now?
<Fluburtur> apparently
<Rolf> cool :)
<Rolf> inside videp
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* JVFoxy peeks, "they still causing chaos or..?"
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<Althego> this was a bit longer than a nap
<Althego> Fluburtur: what iback?
<JVFoxy> oh hey
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<Althego> i hate how elon talks
<Althego> those annoying pauses
<Pytagoras> k
<Althego> hehe veryday astronaut is there. not wearing his orange spacesuite :)
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<Althego> maybe put a camera in it where the pilot would be
<Fluburtur> my only camera that could do that is ded
<JVFoxy> Fluburtur heh mock radial engine, and a battery pack that masquerades as a bomb. ;)
<Fluburtur> I was thinking about making a proper holder but just rubberbands also work
<JVFoxy> it me or does the wing seem a bit twisted/warped?
<Althego> the top wing
<Fluburtur> this thing sat in a shed for several decades
<JVFoxy> ya... though I'm aware of things designers do to counter prop torqur and wash... mostly with the rudder having a small tab that pushes to one side
<JVFoxy> ah.. sit'n idle so long, that would do a few things
<JVFoxy> although.. how long? Looks like 3d printed wheels.
<Fluburtur> the 3d printed parts are new
<Fluburtur> the whole front end and wheels are made by me
<JVFoxy> now I've gotta wonder... I have full scale plans for a twin engine balsa plane.. wonder if doing it as a 3d printed plane is viable
<Fluburtur> different technologies
<Rolf> people did make em
<Rolf> but its bit heavier from what I understand, so need quite good engines?
<Fluburtur> wouldnt be the most efficient, however you could print the more complex parts of it
<JVFoxy> plans was originally from a guy that designed things back when brushed motors were a thing
<Fluburtur> old balsa planes had little nitro engines and fuel tanks so they were quite heavier than modern electric stuff
<Fluburtur> putting modern stuff in old airframe is nice because back then they had heavy not powerful stuff
<JVFoxy> ah.. plans I have were electric, not gas. Originaly from days of brushed motors and nicad batteries
<Fluburtur> yeah that would work too
<JVFoxy> just poked Ivan Pettigrew's website where I got the plans originally. Seems he's now got a place to produce parts?
<JVFoxy> The guy is getting pretty old, half worried about his health these days
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<JVFoxy> oh wait.. sorry, its just plan production.. not actual cuttings
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<JVFoxy> anyways....... morn'n. sigh
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<darsie> Can't reasonably fly by Vesta and Ceres in 1440 d, so I'll land/grab Vesta and fly by Ceres in a separate mission.
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<Althego> lol the takeouts at the end
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<Tank2333> damn it, i missed the spacex crew mission...
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<sandbox> in bed
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<Althego> Fluburtur: didnt live long
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<Rokker> Fluburtur: did you see what my new workstation looks like
<Rokker> cant remember if I posted it here
<Rokker> Fluburtur: also, the war thunder dev server is up
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<jeans> Whooooo! Getting to see Apollo 11
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<Althego> hey is this allowed here?
<Althego> the compensating sword lol
<Raptop> Ambiguous
* darsie 's Vesta lander: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot203.png Not wasting anything I used two pods as structural rod and added a fuel tank to balance the antenna.
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> Too many things to put on the axis ...
<darsie> Klaw, antenna, engin.
<darsie> e
<JVFoxy> straw like connecting rod... ;P
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<darsie> How about this? http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot204.png Probably the best in game solution, but terrible irl.
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<JVFoxy> Darsie why terrible irl? Looks pretty reasonable to me
<darsie> JVFoxy: The Klaw completely blocks the Antenna signal.
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<JVFoxy> .. control core is where? I don't even see any antenna unless you clipped it/them inside
<darsie> The Klaw is on top of the dish antenna pointing up.
<darsie> Control is missing. don't worry about that.
<JVFoxy> dish.. guessing going out for a far-away trip?
<darsie> Vesta
<JVFoxy> you using remote tech I take it?
<darsie> Or, the antenna is on the fuel tank, pointing up, with the Klaw on it.
<darsie> yep
<darsie> It's like taking photos with the lens cover on.
<JVFoxy> I forgot... dish direction sensitive in RT?
<darsie> no
<darsie> but irl
<darsie> But you have to "point" dishes.
<JVFoxy> I know you do have to set your targets..
<darsie> Just by specifying where you point them.
<JVFoxy> could put on side, counter balance it. put RCS in 3 way symmetry give yourself a little extra space
<darsie> I had it pointing sideways before, remember? :)
<JVFoxy> with the pencil structure.. ya
<darsie> yep
<JVFoxy> I was thinking more on side of thank
<JVFoxy> *tank
<darsie> I think that'll be fine.
<darsie> That would increase my fairing size.
<darsie> With possibly dramatic drag increase.
<darsie> 3 way RCS sucks.
<JVFoxy> fuel allowances really that tight?
<darsie> Ah, I'm sure I could get it up with the appropriate engines, but I like to optimize.
<darsie> I've had rockets that would stop accelerating completely when approaching the sound barrier.
<JVFoxy> ugh... I built a docking target, kind of Agena styled like. 4way rcs at scent, everything perfectly symmetrical, stupid thing still wanted to roll when yawing pitching. didn't matter which way you went, wanted to keep rolling more in jsut one direciton
<darsie> hmm
<JVFoxy> my 4 way rcs was at center of mass I meant
<JVFoxy> so instead...
<JVFoxy> 4 of the 4 ways at the bottom end, 4 at of the linear at the front
<JVFoxy> think some forces get a little weird when you have things too close
<JVFoxy> sound barrier, how close to the ground are you when you get near it?
<JVFoxy> You might be 'slamming the wall' while still quite low down
<darsie> idr
<darsie> not outrageously low, IMHO.
<JVFoxy> you using RO?
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<darsie> yep
<JVFoxy> might wanna watch your dynamic pressure.. you could be accelerating too hard.
<darsie> How?
<JVFoxy> 2-3g is probably good enough.. any more, you might be hitting max-q down too low.
<darsie> F12?
<darsie> Nah, was either 2 or 3 g, no more.
<darsie> Ahh, and it didn't happen always. I guess a bug.
<JVFoxy> should be ok? Even shuttle has to throttle down a little so it doesn't go over 3g during part of its ascent
<JVFoxy> when I launch in stock.. I watch my acceleration, and the little air streaks on the craft. Dynamic pressure goes up too high, see more of the air flow effects and acceleration slows down. If you have engineer redux, there are a few indicators, one being the d-pressure, another is something to do with pressure efficiency
<darsie> ok
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<JVFoxy> ah ya.. atmos-efficiency.. basically tells you if you pushing too hard through the air for the particular pressure you are flying through
<JVFoxy> looking at the mod... had me realize I had an idea for one myself but now forgot what it was... something small
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