Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | RIP Opportunity, January 25th 2004 - February 13th 2019 o7 |
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<Althego> dumb daylight saving
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<Rolf> Althego: i hope w state passes no more daylight saving, or perment savings. dont care which way
<Althego> i have to endure this until 2021
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<JVFoxy> hmm... don't suppose anyone else up late messing in KSP right now too?
<Althego> it is well into the morning already :)
<Althego> (and we showed the earth is not flat)
<JVFoxy> just went past midnight for me here so...
<JVFoxy> been wondering about these 'below 18k on the mun' type missions...
<Rolf> just past nightmight here also
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<JVFoxy> hmm... ok so this one jet, with wheesley's is a nice zippy plane, panthers give it more of a kick of speed. Whiplash just... scary fast.
<JVFoxy> sits around 1200m/s at 25km up.. just two engines
<Althego> yes that is around its limit
<Althego> at that point it doesnt matter how many engines you add, they all produce around 0 thrust
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<JVFoxy> I kind of like the design, a mix of concord and sr-71 a bit. Its just.. I put it together on a spare of the moment. Very surprised how well it preformed out...
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<JVFoxy> I had an older design.. back before they seriously revamped the thrust curves on jet engines... this one comes pretty close out all the other stuff I've made
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<JVFoxy> currently.. on 4 juno's pulling close to 600m/s, somewhat low techlevel (lvl0 landing wheels, wee)
<JVFoxy> seriously doubt it'll reach the pole but figured I'd see how well it does to waste time.
<JVFoxy> reminds me though... my Streak kinda looks like something from F-zero... wonder if anyone else has tried making craft that looks like it could come from the game
<Althego> hah there is even azure plagioclase remaining here. i take these rocks
<JVFoxy> Althego sorry?
<Althego> asteroid mining in eve while watching falt earth videos :)
<Althego> anti flat earth, but that is longer to say
<JVFoxy> heh.. falt
<Althego> by this time usually there is no plagioclase remaining
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<JVFoxy> .... mod I'm guessing?
<Althego> hehe, not that eve
<Althego> the game
<JVFoxy> oh right... I never played so .. guess I forgot. :\
<JVFoxy> oh this is kind of strange... 4x juno's... 290 fuel, I barely used 90 and already 2/3-3/4 of the way to the pole. I thought by now I have already used up more than half the fuel... been cruising at around 550-580m/s the whole way
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<Rolf> your next ship will probably explode from random physics glitch
<Althego> release 1.7
<JVFoxy> or just one of these somehow getting inside and making a mess of electronics
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