Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<Tank2333> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Tank2333
<UmbralRaptor> Yes, the download server is b0rked
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<UmbralRaptor> "Industry standard Werner von Braun for scale"
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<Eddi|zuHause> Wernher, please.
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<TheKosmonaut> Wiener van Brown
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<packbart> centrifuge habitats are complicated constructions with all their moving seals, stress through friction imbalance. moving in and out seems to be tricky, too
* packbart was still pondering whether a centrifuge on Minmus should work
<lordcirth> packbart, you only need moving airtight seals if you need air-filled 0g space. Why not keep the airlocks on the ring and go outside to get your 0g docks?
<packbart> I was looking at the models in the SSPXr mod. they all have a tunnel from the central part to the ring and that would need some kind of moving seal
<packbart> anyway, if the structure holds, it should work. I'm going to allow it :) would be a weird experience, probably. climb up the ladder, step over to the rotating part and while you walk down the corridor it turns into a slightly angled staircase until you reach the floor and see the planet surface circling outside the window
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<Althego> hehe, one does not simply dodge a facepalm
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<oliezekat> hi, my download started this morning :)
<oliezekat> how to create an account this IRC channel ?
<Althego> you can create an account in nickserv, but that is for the server, and it just gives you the benefit that other people cant take your nick
<oliezekat> that's I want ^^
<oliezekat> thk, download soon completed :)
<oliezekat> download finished, time to flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... see you in space ^^
<Althego> dont forget to turn on advanced tweakables
<oliezekat> right, thk, i didnt played since 1.2
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<Althego> there are a lot of useful options in the menus, but they dont show by default, just with advanced tweakables
<oliezekat> "KSP Players" mod look abandonned :( Any mod to chat with community while playing ?
<Eddi|zuHause> just press alt+tab?
<Althego> yes, i thought of this too :)
<oliezekat> "KSP Players" is social network, we can chat, post screenshot or ship craft in our logbook.
<Eddi|zuHause> ... or the steam overlay?
<oliezekat> I hate steam (i use direct download)
<oliezekat> see my old games stories, I alway played Hard Career (since existed)
<Althego> you can even player harder career now
<Althego> more options
<oliezekat> This my mind, always take harder options, never play sandbox, and restart while new version but... I never landed a kerbal on the Mun :)))
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> lol
<Althego> i can launch the lander to the mun in the first day. in hard
<Althego> in fact i make it a point not to make into orbit in the first launch, and launch towards the mun on the first day
<oliezekat> because you succeded while previous game, or trained in sandbox :/
<Althego> i have been playing since 2014 lol
<Althego> i had a few years of training
<Althego> so the game progress might start from the beginning, but i dont
<oliezekat> I didn't played so many hours, only one game per year (and version) while one or two month (1-2 hrs per day)
<Eddi|zuHause> the trouble is never getting to the mun, but coming back from it :p
<oliezekat> Another thing, I don't remake mankind history. In fact I love build very small probe and rover (less than 1 ton !)
<oliezekat> but last time I was so close to land on the Mun, I built 2 crewed stock capsule and 2 crewed lander (single stage). See pictures on my french topic
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<Althego> where is fluburtur when you need him :)
<Althego> the gemini look
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<oliezekat> sorry, this was 3 crewed ship, but better than stock capsule ;)
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<TonyC> hey everyone
<Althego> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Althego
<Althego> argh
<Althego> i was bracing for it, but then it didnt happen for a second
<Althego> i thought it would not happen
<Althego> then there it was
<TonyC> damn, so many years later, the same faces are still here :)
<Althego> some of them
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<Young_newb_lurker> Hello?
<Althego> yes?
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<Young_newb_lurker> i just... don't even know why i am here
<Young_newb_lurker> * am i here
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<Young_newb_lurker> how popular esper nowdays? i'm surprised that someone even answered me
<Althego> dont know, i am not in any other channel in this network
<Young_newb_lurker> it's quite quiet here...
<Althego> yes, lately not much is happening
<Althego> unless there is some event
<Althego> launch, reentry or something
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<UmbralRaptor> also, Sunday morning in the US. Early morning on the west coast
<Young_newb_lurker> Oh. Completely forgot that time zones is a thing
<Althego> hehe
<Young_newb_lurker> )
<Althego> i guess no timezones on flat earth :)
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<UmbralRaptor> Time isn't universal, even in flat space!
* UmbralRaptor pokes Minkowsky with a Lorentz boost
<Althego> meatspace
<Althego> overrated
<Young_newb_lurker> What @UmbralRaptor just did?
<Althego> those names are associated with relativistic physics
<UmbralRaptor> … you don't need to copy the the @. just type the first few letters if my nick, and hit tab
<Young_newb_lurker> thx
<Young_newb_lurker> And thing UmbralRaptor used for poking is...
<UmbralRaptor> /me
<UmbralRaptor> eg: /me action
* UmbralRaptor action
<Young_newb_lurker> i mean, Lorentz boost. nvm i jus google it
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* Young_newb_lurker pootis
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<APlayer> IRC is the mother of all instant chats
<APlayer> And Esper is a subdivision :P
<Young_newb_lurker> Even flat Earth has time zones: for example, when sun rises from under the worlddisc,it closer to one side of it than to another
<Althego> but they say the sun is always above the plane
<Althego> and "cmall and local"
<Althego> *small
<Young_newb_lurker> :0 ?
<APlayer> And most importantly, the sun is flat to maximize surface area
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<APlayer> Flat and crumpled into a spherical shape
<Althego> and the moon has its own light that cools
<Althego> at this point i could succesfully impersonate a flat earther
<APlayer> But Mars has been observed to be round
<Althego> lights on the dome
<APlayer> Yet another reason to go to Mars. Mars is cooler than Earth
<Althego> nothing ever went to mars, there is no space :)
<Althego> rockets need something to push against :)
<APlayer> There is no space. There is no time. Only you, and the vast emptiness of nothing
<Young_newb_lurker> But i accept only Terry Pratchett's version of this science theory >:(
<Young_newb_lurker> *only accept
* APlayer has been chatting trash like a Markov Chain bot for a while now
<Althego> and that was intended as a joke. these guys are just this dumb
<Young_newb_lurker> Just like me (
<APlayer> I assure you, unless I have some serious problems, I am not running on Markov Chains. And I don't have serious problems of this sort. I think I don't. I hope I don't
<APlayer> In other news, yay for Dragon V2
<APlayer> Though I at this point I am wondering why there is so much redundant stuff. Dragon V2, Boeing's capsule (what was it called again?), Orion... Why reinvent the wheel?
<APlayer> And apparently they didn't cancel the SLS after all? Or am I mixing stuff up? What was the big thing that they cancelled, aside from the Constellation program?
<Althego> sls is still ongoing
<Althego> boeing and spacex xapsules are for low earth orbit
<Althego> sls is long range
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<Althego> not that i think sls is a good idea
<APlayer> So the main thing about Orion is lunar stuff and high energy reentries?
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<Althego> front and aft mining crystals are 21% unbalanced again
<Althego> but i better stop mining for today
<Althego> orion is maybe for mars too, i am not sure
<Althego> Orion is intended to facilitate human exploration of the Moon,[7] asteroids and of Mars and to retrieve crew or supplies from the International Space Station if needed.[8]
<Althego> with this speed spacex arrives to mars before they finish orion
<APlayer> Let's get El on Mars
<Althego> el?
<APlayer> On
<Althego> hehe
<APlayer> I don't think I ever met /this/ guy
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<Althego> the dangers of paragliding
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<Fluburtur> good thing there is no kangaroos in france
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: I doubt that :P
<Althego> sure there are some, but not really living in the wild
<Fluburtur> in the wild I mean
<Althego> but i think there are some in germany :)
<Althego> or was that some biurds?
<Althego> i dont remember
<Althego> ah yes it was wild german flamingos
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<Mat2ch> we even have sometimes a few kangaroos running around...
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<Fluburtur> I was watching a video of a guy visiting reactor hall 2 of the lenin power plant and peoples in the comments ar elike "how is he not dead"
<Fluburtur> but like, wikipedia is free
<Althego> lol
<Althego> i pay for it. sometimes :)
<Fluburtur> there isnt much radioactivity in a nuclear reactor, sometimes even less than outside
<Fluburtur> I would like to visit that place
<Fluburtur> im weirdly obscessed with nuclear power
<Althego> they must live really far away, where the news of lenin's death didnt reacvh yet :)
<Fluburtur> even reactor 4 is safe to visit for a short period of time
<Fluburtur> also peoples seem to think they stopped all operations at the exact moment of the incident
<Fluburtur> while it contiçnued to work for a long time
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<Fluburtur> and a reactor needs to be shut down and monitored after that, best way to damage one is just walk out of the control room and not come back
<nate> outside of when it melts down anyways
<nate> (go russia and japan)
<packbart> eject the warp core!
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<Fluburtur> I kinda want a nuclear reactor building simulator
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<Fluburtur> where you have different type of fuel assemblies and you have to pipe then up to heat exchangers and turbines and whatnot
<Fluburtur> so you cna come up with some rather kerbal configurations and blow them up sometimes
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<Fluburtur> if only I could make games but im too lazy to do intangible things
<lordcirth> Any good mods for adding floats to probe cores? Just lost a goo return because it sunk
<Supercheese> sounds like Factorio
<Supercheese> nuclear setups get a bit intensive there
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<Fluburtur> gonna talk to my cousin, hes doing videogame making studies
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<packbart> our designer wants me to use the Godot game engine for data visualization. I didn't get to try it yet
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