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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Once you take off those encounter suits and remove the glamour, the Vorlons are really just ambulatory Troll Faces.
<Fluburtur> I guess
<Fluburtur> AC7 on ace difficulty isnt that hard
* Scolar_Visari grumbles in Ace Combat 5's arcade mode.
<Fluburtur> I was talking with some of the devs of inav
<Fluburtur> it is a flight controller software for plane made for better fixed wing support and gps navigation
<Fluburtur> and they plan to implement a way for aircrafts to be able to share their gps coordinated and eventually slave them to fly in formation with a lead aircraft
<Fluburtur> which means I want to build a bunch of the UAVs from ace combat 7
<Scolar_Visari> I was about to say, lone the UAVs following the manned aircraft in the second-to-last-level or that Jigabachi fleet from that one episode of Ghost in the Shell.
* Scolar_Visari notes real life already got the latter covered with a temporarily berserk MQ-8.
<Fluburtur> now I was debating, MQ-101, F-18 or mig
<Fluburtur> the converted aircrafts have cool red lights
<Fluburtur> the adfx-11 might be a bit tricky to make
* Scolar_Visari thinks the F-35 would actually be the most logical aircraft to start off with commanding UAVs given its existing networking systems.
<Scolar_Visari> You'd also have to give them those weird sound effects.
<Fluburtur> they will probably be propeller powered
<Fluburtur> I want to make them small and lightweight
<Fluburtur> so I can make a bunch for cheaper and store them easily
<Scolar_Visari> But jet engines can be small!
<Fluburtur> I was thinking MQ-99 s I could have launchers for them but they have tiny wings
<Fluburtur> buy me a jet engine then, cheaper ones are only about 1700€
<Scolar_Visari> Or you could go with the propeller-ed spotter UAVs from Ace Combat 6.
<Fluburtur> idk, havent played this one
<Fluburtur> as much as I love this series I only played 4 of them
<Fluburtur> ace combat 3, ace combat x, ace combat joint assault and ace combat 7
<Scolar_Visari> Aw, you missed out on some of the best.
<Fluburtur> I want to get a ps2 and xbox 360 to play the other ones
<Scolar_Visari> 6 has about the best gameplay, I think, and Zero's ahead of it in terms of story. Yes, it's still approaches Metal Gar Solid levels of insanity, but the live action documentary style is pretty sweet.
* Scolar_Visari wishes they would've done a Ken Burns style documentary for AC7 complete with panning across large black and white photos.
<Fluburtur> tbh im really impressed with the cutscenes
<Fluburtur> looks familiar heh
<Scolar_Visari> Amusingly, the backgrounds are largely photographs of real places, including the famous U.S. Boneyard.
<Fluburtur> cant be worse than the older UAVs of the french army that were really garbage can with wings
<Fluburtur> yeah, I can't really make the difference between CGI and real pictures in some of the cutscenes
<Fluburtur> so I guess they used both of those and blended it all nicely
<Scolar_Visari> Some one even took photos of places used in the cutscenes
<Fluburtur> nice
<Fluburtur> well, it is 2am so I should go sleep
<Scolar_Visari> You could just cryogenically suspend yourself later.
<Fluburtur> I like sleeping
<Scolar_Visari> But it is a waste of time you could instead spend on developing cryogenic suspension.
<Fluburtur> I waste enough time when im awake so I should start making that time useful first
<Fluburtur> anyways, im off now
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<Fluburtur> h we built new rockets with wider nozzles
<Fluburtur> should work better this time, however they might be over expanded
<Fluburtur> the new rockets are also about 15 grams lighter
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<Fluburtur> well same thing today
<Fluburtur> one went smoke and one farted off the pad
<Fluburtur> combustion is unstable for some reason
<Fluburtur> so idk if I should try wider or narrower nozzle
<Althego> rocket science! :)
<Fluburtur> also I have a bunch of fuel left so I will try to grind it up into pellets and make some sort of bomb that explodes to release a bunch of smoke
<Althego> lol
<Althego> if you could put it on top ofa rocket, would make nice fireworks
<Fluburtur> yeah
<Althego> wait, if rockets were a thing thousands of years ago, it shouldnt be this hard to make one
<Fluburtur> we tried to grab the powder of a magix candle and put it in a little tube and it exploded rather nicely
<Fluburtur> no smoke and a few sparks in only one frame
<Deddly> Fluburtur, I just saw the link you sent me of Entropy 13 test. Looks like you've made a lot of progress
<Fluburtur> I feel like I went backward
<Fluburtur> test 12 went very well and those rockets were mostly identical but they didnt work
<Althego> there must be some reason why you get so different and random results
<Althego> yes, captain obvious is my secret identity
<Fluburtur> maybe it has to do with where the rocket is ignited
<Fluburtur> because those have a core, maybe the entire lenght of it doesntget ignited
<Deddly> My bet is on the quality of the fuel itself. You had intermittent thrust
<Fluburtur> I need to try without a nozzle next time
<Deddly> I assume you have seen this?
<Fluburtur> several years ago
<Fluburtur> but no one has the issue im having
<Deddly> That video uses packed powder instead of candy
<Fluburtur> I dont have powder however
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<Deddly> Fluburtur, it looked pretty wet that day. Can the dampness affect the candy?
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<Fluburtur> yeah, it absorbs moisture but I took care of protecting them from that
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<Deddly> Ah ok
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<Fluburtur> what is the purpose of transposing instruments exept being annoying
<Althego> same question acan be asked about people :)
<Althego> what is a transposing instrument anyway
<Fluburtur> instruments that call notes what they are not
<Fluburtur> like, the name of the notes of thr trumpet is not the actual notes it plays
<Fluburtur> for some reason
<Althego> wiki says it is a notation only, so basicalyy that you can write and read sheet music easier
<packbart> tone trim
<Fluburtur> also do I have to play the Bb scale on my guitar since my trumpet is in that tone
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<Althego> now if they could just move the altimeter down where all the other instruments are
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<Althego> scott
<hoglahoo> why do you keep saying my name
<Althego> i say that when i foind out scott manley has a new video
<hoglahoo> ah
<Althego> what are these? dead memes?
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<sandbox> chuck norris can't die
<Althego> heroes never die
<sandbox> I used to have an art teacher that looked like him
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<Althego> they kept the earth zero g indicator on the station
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<Fluburtur> is there trumpet mutes with built in microphones
<Althego> smurd, smurfette, trump, trumpette :)
<Fluburtur> I guess putting a contact mic in a mute would work
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<david> stupid question time, anyone know the irc channel nathankell chats in when he's doing his rp-1 playthroughs? :) Thanks!
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<Fluburtur> I should buy french military rations, those are supposed to be very good
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